
A generation of classics "On the Road"

author:Book Friends

Hello book friends, I am your new friend Xiao Shang, this is my first work on this site, and I will continue to update more beautiful classic books to explain to book friends in the future. I bring you a great book I saw recently, On The Road

A generation of classics "On the Road"

Since 1947, the wild travel of the "Beat Faction" across the United States has not only spawned "On the Road", but also ignited the entire era like a spark, prompting countless young people to embark on the road of self-pursuit.

Book author Jack. Kerouac is regarded as one of the most important figures in shaping contemporary youth culture, and On the Road is seen as an eternal spiritual manifesto that is still hot and enduring half a century later

A generation of classics "On the Road"

"On the Road" is the work of American writer Jack Kerouac, known as the soul of the "Beat Generation" in the United States, the originator of the hippie movement, the originator of the contemporary rock spirit... There are many nicknames about the author, look at what he looks like.

A generation of classics "On the Road"

All of the above names are derived from his shocking "On the Road", which may be more or less unfamiliar to everyone, but I say that a few fans of this book must be less unfamiliar, so let's start.

Nobel Laureate in Literature Bob. Dylan said: "Around 1959, I read On the Road. It completely changed my life, just as it changed the lives of each of us. To me, On the Road is like the Bible."

A generation of classics "On the Road"

The entrepreneurial icon Jobs, whom we know as another, is also an avid fan, the young Jobs founded Apple under the influence of "On the Road", and Jobs's Reed Academy is known for its free spirit and hippie lifestyle. Jobs himself was a hippie who dropped out of school, joined a farm commune, practiced vegetarianism, liked Buddhist Zen, tried psychedelics, and indulged in rock 'n' roll.

A generation of classics "On the Road"

The world's most famous rock band, The Beatles, Lennon, a fan of author Kerouac, began reading On the Road in college and was deeply influenced by the Beat generation, and the Beatles' name comes from beat.

A generation of classics "On the Road"

Well, this is the cultural influence of "On the Road", and there are many small editors who will not explain them one by one. Xiaobian gave readers a popular science of "On the Road" popular culture.

Beat Generation

On the Road defines the postwar Beat generation as the Bible of the countercultural generation. The Beat Generation is a collection of rebellious young writers in the United States after World War II, a name first proposed by Kerouac in 1948.

A generation of classics "On the Road"


"On the Road" is recognized as directly spawning the hippie movement of the 60s. In Greenwich Village on the East Coast of the United States in the 1960s, a group of young counterculturers influenced by the Beat Generation called themselves "hips" who opposed violence and advocated "love and peace" and launched a resistance movement in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park in 1697.

A generation of classics "On the Road"

Although the book is 50 years old, the famous quotes in the book are not unfamiliar to us, such as:

While I am young and vigorous, I will fight with life for a few more years.

Forever young, always in tears.

We still have a longer way to go, but it doesn't matter, the road is life.

You find me bowing my head to mediocrity, please shoot at me


There are more wonderful parts of this book, Xiaobian is telling more and more interesting stories in the next issue because of the word count, and book friends support a little attention, we will see you in the next issue.

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