
It's hard to hide the joy! Cristiano Ronaldo posted the FIFA Men's Football Special Awards trophy in front of a private jet

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It's hard to hide the joy! Cristiano Ronaldo posted the FIFA Men's Football Special Awards trophy in front of a private jet

Live Bar January 19, 2019 Yesterday at the FIFA Annual Awards Ceremony, C Ronaldo was selected as the best team of the year and won the FIFA Men's Football Special Award. It is reported that C Luo's girlfriend Georgina and son Mini Luo also received the award.

At present, C Luo posted a photo of himself with the FIFA Special Awards trophy in front of the private plane in Instagram, and it is difficult to hide his joy.

Cristiano Ronaldo, 37, has played 21 games for United this season, contributing 14 goals and 3 assists.

(Night God)

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