
15 minutes 20+6! Howard suffers in the Lakers, McKee is in the sun, and Paul's bread is fragrant

McKee is arguably one of the luckiest players in the NBA, winning a championship when he was a Warrior and a championship when he was a Lakers, and after being abandoned by the Lakers, he came to the Suns and is also impacting the championship. Now not only is the Suns at the forefront of the league, McGee has also played well at the Suns and gained the sun's attention. In the game against the Pistons, Ayton left the court due to injury, so McGee got a lot of opportunities and staged another explosion. McGee played 15 minutes to get 20 points and 6 boards, and it was 9 of 10 shots, which was very efficient. McGee was undoubtedly playing in this game, and the team also won a big victory in the end.

15 minutes 20+6! Howard suffers in the Lakers, McKee is in the sun, and Paul's bread is fragrant

In the summer, the Suns gave McGee a $1-year, $5 million contract, above base salary. This contract still caused a lot of heated discussion, after all, McGee is also quite old, in the Nuggets, McGee averaged only 5.5 points and 5.3 boards per game, and it was good to be able to get the final salary, but the Suns even offered such a big contract. However, mcGee played well with the Suns after the big contract, at least he was worth $5 million. So far this season, McGee has averaged 16 minutes per game, 10.1 points and 6.9 assists, and has been able to average double-doubles per game. McGee's last time he averaged double-figures per game was when he joined the Lakers for the first time, and the Warriors had not tried to average double-doubles per game, and they could not imagine a third spring in the Suns.

15 minutes 20+6! Howard suffers in the Lakers, McKee is in the sun, and Paul's bread is fragrant

McKee is now doing well in the sun, staging an eruption. Embarrassingly, Howard suffered from the Lakers. McGee and Howard were both heroes of the Lakers' championship, and Howard was undoubtedly better than McGee, after all, Howard played a key role in the playoffs, but McGee was discarded in the playoffs. Howard's defense is also better than McGee, and from the combined situation of the two, Howard is stronger than McGee. But now Howard has a basic salary contract, suffers in the Lakers, is often abandoned, and does not have much playing time, while McGee gets a big contract at the Suns and can still play good data.

15 minutes 20+6! Howard suffers in the Lakers, McKee is in the sun, and Paul's bread is fragrant

Howard averaged only 5.4 points and 5.4 boards per game this season, and his average score per game was basically only half that of McGee. Howard's performance is undoubtedly far inferior to McKee's. This is quite speechless, Howard is obviously stronger than McGee, but the result is not as good as McGee, so the comparison will better know how much Howard is living in the Lakers. What's even more embarrassing is that the Lakers also put Howard on the shelves, after news that the Lakers tried to trade Howard. Not only does Howard not get much money, but he has to be treated like this, which is really chilling.

15 minutes 20+6! Howard suffers in the Lakers, McKee is in the sun, and Paul's bread is fragrant

The difference between McGee and Howard, which can also show the gap between Paul and Westbrook. Paul is one of the most good players in the NBA, especially paul is old, not too reluctant to shoot at key times, but more to create scoring opportunities for teammates. So after Ayton's injury, McGee was able to eat the pie multiple times and was able to play an efficient performance. Paul's pie is True Fragrance, averaging 9.9 assists per game this season, resulting in only 2.32 turnovers, which can be said to be well controlled. McKee was able to play such a statistic, and Paul's bonus was huge. Except for Paul, the suns also actively pass the ball, and people like Payne and Booker actually pass the ball.

15 minutes 20+6! Howard suffers in the Lakers, McKee is in the sun, and Paul's bread is fragrant

Wei Shao is different, Wei Shao's playing style determines that he and the traditional center are not matched, Wei Shao does not have outside shooting, not only three points are not good, the middle distance is not allowed, but Paul has a hand in the league's top mid-range shooting. Wei Shao, who does not shoot, can only score by impacting the basket, if there is a center in the inner line, Wei Shao will be difficult to break through, especially now that Wei Shao has broken out and dropped a lot, it is more difficult to break through. So Howard's playing time is limited, and in order to make Westbrook explode, Howard has sacrificed a lot. Like in the past, when the Rockets were in order to make Westbrook play comfortably, the Rockets even traded Capela, which also received a lot of criticism. And now Howard is the second Capela, to be a victim. Now Westbrook averages 8 assists per game but has 4.3 turnovers, far less than Paul.

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