
"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" in the first part of "Chapter Five, The Wrath of Ned Rand" is a good excerpt and appreciation

author:Social wonder cloud

1. When I got up from the hard floor, I suddenly felt clear-headed and full of energy, and I was the first to wake up. So I looked at the cell again.

Appreciation: In the case of high mental tension, Professor Aronnax has difficulty sleeping peacefully, and careful observation of the surrounding environment shows that Professor Aronnax is still highly vigilant about the surrounding environment, believing that there are still possible dangers.

2. Therefore, it is imperative to change the air in our cells, and it is probably time for the submarine to change its air. Is it chemically obtained for air? Is it heated with potassium chlorate to release oxygen, or is carbon dioxide absorbed through potassium hydroxide? If so, it would have to maintain some kind of contact with the land in order to obtain the raw materials necessary for such operations. Maybe it just uses high air pressure to store air in the air receiver and then release the air according to the needs of the people on board? This is also possible. Perhaps more convenient, more economical, and at the same time more possible, like a whale, simply surfaced to breathe, changing the air every twenty-four hours. Either way, for the sake of prudence, I think it's time to use it right away.

Appreciation: A psychological depiction that highlights Aronnax's nervous mood at this time and his inner thoughts about any situation that may arise.

3. "But, Mr. Aronnax, I have no idea what time it is, and it should at least be dinner, right?" ”

Appreciation: Verbal descriptions that show that Ned Rand is a harpoon player with no heart compared to Professor Aronnax.

4. Ned Rand protested, "Call it lunch and dinner, whatever he brings." ”

Appreciation: Verbal descriptions that express Ned Rand's inner anger and pave the way for Venid Rand's attack on the waiter later.

5. "Of course you can get out!" That's good. Mr. Aronnax, do you think they will keep us in this iron box for a long time? ”

Appreciation: The verbal description shows that Ned Lan not only has no city and does not have a clear and rational understanding of the current situation, but is also irritable and unable to control his temper; it paves the way for the plot of Venid Rand almost killing a waiter in anger.

6. "It makes a lot of sense, Master Lan," I replied, "but, as far as I know, no one has yet made us a suggestion in this regard." Therefore, it is useless to discuss countermeasures when the situation has not yet arisen. I repeat, we have to wait, wait for the opportunity, don't look for nothing to do. ”

Appreciation: Verbal descriptions show that Professor Aronnax is a clear-headed man who can still think calmly in the face of unknown and dangerous situations; "making a lot of sense" shows that Professor Aronnax sees the irritable characteristics of Ned Rand and is trying to appease him.

7. "But I beg you to be patient until such an opportunity comes. We can only act according to the plan, and the fire alone cannot create a favorable opportunity. "I promise you, Mr. Professor." Ned Rand replied in an uneasy tone.

Appreciation: Through the description of the language of the characters, it is directly shown that Professor Aronnax has realized that the irritable characteristics of Ned Rand may cause them trouble.

8. Gradually I heard a curse in his throat and saw his movements becoming more and more threatening. He stood up, kicked the wall with his feet, and also tapped with his fists.

Appreciation: A series of action depict Ned Rand's anger vividly portrayed, and although Ned Rand ostensibly promised to quell his anger, the anger actually intensified, paving the way for the plot of Venned Rand nearly strangling the waiter to death.

9. Before we could stop him, our Canadian pounced on the poor man, knocked him to the ground, and choked him by the throat. This waiter was killed by Ned. Lanna's powerful hand squeezed so hard that he couldn't even breathe.

Appreciation: Inheriting the foreshadowing of the above, Ned Rand is already angry and difficult to calm down; at the same time, it indirectly portrays Ned Rand's chestless and reckless personality characteristics.

10. After a moment of silence, he said in a calm, contagious voice, "Gentlemen, I speak French, English, German and Latin. I could have answered you when we first met, but I wanted to get to know you first and then think about it. Your experience has been repeated four times in exactly the same way, which has convinced me of who you are. ”

Appreciation: Directly quoting the language of the characters, portraying the character characteristics of the captain who is very city-oriented, delicate and good at disguise; at the same time, it is confirmed that Professor Aronnax's observation and reasoning of the characters are in place.

