
controversy! Parallel cargo cannoned James to see the data sheet bluntly: Kobe Bryant will never do this

On January 17, Beijing time, former NBA champion Kwame Brown criticized James for sitting on the bench to watch the statistics, bluntly saying that James should not do this, especially when losing, and bluntly saying that Kobe Bryant would never do that.

controversy! Parallel cargo cannoned James to see the data sheet bluntly: Kobe Bryant will never do this
controversy! Parallel cargo cannoned James to see the data sheet bluntly: Kobe Bryant will never do this
controversy! Parallel cargo cannoned James to see the data sheet bluntly: Kobe Bryant will never do this

Kwame Brown said on the show: "When I saw LeBron looking at the datasheet during the game, it told me everything I needed to know about why the Lakers were losing and why the Lakers didn't have a defense.

Because since I played in high school, all the coaches in the world have been able to prove it — whether it's high school, college or any other league, they're never allowing a player to look at a data sheet on the bench, especially when the team is losing.

What can a datasheet teach you? Nothing. I used to be pretty sure – after we lost the game, I would never let anyone on the team bus touch the data sheet, we have lost, what do we know when we look at the data sheet?

I'm not going to question LeBron's way of playing. He's still a great player and he's still making history. But this move would send the wrong message to people. It's too bad that all players shouldn't follow suit. Bryant would never do that.

controversy! Parallel cargo cannoned James to see the data sheet bluntly: Kobe Bryant will never do this
controversy! Parallel cargo cannoned James to see the data sheet bluntly: Kobe Bryant will never do this

When the Lakers lost to the Grizzlies before, James sat on the bench and carefully checked the team's statistics table, with a serious expression and even some anger; Wei Shao sat next to Old Zhan, peeked a few times and was a little nervous, and then Wei Shao got up and left the bench; this scene caused a lot of controversy at that time.

Kwame Brown was a 2001 champion who played 607 regular-season games in his career, started 281 games, and averaged only 6.6 points and 5.5 rebounds in 22 minutes per game.

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