
Micro video 丨 on the road

author:Xinhuanet client

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When you think of the Long March, what comes to mind?

Every generation has a long march for each generation

Everyone has everyone's Long March story

The seeds that were once sown have blossomed and borne fruit

We are always on the road...

The 85th anniversary of the victory of the Long March

Micro video 丨 on the road
Micro video 丨 on the road

Producers: Jia Fenyong, Zhou Genghu

Planner: He Yuxin

Choreographer: Zhang Yue

Coordinator: Wang Junlu, Guo Yuanming, Lu Ying

Reporters: Zhang Xinxin, Zhou Yuan, Sun Yi, Hu Zhe, Lu Ying, Liu Bin, Ma Xiaodong, Lü Ze

Reporters: Qiao Xiaopeng, Li Yue, Wu Qingliang, Yan Xin

Visual design: Sheng Ruili

Acknowledgements: Rong Media Center, Fengtai District, Beijing

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