
The Beijing Winter Olympics Are Not a Stage for Western Anti-China Forces to Play the "Taiwan Card" (Cross-Strait Observation)

author:International Online

In the next ten days, Chinese will usher in two major events, namely the Spring Festival, the most grand traditional festival, and the 24th Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. At a time when the global epidemic prevention situation is suddenly tense, China's hosting of the Winter Olympics as scheduled can be described as a reassuring pill for the people of the world. At the same time, in view of the fact that China's traditional festival Spring Festival has become quite influential in many countries, it can be said that the whole world is welcoming the arrival of the two major events with Chinese people in a joyful manner. However, there are always some forces on the earth who do not want to watch mankind live a peaceful life, for example, the anti-China forces led by the United States have gathered together to break into the door of China's home to stir up trouble, and they have an iron heart to stir up trouble.

There is a trend that during the Spring Festival and the Beijing Winter Olympics, the United States will lead its allies to conduct military exercises around China. In this regard, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that on December 2 last year, the 76th session of the Unrelated General Assembly unanimously adopted the resolution on the Olympic Truce of the Beijing Winter Olympics, urging all countries to truce and cease hostilities before and after the Beijing Winter Olympics. The spokesman said that the Beijing Winter Olympics is an international sports event, especially under the epidemic situation, countries should practice the Olympic motto of "higher, faster, stronger and more united", and bring hope for human cooperation and overcome difficulties by hosting a successful Winter Olympics.

For the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics, many countries have expressed their support. In addition to Russian President Vladimir Putin, UN Secretary-General António Guterres and other political leaders confirmed their attendance at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, many countries or international organizations have also clearly expressed their opposition to the politicization of the Olympic Games and the so-called "diplomatic boycott" of the Beijing Winter Olympics by the United States. Czech President Zeman said that "I firmly oppose the use of the Olympic idea by politics" and that "the absence of these political clowns will not have any impact on the Olympic Games". India, France, Pakistan and other countries are also looking forward to China's hosting of a successful Winter Olympics. It can be seen that the despicable act of the so-called "diplomatic boycott" of the Beijing Winter Olympics is unpopular.

Susan Braunel, a well-known sports researcher in the United States and a professor at the University of Missouri-Saint Louis, said, "I agree with the position of the International Olympic Committee and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee. I think that engagement is always a better option, and that resistance does not serve political purposes and will only cause harm to athletes. She also pointed out that "American athletes are used by the US government as 'pawns'." ”

Japan's Mainichi Shimbun reported that The Japanese sports community criticized the government's decision not to send senior officials such as cabinet members to attend the Beijing Winter Olympics as a political exploitation of sports.

Under the situation of the continuous escalation of the Sino-US strategic game, the "Taiwan card" of the United States has played a loud game, and even extended its dirty hands to such a sacred international highest sports event as the Olympic Games. However, the protagonists of the Olympic Games have always belonged to the brave athletes, not the politicians. The noise of "diplomatic resistance" issued by a small number of politicians in the West is doomed to be unable to stop the high enthusiasm of mankind for the Winter Olympics. Some commentators have made wonderful remarks, that is, the Olympic Games are a stage for athletes from all over the world to display their sports skills and sportsmanship, and they are by no means a diplomatic stage for Western politicians led by the United States, still less a stage for those anti-China forces to use the "Taiwan card" to gain capital for themselves. Nothing else. (Author: Zuo Zhen)

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