
Dark constellation - Leo

Dark constellation - Leo

Dark Constellation - Leo

Leos seem to be very confident in whatever they do, and it is easy to get close to people, so they always have many friends around them and never let the people around them see what they really think. Even if you have difficulties, you will not tell the other party, for fear of being seen through by others, let others know your weaknesses, then it will be easy to deal with you in the future.

Overconfidence also causes them to become conceited, somewhat inferior, and once they hear something blowing, then they will suspect that someone is doing something behind their backs. They don't want people to see their careful side, even if they have any dissatisfaction with others, they won't say it, Leo will only be a good old man.

Knowing people and not knowing the heart are like Leos, because they are superficially the same to everyone. But the heart will show a different side to everyone, and Leo, who is very deep in the city, will not let you see the dark side of your belly.

They look silly, can be manipulated, in fact, the heart is like a mirror, but they just don't want to say it, so this also tells us that if there is no need to really not provoke Leo, they will make you pay a certain price.

Leo's black belly lies in the fact that he is only allowed to be a strong person, and Leo wants to be the best person in the eyes of everyone. So Leo has been working hard, whether it is the effort of Leo that you can see, or when it is not known, Leo silently makes a lot of preparations, which is actually a symbol of Leo people's refusal to lose.

In fact, Leo people look very honest on the surface, as if they are very good at bullying, but if you really bully the head of Leo, then you have to be careful, Leo although it will not behave very obviously, but the heart is already planning to plate, bullying Leo, they will retaliate with tit-for-tat, let you know that there is no good end to bullying people casually. Sometimes, if a lion meets someone he doesn't like, he will give him some color to see.

The image of Leo people to others has always been a very strong, very responsible big man (woman) person. Therefore, they will not easily open their hearts to let others see their weaknesses. Leo people are keen to pursue fame and profit, and many times they will think about how to maximize their profits and how to make themselves successful.

They like to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take what they want, will not sit still, waiting for the pie to be delivered to their mouths, especially when they meet someone they like, they are very domineering, but they are also very smart, they will try all kinds of ways to make the other party notice themselves, let the other party take the first step, meet their sense of achievement, so that they will feel happy, private small means Some of the small means are not known to you. Leo people are better at disguising themselves, so that others can't tell their true intentions, or the representative of the city government's deep constellation.

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