
Jianghu experience | bamboo board such a dozen! Instrument-Allegro soundstone matching scheme is recommended

Inch-long bamboo board,

Knock out the jingle rhythm,

Just put that story,

Tell it.

This time, I sorted out the sound stone matching scheme of the instrument -Allegro,

And at the end of the article, the sound stone scheme of other instruments in the past period is summarized,

Guest officers can refer to it.


Wrist flip up and down,

The sentences are full of witty words!

Traditional Folk Instrument - Allegro,

Guest officers can participate in the event - Gang Guard Battle acquisition.

Jianghu experience | bamboo board such a dozen! Instrument-Allegro soundstone matching scheme is recommended

【Allegro Skills】

Allegro is a non-playable instrument,

Its instrumental skills are:

Health and Violent Resistance attributes boosted.

Blue quality

Equiped Sonic Stone Health Attribute +8%

Equiped with Sonic Stone Storm Resistance +16%

Purple quality

Equiped Sonic Stone Health Attribute +13%

Equiped with Sonic Stone Storm Resistance +26%

Orange quality

Equip Sonic Stone Health Attribute +18%

Equiped Sonic Stone Storm Resistance +36%

【Allegro sound stone collocation recommendation】

Here the allegro is activated in orange quality,

With the 20-level purple sound stone data simulation is as follows.

It can be combined with Yayin Stone, Eulogy Stone, Feather Sound Stone, and Horn Sound Stone.

High combat power collocation scheme

2 Yayin stones + 2 horned sound stones + 2 feather sound stones

High violence resistance scheme

2 Horned Stones + 2 Ode Stones + 2 Feather Stones

After the instrument is activated, the equipment sound stone attribute is 100% effective,

The inactive Instrument Equipped Soundstone attribute is 30% effective.

The guest officers can adjust according to their needs.

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