
After confirming that Huawei did not have any threat, the British side was forced to "surrender" under the pressure of the United States? China responded

At the foreign ministry's regular press conference on January 17, a reporter asked a question: Singapore's former diplomat Mahbubani Said that a British business executive said that the British side installed intelligence personnel inside Huawei to conduct a comprehensive inspection to confirm that Huawei did not pose any threat, but a few months later, the United Kingdom was forced to "surrender" under pressure from the United States, and as of now the British official has not commented on this. What is China's comment?

Spokesman Zhao Lijian said that I have also noted relevant reports. Like everyone else, I would like to hear what the British side has to say about this. I also noted that the British media recently commented that the British decision to block Huawei will lead to a significant delay in the UK's 5G construction goals. Oliver Downen, then Britain's secretary of state for digital, culture, media and sports, said banning Huawei equipment would delay the UK's 5G construction by 2-3 years. According to a survey by the Oxford Research Institute in the United Kingdom, restricting the entry of key equipment suppliers such as Huawei into the UK 5G infrastructure construction market will lead to a 9%-29% increase in the cost of related network deployment in the UK in the next 10 years.

Zhao Li insisted that some people and forces on the British side submitted to a certain country out of political self-interest, generalized the concept of "national security", suppressed specific Chinese enterprises, and let their own people bear the bitter fruit of not having access to 5G high technology.

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