11. This man speaks French fluently and without a slight accent, but I still "feel" that he is one of my compatriots.

Appreciation: The wording is precise, and the word "feel" indicates that Professor Aronnax did not let his guard down because the other party could speak pure French, he was still in a state of high tension, seeing the other party as an "enemy" and could bring danger at any time.

12. "Not intentionally?" The man raised his voice a little and asked rhetorically, "Isn't it intentional that the usable Lincoln is chasing me around the sea?" You boarded this destroyer, didn't that mean it? Your shells hit the hull of my ship, wasn't that intentional? Master Ned Rand used a harpoon fork to fork me, didn't that mean it either? ”

Appreciation: The simultaneous use of rhetorical questions and comparisons enhances the captain's tone when speaking, highlighting the captain's annoyance at the Lincoln's hunting and killing of them, and highlighting the captain's strong disapproval of Professor Aronnax's powerless rebuttal.

13. A smile appeared at the corner of the captain's mouth, and then he changed into a more gentle tone: "Mr. Aronnax," he replied, "are you sure that your destroyer is not chasing and shelling a submarine, but just a sea monster?" ”

Appreciation: Action depictions, "smiling" and "gentle" reflect the captain's arrogance, conceit and condescension.

14."Sir, you must understand," continued the stranger, "that I have the right to treat you as enemies. ”

Appreciation: The character language directly shows the captain's disdain and contempt for Professor Aronnax and his party, reflects the captain's arrogance, and also confirms that Professor Aaron's speculation on his personality when he first met the captain was correct; Professor Aronnax did not call him the captain, but replaced him with a "stranger", reflecting that Professor Aronnax was also extremely dissatisfied with the captain at this time, and his attitude and threat were extremely contemptuous.

15. I have not answered, once it comes to the time when the most powerful reason can be overthrown by force, what is the point of discussing such a topic?

Appreciation: The rhetorical question emphasizes Professor Aronnax's disdain for threats from the captain and his recognition that the captain's arrogance will be a possible risk factor.

16. Isn't that my right?

Appreciation: Continuing to quote rhetorical questions, re-emphasizing the captain's arrogance, condescension and disrespect for life, and even some cynicism.

17."This may be the right of the barbarians," I replied, "and this is not the right of civilized man." "Mr. Professor," the captain retorted angrily, "I am not the civilized man you speak of!" For reasons that I am entitled to feel, I have broken with the whole of human society. I advise you never to mention these things in front of me! ”

Appreciation: Verbal descriptions that express Professor Aronnax's anger that cannot be concealed under a series of condescending rhetorical questions, and also express Professor Aronnax's contempt for the captain.

18. "Say, sir," I replied, "I suppose this must be a condition acceptable to a man of integrity, right?" ”

Appreciation: "Upright man" is Professor Aronnax's language skills in negotiations, he sees through the captain's arrogance and good face, "upright man" statement makes the captain have to throw out a relatively reasonable condition for Professor Aronnax and his party.

19. "Having done so, I am responsible for everything, and everything has nothing to do with you, for I cannot allow you to see what you should not see." Can you accept this condition? ”

Appreciation: It shows that the captain does not want outsiders to spy on the secrets of the submarine; the final question sentence also shows that when faced with the topic of the secrets of the submarine, the captain is a little weak and unnatural, contrary to the arrogant posture just now.

20. So it seems that there must be something bizarre happening on board that people who follow social laws should not see! Among the unexpected events that I will encounter in the future, this matter should be without the slightest problem. So I replied.

Appreciation: Psychological description, the captain's words aroused Professor Aronnax's curiosity to explore the secrets of the submarine, forced by the current situation, Professor Aronnax temporarily accepted the captain's conditions.

21. "Yes, sir. This is just to make you throw away the shackles of the world, but people still think it is freedom. Maybe it won't be as uncomfortable as you think! ”

Appreciation: The language description portrays the cynical and almost impersonal psychology of the captain to the fullest, and stimulates the reader's curiosity: what causes the captain to have such a psychology, making the captain so angry and react so strongly to the outside world's human society.

