
Taurus personality analysis, the difference between rising Taurus, Sun Taurus and Moon Taurus is really big!

In the previous article we shared the taurus personality, many people feel "like themselves", "very right" and "really accurate", but you know what? Taurus personality can also be divided into ascending Taurus, sun Taurus and moon Taurus, each taurus personality has a gap, if you want to understand the real self, you may wish to read this article, this article on the personality of these 3 signs for detailed comparison and analysis.

Taurus personality analysis, the difference between rising Taurus, Sun Taurus and Moon Taurus is really big!

Rising Taurus

First of all, let's talk about the rising Taurus, the rising Taurus people, men can easily give people a thick and honest impression, women will give people sweet, cute, very quiet personality impression. The Ascending Taurus is the famous "honest man" (why does this honest man put quotation marks, you will know when you see the back), looks like a good bully, but if you really go to bully the ascending Taurus, you know that you are wrong!

Taurus personality analysis, the difference between rising Taurus, Sun Taurus and Moon Taurus is really big!

The ascending sign is deceitful, the honest ascending Taurus is not necessarily an honest person in private, the appearance of honesty and the heart may be extremely cunning and dark, but he will not let outsiders know this, unless you can enter her (his) heart. However, the rising Taurus still belongs to the earth sign, or has the characteristics of the earth sign, such as more stable and more stuffy, usually will not take the initiative to open the topic, in interpersonal relationships often appear to be more passive, there is a sense of boundaries.

Sun Taurus

Let's talk about the Sun Taurus, the sense of accomplishment that the Sun Taurus wants is to want to do very, very stable things, stable work, stable life, stable love, all of which can make them very satisfied. People in this zodiac sign do not dream of getting rich overnight with income, nor do they dream of one day stepping on to win the jackpot and then go to the peak of life. They will hope that after a long period of accumulation and hard work, they will finally reach their goals.

Taurus personality analysis, the difference between rising Taurus, Sun Taurus and Moon Taurus is really big!

The Sun Taurus is the lazy kind, and is known for being lazy in the zodiac signs, because they are easily content, do not have much pursuit, and always feel that it is also very good to be like this at present. They like a stable rhythm of life, do not like to be urged by others, do not want to be disrupted by the outside world, once they set a goal, step by step, it is useless to urge her.

Moon Taurus

When the moon falls on Taurus, the personality will not be revealed so easily, but the people of this zodiac sign are the real Taurus, because they will show all the personality characteristics related to Taurus in front of intimate people, and describe it in 4 words as "lazy, buckled, colored, and hungry". The so-called "lazy" has been said before, like stability, step by step; "buckle", that is, too thrifty, save money and small experts; "color" is a person who has a strong aesthetic, likes beautiful things, and beautiful people; "gluttony" is like to eat, food.

Taurus personality analysis, the difference between rising Taurus, Sun Taurus and Moon Taurus is really big!

The moon sign is more embodied in emotions, a moon Taurus if you really recognize you, then she is yours, the money is also yours, the body is also yours. Emotionally, they really love someone and do not show this trait of "buckle", but are generous and give everything she can to give.

Taurus personality analysis, the difference between rising Taurus, Sun Taurus and Moon Taurus is really big!

In general, the 3 different personalities of Taurus are still relatively large, one is reflected in front of outsiders, the appearance is not the same; one is reflected in the work, the pursuit of stability; one is reflected in the emotional and intimate people, lazy and hungry. What type of Taurus are you? Share your personality, or if you don't know much about Taurus's horoscope and emotions, you can leave a comment in the comments section!

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