
[CF] Classic hero-level weapons are still here, but classic destiny-level characters are gradually drifting away

Hello everyone, I am your spirit fox sister ~ weapons and characters are undoubtedly the most important components of the game, and among them, the classic hero-level weapons and classic destiny-level characters in addition to quite emotional, but also symbolize our youth and memories.

[CF] Classic hero-level weapons are still here, but classic destiny-level characters are gradually drifting away

But unfortunately, the classic hero-level weapons and the classic destiny-level characters are completely different, the classic weapons are timeless and the classic characters are gradually replaced, so what is the reason for this situation?

[CF] Classic hero-level weapons are still here, but classic destiny-level characters are gradually drifting away

Classic heroic weapons continue to evolve, and decorations become the key to their success

First of all, as far as the classic hero level is concerned, the photogenic rate of each one is relatively high now, such as Thor, Fire Kirin, and Destruction, which have become the mainstay of weapons, and compared to the emerging hero level, these classic equipment are more familiar to us, and the running time is relatively long, which is the first choice for most players.

[CF] Classic hero-level weapons are still here, but classic destiny-level characters are gradually drifting away

And in the process of updating, the classic hero level began to continuously integrate decorations, light effects, dolls, skins, sound effect cards, the blessing of these decorations made these classic weapons have new vitality, especially weapon skins and sound effect cards, which are absolutely breakthrough for the change of weapons, so decorations are definitely the key to the classic hero level victory.

[CF] Classic hero-level weapons are still here, but classic destiny-level characters are gradually drifting away

The continuous improvement of character attributes and appearances, the classic fate level characters are gradually drifting away

On the other hand, in terms of characters, its replacement speed is very fast, the initial fate-level double defense attributes plus kicks and darts, these are indeed amazing in that era, but then the fate-level characters continue to break through in terms of attributes, and functional characters also began to impact continuously.

[CF] Classic hero-level weapons are still here, but classic destiny-level characters are gradually drifting away

Among them, the functional role has been achieved from three defenses to four defenses, and a free double defense role has been introduced, coupled with the self-scrolling inside the fate-level role, so the classic fate-level role is also gradually drifting away, replaced by a functional role with strong attributes and a fate-level role with functional attributes.

[CF] Classic hero-level weapons are still here, but classic destiny-level characters are gradually drifting away

Can the classic destiny level characters have a breakthrough

In fact, in contrast, it is not difficult to find that the reason why the classic hero level can endure for a long time is because of the continuous development of the weapon itself and the blessing of the decorations, and the fall of the classic fate level character is also due to its own stagnation, but as the youth and memory of a generation, it is a pity if these classic fate level characters fall.

[CF] Classic hero-level weapons are still here, but classic destiny-level characters are gradually drifting away

At present, it is unlikely that the classic destiny-level characters will be re-assigned attributes, but you can use the elements of the classic destiny-level characters as a reference to create a new character that has both emotional and strong attributes.

Of course, at present, these are just some personal conjectures, I don't know what expectations do the friends have for the classic fate-level role?

(Palm Fire)

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