22. "Ah," Ned. Lan roared, "I can't guarantee that I won't manage to escape!" ”

Appreciation: The language description once again reflects Ned Lan's chestless government, not calm at all, and his inner thoughts and ideas.

23. "I don't ask you for a guarantee, Master Lan." The captain replied coldly.

Appreciation: Verbal descriptions, "indifference" indicate that the captain did not take such a brainless person as Ned Lan in his eyes, showing the captain's disdain for Ned Lan.

24. "No, sir. This is mercy! You are my prisoners of war, and my words can throw you back to the bottom of the sea, but I still leave you! You have attacked me, you have come to steal secrets that no one in the world should know, and this is the secret of my life. Do you think I'm going to send you back to a land that has nothing to do with me anymore?" Absolutely not! I keep you not for you, but for myself! ”

Appreciation: Verbal descriptions, anger makes the captain no longer calm, reveals his inner emotions, and proves that the captain is extremely protective of his secrets.

25. "No commitment is required, sir." The stranger replied.

Appreciation: The precise use of words, the repetition of the reference to "strangers", shows that Professor Aronnax no longer respects the captain and is full of contempt.

26 He then said again in a more gentle tone, "Now you have to let me finish what I want to say to you. I know you, Mr. Aronnax. Unlike your companions, you probably wouldn't complain bitterly about chance that linked you to my destiny. Among the books I use for my favorite research, you'll find the one you published about the depths of the ocean. I read this book a lot. Your writings cover everything that science on land can cover, but you don't know everything, you've seen everything. So let me say to you, Mr. Professor, that you will not regret the time you spent on my ship. You will roam through the strange kingdom. Strangeness and consternation may become your psychological norm. The constant presence in front of you will make you tired of seeing it. On my next trip around the underwater world — perhaps for the last time, who knows — I'll see again everything I've studied in the depths of the oceans I've traveled so many times, and you'll be my companion in scientific research. From this day on, you will enter into a new environment in which you will see something that no one has ever seen — except for me and my companions — and it is because of me that our planet will reveal to you its last secrets. ”

Appreciation: Verbal description, suggesting that later articles will revolve around the theme of exploring the unknown world under the sea.

27. So I replied as follows: "Sir, although you have severed ties with human beings, I think you have not denied human emotions. We are the victims of the ship that you kindly took in, and we will not forget that. As for me, I will not fail to admit that if the interest in science can make one abandon the need for freedom, then our encounter will be a great compensation for me. ”

Appreciation: Verbal description, this response reflects the slowness of the understanding given by Captain Nemo when Professor Aronnax was shaken, and the atmosphere between the two sides was temporarily eased.

28. I tasted them all, and I was fascinated by Captain Nemo's incredible stories.

Appreciation: Straight to the chest, it shows that Professor Aronnax has been completely shaken and is about to embark on an underwater adventure.

29. "Yes, I love the sea. The sea is everything! It occupies seven-tenths of the Earth's area. Its breath is pure and healthy. The sea is a huge repository of nature. On the surface of the sea, they can also use some extremely unjust power to attack each other, devour each other, and bring all kinds of atrocities on land to them. However, thirty feet below sea level, their power ceased, their influence disappeared, and their might was gone! yes! Live, sir, live in the sea. There is independence only in the ocean, and here I am free! ”

Appreciation: The language description reflects Captain Nemo's heartfelt love for the seabed, which Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax have a common hobby, and the relationship between the two sides is further relaxed.

30. I am blessed by misfortune. Everything on the Nautilus, like the sea, mysteriously attracted me, and I couldn't wait to follow Captain Nemo on a tour.

Appreciation: Straight to the chest, from the initial nervousness, to the subsequent tense confrontation, the disdain for Captain Nemo, and then to the final "blessing by misfortune", Professor Aronnax's psychology gradually changed, and the relationship with Captain Nemo was gradually relaxed; following the plot of Professor Aronnax's exploration of the secrets of the submarine, stimulating the reader's interest in reading.

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