
The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing

author:Upstream News

Are you still sorry to go to Dunhuang, and can only enjoy the Dunhuang murals that shocked the world in the faint light of the flashlight? Such "regrets" will be greatly compensated from tomorrow onwards. 33 classic Dunhuang murals, including the famous "Nine Colored Deer", flew out of the dim cave and came to the bright exhibition hall on the third floor of the China Three Gorges Museum in Chongqing, showing the peerless beauty of dunhuang murals to the audience in a zero-distance naked exhibition.

The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing
The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing
The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing

△ Exhibition hall site.

It is understood that the name of "Buddha's Country Temple, Silk Road and Yangtze River - Dunhuang Mural Art Public Welfare Tour Exhibition" will officially open a one-month curtain on July 15, and the audience can visit the exhibition for free.

Modern digital technology reproduces dunhuang murals with high fidelity

Dunhuang, the world's largest art palace, this mysterious art world, has fascinated countless artists. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, known as the most right-value cultural discovery of the 20th century, has made it famous throughout the world with colorful murals and lifelike statues.

Visitors to Dunhuang will know that in Dunhuang, you can only walk into random open caves under the faint light of a flashlight to admire the Dunhuang murals.

This kind of viewing experience, which cannot see the whole picture, has been solved with the support of high and new technologies.

The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing
The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing

△ Exquisite murals in the exhibition.

According to Zeng Xuejun, curator of the exhibition, the Dunhuang Research Institute and the China Dunhuang Grottoes Conservation and Research Foundation used modern digital technology to select the very representative murals of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes and Guazhou Yulin Grottoes since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, forming the "Dunhuang Mural Art Public Welfare Tour exhibition".

The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing

△ Manjushri and Puxian change.

The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing

△ Look at the immeasurable life of the change.

The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing

△ Maitreya's transformation.

Themes such as Buddhist scripture stories, Buddha statues, flying heavens, and moi are readily available in the exhibition, including some huge works in the two grottoes.

These murals are all reproduced through the high fidelity of modern digital technology, "it can be said that every mural on display is exactly the same as the original work, including the fallen part of the mural and the fragments of the mural, and we all respect the original appearance." ”

At the same time, the exhibition solves the picture in the original cave that is limited by space and light, and cannot be seen clearly. It also allows the audience to stand in front of the exhibits at zero distance, from the lines, colors and overall appearance, etc., to experience the exquisiteness of each mural.

The "nine-colored deer" in the memory of the post-80s came to Chongqing

For many post-80s generations, the exquisite pictures and frames in the animation "Nine Colored Deer" are still in their minds. Among the exhibits that came to Chongqing this time is the source of the creation of "Nine Colored Deer" - the mural painting "Deer King Bunsheng" in the 257th Cave of Mogao Caves.

The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing

△ "Deer King Bunsen Diagram".

The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing

△ Details of "Deer King Bunsen Diagram".

According to Zhang Qi, a grotto interpreter of the Cultural Promotion Department of the Dunhuang Research Institute, Bunsen's story paintings, showing works with the theme of "sacrificing oneself to save others", occupy a prominent position in the murals. The Bunsen story refers to the many deeds experienced by the founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni Shakyamuni, during his lifetime.

The Deer King Bunsen Tu depicts a story from Shakyamuni's lifetime, and it unfolds a continuous plot with a long banner: a beautiful nine-colored deer king (Shakyamuni's predecessor) rescues a person who is about to drown while playing by the river. The rescued man wanted to make a slave to the deer king as a token of gratitude, and the deer king refused, but he told the man, "If someone wants to capture me in the future, don't say that you have seen me." But it wasn't long before the rescued man broke his oath and betrayed the nine-colored deer king. The ungrateful drowning man was also rewarded: sores on his body and a foul smell in his mouth.

Zhang Qi said that in terms of form of expression, "Deer King Bunsen Diagram" is depicted in rectangular compositions and segments, making the storyline tight and vivid. In terms of expression method, the rendering of the "bump method" shows the three-dimensional sense of the object. The color is mostly earth red, pink, blue, grass green, etc., due to the change of color over time, the original darker color has become very dark, or become gray-black, but the brushstrokes of that year are still faintly recognizable. The outline line of the image is drawn in the painting, which is vigorous and straight, the brushstrokes are powerful, and the technique is free and skilled. The landscape in the painting, without rubbing, is very decorative, the branches of the trees are colored with earth red, and the leaves are painted with a large green brush. This superb artistic technique shows that the Murals of mogao Grottoes in the Northern Wei Dynasty not only inherited the national tradition, but also absorbed the advantages of foreign countries, and continued to develop on this basis.

The statue of the Oriental Monlar Lisa also appeared in the exhibition hall

Speaking of leonardo da Vinci's world-famous painting "Mona Lisa", everyone is familiar with it, but you know that in the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, there is also a statue known as the "Oriental Mona Lisa" - a meditation statue located in Cave 259.

The "nine-colored deer" in the Dunhuang murals has come to Chongqing

△ Meditation image.

Zhang Qi said that the most expressed in Dunhuang grotto art is "Buddha". "Buddha" is also called "Buddha", which means "enlightened", "knower", "enlightened". In the painted sculptures and murals of the Dunhuang Grottoes, the image of the Buddha is found in each cave and occupies the main position. Divided by form, the Buddha statues in the Dunhuang Grottoes can be divided into several forms: standing statues, seated statues, half-stomped seated statues, cross-legged seated statues, side-seated statues, reclining images, and nirvana statues.

The Statue of the Meditation Buddha in Cave 259 was shaped in the Northern Wei Dynasty, which has a history of 1,000 years, and is located in the first niche of the lower niche of the north wall of the cave, with a seated statue height of 0.92 meters. The statue sits in a small circular niche, sitting on a square Buddha seat, meditating with both hands, dressed in earth red robes, wrapped around the shoulders, with a straight and strong body, a thick shape, a slightly forward-leaning neck, a downward look, a slightly upturned corner of the mouth, and a subtle smile in a solemn and quiet expression.

The carved line of the statue's clothing pattern is smooth and flexible, dense and moderate, and it is tightly wrapped with the body, giving people a feeling of tulle penetrating the body, which is the so-called "Cao Yi out of the water" method. The statue's facial expression is depicted in detail, with towering long eyebrows, slightly picked corners of the eyes, slightly open nose wings, and the upturned corners of the mouth forming a moving nest, etc., showing the Buddha's inner clarity and tranquility, pure and pleasant, but unfortunately the eyes and left leg have been slightly damaged. This statue is a representative of the Meditation Statue of dunhuang Grottoes and is also a fine work in the art of painted sculpture.

Upstream journalist Li Sheng Liu Li

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