
In Hitler's plan to dominate the world, winning the Soviet Union, which country will attack next?

The initiator of world war II was Germany, which played a leading role in the European theater. Just as Japan has been invading the continent in an all-round way, Germany wants to occupy the entire European region. However, the difference is that the only one who can compete with Japan in the Asian battlefield is China, and China does not occupy the advanced military weapons and equipment to win Japan, but China is united. But the battlefield in Europe is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, of which the Soviet Union, Britain, the United States and other countries are not to be underestimated, even if Germany is very strong, but it is impossible to eliminate every country by itself.

In Hitler's plan to dominate the world, winning the Soviet Union, which country will attack next?

However, Hitler was not a person who gave up easily, and Hitler had already made a plan for the battle. Because the attitude of the United States during World War II was neutral. Germany was in no hurry to attack the United States, and Germany and the United States were separated by an endless ocean. Germany's air and naval strength was limited, and when the army was useless, Germany rushed to attack the United States almost with pebbles. Therefore, Germany wanted to use Britain's powerful navy and air force to invade the United States.

It's just that Britain is also a country with a lot of military power. How can Germany gnaw the hard bones of Britain? Unexpectedly, Hitler actually fought a non-loss-making business. In the map of Hitler's occupation of Europe. The Soviet Union was not the first country. The first country was actually Britain, and Germany wanted to force Britain to surrender without a single soldier. Only because the German army exceeded 17 million, Germany wanted to use this to deter Britain from standing on the same line as itself. Obviously, ruyi abacus did not play right.

In Hitler's plan to dominate the world, winning the Soviet Union, which country will attack next?

Instead, the Soviet Union became unplanned, and the Soviet Union took the lead in strengthening the Romanian oil fields and occupying the right to exploit the oil, which made Hitler very angry. After all, even if Germany launches a war of aggression, the domestic economic and industrial development cannot be left behind. Without oil, it meant that the economic lifeblood was in the hands of the Soviet Union. Where can Hitler endure? Even though the Romanian oil fields originally belonged to the Soviet Union, they were on the battlefield. The purpose of war is aggression. Hitler was bound to win for the Romanian oil fields. So in a fit of rage, Hitler took the lead in waging war against the Soviet Union.

In Hitler's plan to dominate the world, winning the Soviet Union, which country will attack next?

So everyone thought that the first country Hitler intended to conquer was the Soviet Union, but it was not. Originally, Hitler hoped that Britain would surrender and then capture the Soviet Union. With the support of the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, two countries. Germany was not worried that the United States would not surrender. However, although the plan changed, Germany did not take the Soviet Union seriously. During the months of war with the Soviet Union, Germany was almost invincible. But just when Germany was complacent, Germany lost the Battle of Moscow. And the loss was particularly painful, because Japan did not become an ally of Germany and capture the Soviet Union together, as agreed. Instead, he played the role of pig teammate and broke out into a Pacific war with the United States.

In Hitler's plan to dominate the world, winning the Soviet Union, which country will attack next?

Once the United States was drawn into the fray, Hitler's entire battle plan would be disrupted. Hitler knew by then that it was too late, because the United States would inevitably join Britain, the Soviet Union and other countries to deal with Germany, and Germany would become the target of public criticism. Isolated and helpless, Germany eventually collapsed.

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