
The couplet posted in front of the coffin shop, don't underestimate the ancients, very interesting

The Spring Festival is coming, and every year during the Spring Festival, when every household prepares new year goods, it is inevitable to buy a few couplets with good meanings and paste them on the door during the Spring Festival.

In fact, don't underestimate our couplet culture, in thousands of years, the small couplet carries people's nostalgia and yearning for a better life.

This is true of ordinary people, so are literati and inkers, and it is true of even businessmen who do business.

Why do businessmen also love couplets?

The couplet posted in front of the coffin shop, don't underestimate the ancients, very interesting

Because a pair of couplets that conform to the characteristics of the store not only has a good meaning, but also plays a role in publicity.

For example, some famous restaurants in ancient times will write in front of the door:

"Smell the incense and get off the horse, and stop the car."

Short 8 words, but the quality of the restaurant dishes reflected vividly, if there is no sign in the store, I am afraid I do not dare to use this pair of couplets, otherwise the dishes are not good, and people will not smash the sign.

Compared with the couplet in front of the hotel, the couplet in front of the tavern is more interesting, such as the following pair:

"The aroma is impressive, three cups are too little to enter; the taste is delicious, and two bowls are still not much."

We look at the upper and lower links, the wine aroma to the taste, three cups to two bowls, although the end is less to more, but in fact, the upper and lower links are a meaning, that is, "good wine", good two bowls is not much, good three cups of belly, not enough.

Fun, fun, and novel.

The couplet posted in front of the coffin shop, don't underestimate the ancients, very interesting

Of course, in ancient times, not only restaurants and taverns would post couplets in front of the door, but also other industries, and even the coffin shop had couplets in front of their own characteristics.

In fact, the couplet of the coffin shop is really difficult to write, because the couplet is a kind of blessing culture, whether it is the spring union or the store union, it has a good meaning.

But how to write a coffin shop? Can't you always write about the meaning of some blessings?

Don't underestimate the ancients, the coffin shop not only has couplets, but also very interesting.

Let's first look at the shanglian: people do not have a thousand years of life.

Indeed, in ancient times, 70 years old was very rare, called "ancient rarity", and the older the age, the less common.

Therefore, the meaning of shanglian is that although people die, it is also a matter of time and evening, after all, people's life expectancy is limited, or do not be sad and sad.

This is followed by the lower link: I have a blessing in disguise.

The couplet posted in front of the coffin shop, don't underestimate the ancients, very interesting

Don't say the mood, first look at the pair.

According to the standards of Chinese rhyme, this union is "仄起平收", no one has anything for me, and Chitose Shou is blessed with a thousand years. The upper link is three flat and two servants, and the lower link is still relatively neat.

After reading the standard degree of the couplet, let's take a look at the mood of the lower couplet.

In fact, in ancient times, coffins were not very taboo things, but had a good meaning. For example, the saying "I'd rather try a coffin, don't try people's shoes", and "go out to see the coffin, promote the official and get rich" and so on.

In addition, coffins also had the meaning of "longevity" in ancient times. However, because words such as longevity and longevity are exclusive to the royal family, folk generally dare not use them in this way, so they use "Ten Thousand Years Blessing" instead.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the meaning of the lower link is: There are coffins in my shop.

The couplet posted in front of the coffin shop, don't underestimate the ancients, very interesting

However, the lower link seems simple, in fact, it tells the vicissitudes of the world.

After everyone in this world is born, no matter how high or low, good or evil, how many vicissitudes they have experienced, and finally they will not escape death.

How many heroes and nobles in history, how many emperors and nobles, they call the wind and rain, and dominate the world? As the saying goes: "Ten days have never been nine storms, and a few vicissitudes have been counted in a lifetime, and their final end is still not only to lie in a small coffin?"

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