
Revolutionaries, who strive for ideals all their lives

author:Parent circle

Original Text/Xiaofei

The National Day brush drama is a good time, "Revolutionaries", "1921" brush blood boiling, several tears. Even the most disliked barrage in peacetime is paying tribute to Li Dazhao and the revolutionary ancestors, and he does not regret entering China in this life... The feelings of the heart are brought in again and again.

I am ashamed, although I heard Li Dazhao's name in the primary school textbook. But for decades, it probably only stayed in the conceptualized and defined terms of Chinese Communist Party members and revolutionary martyrs. Without any feeling, without any meaning, like the bookish understanding of the unified, politically significant noun of the ancestors. There is a kind of natural indifference and neglect, and I am still ashamed when I think about it.

Revolutionaries, who strive for ideals all their lives

Perhaps we who have not experienced the war filled with smoke and smoke, and who were born to enjoy a peaceful and happy life, cannot empathize with the dark ages when our ancestors were once dark and enslaved. Just as we can't cherish every grain like our predecessors who lived through great disasters and famines.

Experiences will be like sensory nerves implanted in the body, always stirring you to recall every scene in the past. Makes you feel like a crime when you want to throw away a grain of grain.

Remembering the bittersweet memories that parents would mention when they were children, when the teacher explained the word in class, even the examples we gave were stories that we had never been able to empirically prove. Until one day in the countryside, the day when I ate cornmeal three times a day, my cousin said that I would also experience the "bitterness and sweetness", so that I would cherish the life I had now.

Revolutionaries, who strive for ideals all their lives

That time I kind of understood the meaning of bittersweet, but unfortunately, my cousin's mother changed the cornmeal made in three meals, and I didn't feel bad, but I fell in love with it ever since. Later, I could rarely eat the cornmeal that I ate in the countryside when I was a child, and the fragrance, the pure fragrance, the rough granular cornmeal made of stone grinding, became a delicate and delicate product like salt in the city. It looks good, it's soft, but it always feels like something is wrong.

We don't even have a chance to really reminisce, let alone our next generation. Sometimes things that are just said with your mouth always seem so monotonous. Therefore, in order to allow more of the next generation to have more feelings and understandings, it is particularly important to do in-depth education for ideas and cultivate culture rooted in the heart.

Although it is impossible to go back in time to experience, in the process of education, the spirit that can be inherited and carried forward will be applied to everything that is experienced now, which is the most current way.

Revolutionaries, who strive for ideals all their lives

Pass on the stories of the martyrs to the children, in various ways, let them see the same beliefs and truths that we can hold on to in different environments and different contexts. Let them see the indomitable spirit of eternal existence, and see the cause and mission that can be fought for for life.

People go to the world for decades, are you ready to pay for your ideals? Look for the direction that you can strive for for the rest of your life and realize your dreams!


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