
Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

author:Shepherd without sheep

The famous Austrian writer Zweig said:

Fairy tales can be read twice in a lifetime.

Once as a child, when innocent and faithful to a vibrant, colorful fairy tale world;

Once, much later, a long time later, the fiction of fairy tales was already clear

When children are young, children are full of the power of belief, so fairy tales are the imagination of truth, goodness and beauty.

But once you grow up, experience the pains of growth, and the dyeing vat of society, adults will no longer learn to believe. Fairy tales become outright lies.

The film to be introduced today was nominated for the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

It is actually not short, divided into two episodes, a total of 57 minutes. What's more, it's a fairy tale dedicated to adults.

After reading it, maybe you will choose to believe again -

Rebel Nursery Rhymes

Revolting Rhymes

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, The Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Pea... These familiar fairy tales, you must have heard tired of it.

What if I said they were actually the same story?

What if I say, the narrator of this story is a big bad wolf that eats people and does not see bones?

Are you curious, what's going on?

Come on --

On a wet, rainy night, the chubby nanny walks into a coffee shop. She had a collection of fairy tales in her hand and planned to tell bedtime stories to the child she was looking after later.

At this time, another customer came in from the shop.

He was a wolf, sitting in front of her.

On this eerie night, the store's heating and the smell of coffee beans paralyzed the nanny's vigilance. She began to hear stories from the unknown big bad wolf.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

The first is a fairy tale about revenge.

In this story, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, and Three Little Pigs appear one after another.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

Snow White is still beautiful. As a result, he was hunted down by the jealous stepmother to send hunters and met seven dwarfs.

Little Red Riding Hood still goes to the forest to find her grandmother, but finds that her grandmother has been eaten by wolves and she is doomed.

The three piglets were still hunted down by wolves, and the first two did not escape the fate.

But the story told by the big bad wolf is particularly different—the familiar recipes are all reversed.

Snow White did not eat the poisoned apple and was saved by a passing prince.

Little Red Riding Hood was not eaten by the Great Bad Wolf, but was helped by the hunters he met.

In previous stories, they relied only on luck. In this story, they rely on their own wisdom and courage.

Snow White knows how to use her beauty to hitch a ride with the Seven Dwarfs and start a new life in the city.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

After the seven dwarfs gambled and lost all their belongings, she ventured back to the palace, stole the magic mirror that was like a god, and went to the road to prosperity.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

Little Red Riding Hood becomes a frightening sharpshooter, killing the wolf disguised as a grandmother alone and making the wolf hair into his own fluffy coat as a trophy.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

The third piglet, though extremely clever, could not escape the lust of profit and stole Little Red Riding Hood's savings for many years.


Little Red Riding Hood has since added a pigskin suitcase.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

After watching this "Kill Bill" style revenge road, do you feel very emotional?

But until the end, you will find that this fairy tale is the suspenseful foreshadowing of the "Invisible Guest".

Now, go back to the beginning with questions. Why would the big bad wolf choose this rainy night to tell a story to a strange woman?

Why does he frequently look at the house opposite the coffee shop?

Don't forget what I said, it's a story about revenge.

Where did the stories of Cinderella and Jack and the Pea go? Don't worry.

The Big Bad Wolf will also tell a second fairy tale, a story about letting go.

This fairy tale is also different -

Here, Cinderella is an emotionally hot-tempered, unreasonable adolescent girl. Every day, she shouted that the elf mother-in-law would make her the most beautiful woman and attend the prince's ball.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

And the prince, who was supposed to change Cinderella's fate, became a disgusting guy with a murderous addiction. The poor boy Jack, on the other hand, has a crush on Cinderella, but feels that he is not worthy of her.

Thus began a whole new story of revenge and abandonment: Piglet became the insatiable bank manager, the cause of Little Red Riding Hood's killing. The Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood are also inextricably linked. In the end, the big bad wolf faced the children and chose to let go of the hatred after telling the second story.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

Finally, I want to talk about the most attractive thing about this film -

The reason why "Rebel Nursery Rhymes" is rebellious is not that it subverts conventions. The real reason is that it respects human nature.

You see, Cinderella, who was bullied by her stepmother's family, never ate good food and wore good clothes. She grew up in depression and anger, becoming hungry for money and vain.

It wasn't until he saw the true face of the prince that he realized what he really wanted before he died.

Weak Little Red Riding Hood holds a gun, but because of hesitation, he watches Snow White disappear into the forest.

So she learned to be decisive and strong, vowing to protect her loved ones.

The fairy tale characters in the film are not perfect.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

They have been entangled in their own desires, pushed to the edge of the cliff by the shortcomings of their personality. But because of this, their growth and victory are more full of meaning.

I think this is the most meaningful inspiration for a fairy tale.

In the film, what moved me the most was this scene -

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

The big bad wolf looked at Little Red Riding Hood, took off his hat in salute, and said, "Little Red Riding Hood, goodbye." ”

Little Red Riding Hood watched him go away from the window, a look of confusion.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

In this seemingly grotesque fairy tale, they have a truly happy ending: learning to forgive.

Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme
Do you still believe in fairy tales? Please take a look at this rebellious nursery rhyme

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