
Made in China to open up the international market, how recognized is the product in foreign countries?

author:Industry and trade through train

Years ago, Chinese manufacturing may not be good enough, it was not recognized, and even if it was done well, it had to be disguised to improve market acceptance and recognition.

However, we Chinese to be angry. At that time, we were not as good as people, we did not have the right to speak in many brand fields, we developed silently, low-key people, high-profile work, after more than ten years of development and progress, it can be said that our domestic brands have kicked away the "cottage fake and inferior" plaque, And the products made in China can also be high-quality, innovative and more modern.

Nowadays, more and more Chinese-made products have opened up the international market, and more and more Chinese brands have gained world recognition.

Many domestic brands can stand on the world stage with their heads held high, such as the queue of domestic mobile phone brands OnePlus to buy, when you see a large number of young Americans queuing up to buy in New York's Times Square, if you don't see Apple, don't be surprised, it is a mobile phone from China, it is called OnePlus, with its exquisite and ingenious appearance and simple innovation inside, whether in the United States, The United Kingdom or India, OnePlus mobile phones have gained a large number of loyal fans.

Made in China to open up the international market, how recognized is the product in foreign countries?

At the same time, domestic brands have also been more recognized and praised by the Chinese people, such as the recognition of domestic beauty brands, according to the "2019 Domestic Beauty Insight Report" released by Tencent Advertising, from the perspective of market share, national cosmetics brands have occupied 56% of the market share of the domestic beauty market; from the perspective of consumer purchase willingness, 42% of consumers are more willing to choose domestic beauty brands, 90% of consumers said that they will buy domestic beauty again in the future, which is absolutely unimaginable a few years ago. However, it is the unremitting research and development and innovation of beauty brands that tear off the labels of domestic beauty "low-end" and "cottage", and quickly occupy half of the domestic beauty market with more extreme cost performance.

It is true that the products made in China have such a black history, domestic brands are not trusted by domestic consumers, and are often labeled by consumers as fake and shoddy stereotypes, even if the brand side is going all out to do a good job of a product, but when it is publicized and issued, it has not been the actual experience of consumers, and may face overwhelming bad reviews and criticism.

At that time, it was more difficult for Chinese-made products to go to sea, and even some foreigners would replace the label made in China in order to sell at a higher price, on the one hand, and labor value and production costs, on the other hand, it also showed that it was difficult for Chinese-made products to be recognized abroad.

But no matter how difficult it is, we are not afraid, although the road is difficult, we still ride the wind and waves, hanging on the clouds.

In the past few decades, Chinese brands have seized the opportunity of economic globalization in a timely manner and achieved rapid growth driven by market factors. In 2006, only 20 Chinese brands were selected in the Fortune 500, and 119 Chinese brands were selected in 2019, which is comparable to the number of Chinese brands in the United States, and the number of Chinese brands selected in the Fortune 500 in 2020 increased to 133, surpassing the United States and ranking first in the world.

Three days of Shibetsu, when the eyes are impressed, not to mention the development of decades of Chinese manufacturing. In the modern industrial system, industry can be divided into 41 industrial categories, 191 medium categories, 525 sub-categories, it should be noted that the complete industrial system pays more attention to the large and complete, rather than the high-tech. In terms of the completeness of the industrial system, China is the only country in the world that has all the industrial categories in the United Nations Industrial Classification.

The benefits of a complete industrial system to China's manufactured products are significant, a comprehensive industrial system can reduce the supporting production costs of products, which is conducive to the production of higher quality, but lower price products, the rise of domestic beauty mentioned earlier, to a certain extent, benefits from the comprehensive industrial system.

Due to the low cost of domestic labor in the early days, many international large-name cosmetics ODM/OEM manufacturers have set up factories in China earlier, after one or two decades of development, all aspects of the domestic cosmetics manufacturing industry have unique advantages in terms of technology, production capacity and business coverage.

Although from the perspective of the overall cosmetics industry chain, the upstream raw material suppliers are still monopolized by overseas daily chemical raw material giants, but in the case of sufficient supply of raw materials, the advantages of domestic cosmetics manufacturers are very obvious, which also makes domestic cosmetics quickly occupy the market after innovative styling design and brand concept, and cause young people to pursue and hoard.

Made in China to open up the international market, how recognized is the product in foreign countries?

But eliminating prejudice doesn't seem like a day or two.

Not long ago, when chatting with a friend who was doing a domestic brand, he told me about their company's brand, saying: "No matter how good the products you make, they (some consumers) just don't accept, don't experience, and don't pay." ”

Of course, he also mentioned that compared with before, the acceptance and favorability of both domestic consumers and foreign consumers for Chinese-made and domestic brands is getting better and better.

Looking at the world, Chinese-made products also have a certain degree of recognition and favorability, with the promotion of some policies, Chinese brands have gradually opened up the international market and launched brand names, such as Chinese brands gradually entering the countries along the "Belt and Road", making the recognition and satisfaction of students in countries along the route to some Chinese brands is high, especially electrical appliances and sports brands, such as Huawei, Li Ning, Haier.

At the same time, Made in China has also opened up the world market, many people will buy souvenirs when traveling abroad, only to find that after returning home, they found that they were written in China at the back of the souvenirs, which was embarrassing, but also confirmed the world influence of Chinese manufactured products, but most of these products are simple industrial products with low added value, limited profit margins, and the main reason why they can be recognized by developed countries in Europe and the United States is that the quality is excellent and the price is low. In some areas with high scientific and technological content and large added value of products, in those products with high sophistication and profit margins that are much higher than those of simple industrial products, there is still a gap between our Chinese manufacturing products and the manufacturing of developed countries in Europe and the United States, but the pioneering innovation of Huawei, DJI and other companies is laying this piece of the country for Chinese brands.

Chinese-made products in the low-end field occupies an advantage, in the high-end field to catch up, at this time in the context of foreign suppression, exclusion, our domestic consumers should not put down the prejudice against domestic brands, to give Chinese brands to go abroad, to the world support?

Under the epidemic pandemic, Chinese manufacturing and Chinese products supported half of the global supply of the sky, this is the "heavenly time" of the east wind, the current Chinese manufacturing compared to many years ago, there have been refreshing changes, the whole industrial system, we sit on the "geographical advantage"; with the growing strength of our country, the gap between domestic brands and foreign brands gradually narrowed, domestic consumers "Chongyang" psychology gradually weakened, foreign consumers also more understand and recognize Chinese products, which is not to be missed "people".

Chinese brands have turned a new page, and what we have to do is to make Chinese-made products move from made in China to global brands.

Now we have Huawei, DJI, OnePlus, Lao Ganma and many other loud world brands, this is the real global brand from China to go out, but only they are far from enough, more high-quality products should go to sea to win the recognition of the international market, because they have this strength, they are worth it.

I hope that more and more excellent Chinese products, whether it is a low-end product with high cost performance, or a high-end high-end technology, can go abroad and go to the world!

Source: Zhang Wenyuan, an ordinary social animal

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