
Signed a new work- Mr. Nanshan, I know what you have done

Signed a new contract

Copper forest

Signed a new work- Mr. Nanshan, I know what you have done

Author: Chen Zhiyuan

43,000 words in the series

Female / Era / Drama

In the late autumn of 1940, Zhong Xinyu returned to Shanghai during the isolated island period and became a bank clerk.

She found her childhood friend Lin Yi, and he asked: Why do you want to come back in this world?

She replied with a gentle smile: Of course, to earn money.

And Lin Yi didn't believe it.

Behind one deal after another, he slowly discovered her hidden true purpose.

As the editorial of the "Declaration" wrote at that time, China would never surrender to Japan, and even if it fought until one soldier and one shot, it would never end the War of Resistance.

For Zhong Xinyue, it was the same - even if the war reached nothing, it would never end the war.


Signed a new work- Mr. Nanshan, I know what you have done

Author: Nanshan

38,000 words in the series

Suspense / Social / Female

Nanshan, 33 years old, single, pheasant college graduate, pheasant "writer".

Changed N pen names, published a book, wrote more than a dozen novels, but there is no splash, can only continue to write, mix the platform to guarantee the bottom, to maintain their livelihood.

The sister who married a good husband looked down on her, and her former colleagues laughed at her pursuit of "freedom", and only one wheat seed kept in contact.

One day, the "Looking for Jin Fuzhen" she wrote earlier suddenly exploded inexplicably, and the dust writer has since become the "protagonist" in life, and fame and wealth have poured in...

At a signing party, a reader leaned over her ear and said, "Teacher Nanshan, I know what you did." ”

Female Killer Survival Guide

Signed a new work- Mr. Nanshan, I know what you have done

Author: Wangwei

Serialized 32,000 words

Ancient sayings / strong women / easy

Feng Xi has been a killer for ten years, and almost let the boss be slaughtered when she retired, and she was eager to survive, and she slaughtered the boss.

For a time, Feng Xi became a cancer in the industry, a typical scum, a coincidence, an imposter to apply for the four princes' bodyguards, coincidentally.

Defeating the killer with a killer, Feng Xi felt that it was not difficult, as long as the fourth prince did not die for a day, she could be blessed by the royal family and avoid being pursued.

But who knows, the fourth prince Song Zhiyan, people sent the nickname "Xiao Zuojing".

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers to go to the tiger mountains, and wherever he dies quickly, there will be him.

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