
The POST: Liverpool's veteran commentator has described Etihad as Emptyhad and Manchester City have complained to the Premier League

The POST: Liverpool's veteran commentator has described Etihad as Emptyhad and Manchester City have complained to the Premier League

On Saturday, former Liverpool player Jim Berglin described City's home "Etihad" as "Emptyhad" in his commentary on Manchester City's match against Chelsea.

In this focus match, former Liverpool player Jim Berglin commented on the match, but in the process of commentary, he referred to The Etihad Stadium, City's home stadium "Etihad", as "Empty", but he quickly apologized for it.

It is understood that Manchester City made a complaint to the Premier League while the game was still in progress. City have long believed that they are not being treated fairly in the media circles of some "former players".

The term "Emptyhad" is often used by rival fans to bash Manchester City. Speaking on Twitter, Bergling said: "I have the utmost respect for Manchester City and am by no means a verbal mistake made to offend others. ”

(Lunar Footprint)

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