
There's a song called "On the Road."

author:Cow cow 120713

There is a song called "On the Road", which was sung by Liu Huan, and the first time I heard this song was an inspirational dance choreographed by the company's security department and administrative staff at the company party.

On that day, I had to go on the road, for the restless heart, for the survival of self-esteem, for the proof of self-denial, the bitterness of the road has melted into my eyes.

The plight of the heart has become my firmness,

On the way, with the voice of my heart,

On the road, only for the people who accompany me,

On the road, it is the long journey of my life,

On the road, only for the people who warm me.

At that time, they were acting in a sitcom, a scene where a group of people fell down and then got up and struggled through the wind and rain.

Accompanied by heavy, loud songs, in the storm, their faces were formal and determined, and they walked forward step by step.

On the road, each of us is on the road, life is a journey, we don't know when it is the end, only keep moving forward, and then moving forward.

Despite all kinds of difficulties and obstacles in the process, as long as we can embrace hope, we will definitely come out of a beautiful landscape.

Two electric cars, plus a bicycle, a family, a group, ride on the road. We walked forward purposefully, the road was not a flat road, and occasionally there were three or four uphill slopes, both large and small.

One of them is tired, and someone else will come on as a substitute and move on.

The autumn wind blows a little cold, and the daughter behind the car keeps shouting: Mommy is cold, the next time you come out, you must help me bring a long sleeve.

"Well, well, definitely! Coming out today, I didn't expect it to be so cold. ”

He comforted his daughter, and then looked down at the third elder, the third is also very powerful, every time he rides to take him out, he is very cooperative, not crying or making trouble, occasionally watching the hands play, occasionally putting the feet up, upside down to play.

There's a song called "On the Road."

Today we rode a little far, from home to my sister's home, it takes about forty kilometers to come and go.

I had planned to ride all the way down, but when I reached ten kilometers, my legs felt very hard, and looking at the next journey, there were three more uphills, and the slope was not small.

So I took my sister's advice and instead let her ride with her daughter, and I rode an electric car.

Unfortunately, my electric car is not very powerful because of the long time, and when it is last uphill, because the slope is large and long, it makes me feel that I am not pedaling fast.

In order to catch up with my sister's son, I ran all the way, afraid that he would not pay attention to his bicycle, after all, he was still a child, and his reaction ability was still limited.

When we got to the flat place, we stopped and waited for my sister and them, and waited for about ten minutes before she caught up with us.

"Oh, you don't wait for the two of you, just uphill is really tired!"

"Or will you let me ride?"

"I've all ridden here, I'll ride!"

"There are two more uphills ahead, you see!"

Still the child's physical strength is good, and her daughter is still able to continue to ride, pulling us far behind.

My sister rode in front, I followed behind, did not dare to get up too fast, and my electric car could not get up too fast, especially climbing.

Before reaching the top of the slope, my sister said, "You ride it!" ”

Stepping on the bike again, my thighs and calves were struggling, especially the next uphill, I was eager to get down and push, and finally insisted on riding to the top.

When I rode to the top, I saw my sister standing on the side of the road waiting for me, and when she saw me coming, she discussed with me whether to turn around and go back.

I saw that it was a little dark, it was close to the evening, there were no street lights on this road, if you want to go back, you have to go back early, or you can't go back at night.

In fact, you can also stay at my sister's house for one night and then leave, but because of the worry that her mother is at home alone, she does not use her mobile phone very much, and if we do not go back, she will worry.

After thinking about it again and again, I decided to go back, when I went back, my sister let her son continue to ride, and I did not return the way back according to the same way, afraid of going uphill and downhill, and then going uphill.

Choosing a more gentle route will be a little easier, after all, everyone is a little tired.

I was still behind the palace, riding an electric car behind my son and my sister and son, and kept telling them to pull over.

It was smooth at first, the road was gentle, and we walked very fast. When we walked to Mazhai, my sister said that she would take us to cut a short road, and when it was dark, the children were hungry, and they could buy some food in Huiquan Xiyue City.

Mazhai's restaurants and restaurants are closed, even the Milk Tea Shop in Mixue Ice City, which is close to the bustling shopping mall, is also closed, and there is no way to watch the rows of tall buildings blocked by a small mound.

Because there are mounds, there is a thunderstorm before going out in the afternoon, which makes the dirt road more muddy.

I looked at the electric car riding in front of me, I also tried, just let my sister wait for me on the same road, I rode alone to check it out.

This is a bad thing to see, because it is raining and the roads are piled up with dirt, which makes the electric car start to slip. Just as I was about to turn around and return, the wheels slipped badly and the turning car tilted a little.

As a result, a stumbling car brought people down, and I tried as hard as I could not to let the car fall, but it still fell.

There was also a young son and daughter in the car, in fact, they did not touch them, perhaps instinctively afraid of reaction, and the young son cried loudly.

I quickly threw the car and picked up my young son, and the daughter behind me stood up and did not bump, because the car was slowly landing on the ground, and if it was a very fast speed, it was estimated that both of them would be injured.

I picked up my youngest son and handed him to my daughter, who was already standing, only to see that my daughter, who was more than 5 years old, was holding her steadily, and I also held my younger son to my sister.

When the children were arranged, I lifted the car up again and wiped the mud off my hands with a wet wipe. Turn on the headlights, tell your daughter to do a good job, continue to ride, and so on.

This time I remembered that you must never take unfamiliar roads when it is dark, especially after rain or snow.

The rest of the journey was smoother, we came to Xiyue City, and after a ramen restaurant and the owner talked about it, the owner agreed to let us eat at their shop.

A bowl of ramen noodles under the belly, driving away the fatigue and cold along the way, really a little cold.

After eating, I asked my sister not to wait for us any longer, and the rest of the route rode home with my eldest son.

Along the Fourth Ring Bridge, cycling all the way to Zhongyuan Road, and then walking east along Zhongyuan Road, we saw rows of gray high-rise buildings that were our home.

We often say to our son, "Look, the row of houses opposite is our house, and when we see them, our house is near!" ”

The son said casually: This is also very close!

Good looking kid! This way down, he rode farther than I did, almost thirty kilometers.

There's a song called "On the Road."

On the road, we are also on the road, this period of accompanying my son to ride a bicycle, I hope to let my son understand: we have been on the road, we must have enough patience to go through the whole journey!

Tiredness will definitely be there, think of Ruth across from the home, may also be the person who loves themselves, is what sustains us to continue to move forward!

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