
The most important thing in the heart is the patient (approaching the master of traditional Chinese medicine?). )

The most important thing in the heart is the patient (approaching the master of traditional Chinese medicine?). )

Tang Zuxuan recently took a photo. Profile picture


Tang Zuxuan, born in March 1942, a native of Dengzhou, Henan, is a member of the Communist Party of China, chief physician of traditional Chinese medicine, and a member of the Faculty of Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Won the Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine Lifetime Contribution Award. In 2014, he was named the second "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and in 2019, he won the "National Outstanding Contribution Award of Traditional Chinese Medicine".

"Do you want to be a 'big doctor' who has a solid theoretical foundation in Chinese medicine, has academic breakthroughs, and can benefit patients, or a 'little doctor' who recites 'soup songs', learns some medicinal properties, and eats mixed meals?"

"I want to be the 'big doctor'!"

More than 60 years later, Tang Zuxuan still remembers the conversation with master Zhou Liansan, "It is not easy for me to study medicine, and the ambition I made at that time must not be forgotten!"

Remember your ambitions to practice medicine

Tang Zuxuan grew up with a hard life, setting up stalls to sell water and collect firewood, and he went to society after graduating from primary school. In 1958, when he went to work as a manual worker in the street printing factory in Deng County (now Dengzhou City), he was only 16 years old.

Working diligently and helpfully, the hardships of life did not make him depressed, but made him more "hearty". The clinic next door was short of manpower, and he often ran to help clean it. One after another, the clinic doctor accepted him as a pharmacy dispenser. The opportunity to "study medicine" came, and Tang Zuxuan especially cherished it - often staying in the clinic at night, nibbling on medical books while on duty. "At that time, all I wanted was to learn a 'technique' that would fill my stomach."

Later, the clinic was merged into Deng County Chengguan Health Center. Zhou Liansan, a famous old Chinese medicine doctor in Henan Province who was alone and had difficulty living, was busy sitting in the clinic, and Tang Zuxuan took the initiative to help him make beds, fold quilts, wash clothes, and deliver meals. Over time, Tang Zuxuan's concern touched the old Chinese medicine doctor, and Zhou Liansan accepted him as an apprentice. Under the guidance of Master, Tang Zuxuan had the ambition to become a "great doctor".

What does the "Big Doctor" do? diligent. The thick "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" and the "Outline of the Golden Plateau", nearly 400 medicinal recipes, Tang Zuxuan copied and memorized them one by one, so that they were so familiar with them that they can still be memorized casually to this day. After that, whether it was treating diseases and saving people or scientific research, Tang Zuxuan kept in mind the ambition of "becoming a big doctor", and for decades as a day, the original intention did not change and worked tirelessly.

From "cleaning" to being a "big doctor", Tang Zuxuan has achieved fruitful results - innovative use of Wenyang method to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; and developed new Chinese medicine drugs for the treatment of thrombosis, which are still used in clinical practice. He has been rated as "National Advanced Worker of Health Civilization", "Expert with Outstanding Contributions to Middle-aged and Young People", and "National Advanced Worker".

Free clinics benefit farmers

"Qi and blood are insufficient, and it is necessary to replenish qi and blood." After some consultation, Tang Zuxuan thought about it a little, wrote down the prescription and handed it to the patient, and the handwriting was quite neat.

In the busy morning, 80-year-old Tang Zuxuan was already a little tired, but he still put down his dishes and chopsticks on the way to eat and went to receive strange patients from other places. "Now there are too many things to take time to see people." But I have two rules, first, the patient is the most important, as long as the patient visits, first see a doctor; second, the treatment is the most important, whether you have money or not, you must give people medicine. ”

In 1973, Niu Deju, a resident of Chengguan Town, Deng County, suffered from "gangrene", and Tang Zu found that one of his legs had rotted to the bone during the clinic, and immediately gave him free treatment, and also mobilized everyone to donate money. Niu Deju, who had been cured of his illness, was very grateful and wanted to give him the only milk sheep in the family. "Take the sheep back, I have received my heart." You've saved your legs, you have a good body, it's better than sending me anything!" Tang Zuxuan said.

Tang Zuxuan, who was born a bitter child, had special feelings for poor peasants. In the past, the lack of medical treatment and medicine in remote villages, the situation that villagers did not go to see minor illnesses and looked down on serious diseases stung his heart. Tang Zuxuan began to spontaneously go to the countryside for free clinics. In 1988, after he became the president of Deng County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Chinese Medicine Hospital sent a free medical team to remote villages to deliver medical treatment and medicines became the norm, often on weekends and holidays, five or six medical staff, a medical car, with an electrocardiogram machine, A B ultrasound machine, blood pressure machine, commonly used drugs, etc. ran to the village.

"The hospital has its own equipment tables and chairs, eats at its own expense, sees as many patients as it comes, and cleans up the garbage when it leaves, which is not easy!" The villagers were very touched and used. For more than 30 years, Dengzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has made nearly 1,000 free consultations in the countryside, benefiting 800,000 farmers and sending drugs worth more than 1 million yuan.

Always care for the patient

Tang Zuxuan's care for patients has been consistent and has not changed due to changes in identity.

In 2013, Tang Zuxuan prepared to take a car to Beijing to participate in the event. The moment the car door was opened, the mobile phone rang, and a patient from a poor village traveled dozens of miles to ask him to see a doctor. Tang Zuxuan did not say a word, turned around and went back to consult the pulse of the patient, and personally took off the patient's shoes and socks to check the condition. The staff reminded him that the car was going to start, but he said: "The car is wrong, you can sit down." If you delay in seeing a doctor, it will affect the health of the patient, and you can't be mistaken!" He insisted on seeing the illness before leaving.

At the beginning of 2020, in the face of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Tang Zuxuan organized the staff of Dengzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to boil out traditional Chinese medicine and send it to medical staff and quarantined personnel as quickly as possible to help them enhance their immunity.

Today, in his old age, Tang Zuxuan has focused his main energy on cultivating apprentices and writing books. Tang Zuxuan said: "It was the party that trained me to become a Chinese medicine worker, and I am now old, hoping to pass on the experience accumulated over the years through writing books." My main job now is not only to treat patients, but also to lead the apprentices to constantly summarize practical experience, last year out of 30 books, and finally to 200. ”

According to reports, Tang Zuxuan set up a special academic research room, and has also been recruiting and cultivating apprentices at home and abroad so as to pass on the skills.

"As a 'master of traditional Chinese medicine,' Tang Zuxuan had a heart, feelings, and righteousness." A friend who has known each other for many years commented on Tang Zuxuan.

People's Daily (2022-01-17 13th edition)

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