
Marotta on Dybala: We have 4 very strong strikers and it's good now

Marotta on Dybala: We have 4 very strong strikers and it's good now

Before the match against Atalanta, Inter CEO Marotta gave an interview to DAZN, where he talked about Sanchez and the rumors between him and Dybala.

Marotta said: "The Super Cup has brought us great satisfaction and for this team and this club, winning the title has made everyone very happy. But a great team has to forget the past as soon as possible and get ready for this game, which is a powerful force we must have tonight. We know Sanchez very well and the way he acts and thinks. It's part of his communication with the team and it's important that he always gives his all on the pitch. ”

Marotta on Dybala: We have 4 very strong strikers and it's good now

"Yesterday Dybala certainly wasn't looking for me in the stands because I was at home. It's a matter of respect for people, because a player like Dybala, he always makes a scandal at this club or that club. However, we have 4 very strong strikers and we are in good shape. ”

(Two monsters)

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