
Projection effect: The world in your eyes is actually the inner world, and the manifestations of self-projection are diverse, mainly in two ways: how to reduce our inner projection? We can also consciously reduce the negative impact of the projection effect on interpersonal communication and change our thinking for our own use. Hee-hee psychology

author:Hee-hee psychology

The projection effect refers to the tendency to attribute one's own characteristics to others.

Projection effect: The world in your eyes is actually the inner world, and the manifestations of self-projection are diverse, mainly in two ways: how to reduce our inner projection? We can also consciously reduce the negative impact of the projection effect on interpersonal communication and change our thinking for our own use. Hee-hee psychology

When people perceive and form impressions of others, they think that others also have similar characteristics to themselves, and project their feelings, wills, and characteristics onto others and impose them on others, that is, the cognitive disorders of pushing themselves and others.

In the process of interpersonal cognition, people often assume that others have the same attributes, hobbies, emotions, tendencies, etc. as themselves, and often think that others take it for granted what is in their hearts.

In fact, it is also a manifestation of psychological fixation, which evaluates people's own psychological characteristics as a preparation for recognizing others, as a standard for recognizing others.

There was a very interesting experiment in psychology:

Psychologists have makeup artists create an ugly scar on the faces of a group of subjects.

After the makeup, I took a mirror and let them look at the scar.

The makeup artist then told the subjects that a layer of powder needed to be applied to their faces to keep the makeup in place.

But in reality, the real role of this layer of powder is to erase scars.

After wiping the powder, the faces of this group of people were no different from ordinary people. However, the subject was unaware of this.

Then they went down the street, and when they came back,

They reported that passers-by were very unfriendly to them, rude and always stared at their faces.

Obviously, in this experiment, the subject projected his own ideas onto others. Many times our feelings and opinions are likely to deviate from the facts, but because of the projection effect, we are kept in the dark.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > the forms of self-projection are diverse, mainly in two ways:</h1>

Emotional Projection:

That is, to think that the likes and dislikes of others are the same as their own, to force the characteristics of others into their own established box, and to understand them according to their own way of thinking.

For example, if you like something, the topic of talking to others is always inseparable from this matter, whether others are interested in it or not, whether they can listen to it or not. If you can't resonate with others, you think that others don't give face or don't understand yourself.

Lack of objectivity in cognition:

For example, some people like people more and more about the people or things they like, and the more they look at the advantages, the more they hate the people or things they don't like, and the more they look at the shortcomings, the more they look at the shortcomings.

Therefore, they show excessive praise and praise for the people or things they like, and excessively accuse or even slander the people or things they dislike.

This psychological tendency to think that the people or things you like are beautiful, the people or things you hate are ugly, and project your feelings onto these people or things to beautify or ugly, lose the objectivity of cognition in interpersonal communication, resulting in subjective assumptions and falling into the quagmire of prejudice.

In fact, we live in a lot of our own projections every day. It's easy to project our emotions, preferences, and past experiences onto others, but we often don't realize it, or we don't want to admit it.

All relationships are a mirror, and the others you see through this mirror are also ourselves, and what you see from others is actually yourself.

Our opinions about others actually depend on what we want to see, what we want to believe, and what kind of self we see in them determines who we see.

A person who is good at calculation will think that others are also obsessed;

A person who lies a lot will think that others are also hypocritical and untrustworthy;

A person who is in the twilight will think that others will also play a trick;

A selfish person will think that others are greedy and immoral.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="104" how can > reduce our inner projection? </h1>

In fact, projection is a psychological defense mechanism. The defense mechanism, as the name suggests, can play a defensive role in a person's psychological stability and is not affected by strong external stimuli.

Some projections will have certain benefits until our perception is not enhanced, but they will also bring other problems. For example, we often have no way to see ourselves, to face our own inner beings, and to see the truth of the facts.

So, in fact, a lot of our learning is a process of reducing our inner projection. Let the truth be revealed.

1. Enhance awareness

To enhance awareness is to have the spirit and attitude of "my three provinces and my body". In your own life, you should always look at the beliefs that arise in your heart and reflect on yourself.

The emotion comes, watch how the emotion arises, how it goes; the thought arises, see where the thought comes from, what is behind it. The more clearly we can see the workings of our inner emotions and thoughts, the more aware we become of ourselves.

2. Enhance the tolerance force

To enhance tolerance, that is, to increase the amount of our mind, along with the increase of our awareness, we will see a lot of things that we have not noticed before, and there may be many things that we are not willing to admit or change.

Because acknowledging that change means that we have to break through our comfort zone, the process is uncomfortable. Although it is uncomfortable, our tolerance (heart volume) will also slowly increase in this process.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="105" > we can also consciously reduce the negative impact of projection effects on interpersonal communication, change ideas, and use them for us.


Use the projection effect to better understand others

In real life, through a person's evaluation of others, we can understand him more accurately.

As human beings, we have commonalities, so the projection effect may be correct at some times; but there is a richer personality beyond the commonality, and if the projection effect is too serious, it will be misunderstood.

On the one hand, we should look at ourselves and others objectively and fairly to overcome the projection effect; on the other hand, the projection effect can also become a weapon for us to recognize people, and through someone's evaluation of others, we can understand him more accurately.

Do not force others to ask for their own preferences

Now that we understand that judging others based on our own preferences and feelings is actually a psychological projection, we must strive to avoid this tendency. The best way to avoid this tendency is to establish a sense of boundaries.

Whether it is a parent-child relationship or a romantic relationship, we can only make suggestions in the relationship, but in the end, we must respect each other's boundaries and give him the autonomy to choose. Don't judge and demand others based on your own feelings and preferences, build a sense of boundaries, and life will be a lot less troublesome.

Be able to understand and accept the differences of others

"There's a real reason behind anything that seems ridiculous. If you think it's ridiculous, it's probably that you don't understand it. "

Each of us has our own coordinate system, which is our measure of evaluating things. Our different experiences and different personalities inevitably lead to different coordinate systems. If we stubbornly evaluate each other by our own standards, the inevitable result is poor communication and social failure.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="109" > hee-huan psychology</h1>

Many times our feelings and opinions are likely to deviate from the facts, but because of the projection effect, we are kept in the dark.

But self-projection is not a simple defect, on the contrary, many times self-projection is a social behavior, which can help society establish norms and mutual assistance behaviors.

Similarly, in communication with less individual differences, self-projection can also better help us to empathize and empathize with others.

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