
The volcanic eruption of Tonga is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs, which will make the world cold? Is 2022 a summer-free year?

author:Science Ollie gives

The energy is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs

The eruption of the Hon Aha Apay Island volcano in the South Pacific island nation of Tonga is said to have spread throughout the South Pacific, and even some residents of the United States have heard the sound of the eruption.

The volcanic eruption of Tonga is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs, which will make the world cold? Is 2022 a summer-free year?

The entire territory of Tonga was rapidly shrouded in volcanic ash, and countries such as Japan, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, Australia and Chile have issued tsunami warnings.

This volcanic eruption has stirred up nearly half the planet, so will it affect the global climate?

How terrible is it? Will it make the world colder? Will 2022 be a summer-free year?

The volcanic eruption of Tonga is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs, which will make the world cold? Is 2022 a summer-free year?

What is a "Year Without Summer"

In June 1812, in front of Napoleon's 500,000 troops, the Russian army was gradually defeated, but a sudden cold wave caused Napoleon's army to withdraw from Moscow in hunger and cold, and the decline of Napoleon's empire began.

Years later, scientists analyzed that the history-changing cold wave stemmed from the eruption of nameless volcanoes in the Caribbean and the Philippine Sea in 1809.

The volcanic eruption of Tonga is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs, which will make the world cold? Is 2022 a summer-free year?

The cold wave continued, and in January 1814, london fell a heavy snow, followed by a heavy fog, followed by a sharp drop in temperature, whether it was rivers or lakes all frozen, London, which belonged to the temperate oceanic climate, completely became a world of ice and snow.

In 1816, the climax of the super cold wave really came, that year there was no summer in the world, which is what we call the "summerless year", which caused a global disaster.

The volcanic eruption of Tonga is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs, which will make the world cold? Is 2022 a summer-free year?

In China that year, the 21st year of Jiaqing, in July and August, there was heavy snow in the Yangtze River Basin, the grain grain was harvestless, and many places even nibbled out the bark and grass roots, and this extreme weather lasted for three years.

Europe also began winter in July and August, and nearly 200,000 people around the world froze to death.

Why? In 1815, Indonesia's Mount Tambora had its largest eruption on record, from April to July, scientists say.

The volcanic eruption of Tonga is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs, which will make the world cold? Is 2022 a summer-free year?

The total amount of magma spewed out is as high as 140 billion tons, the total energy is equivalent to 50,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs, and the volcanic ash rushes to more than 40 kilometers, gradually covering the world with atmospheric circulation.

The great eruptions of the nameless volcano in 1809 and Mount Tambora in 1815 led to the coldest global climate in the 10 years from 1810 to 1819.

The "umbrella" effect of volcanic eruptions

What does the cold wave have to do with volcanic eruptions? This is because of the "umbrella" effect.

After the eruption, a large number of very fine volcanic ash aerosols enter the stratosphere, and the stratospheric air flow is mainly horizontal movement, which means that the ash will be flattened into the global high sky, and it will take months or even years to fall back to the ground.

During the stratosphere, volcanic ash acts like an umbrella to block sunlight from the Earth, leading to a massive global cooling.

The volcanic eruption of Tonga is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs, which will make the world cold? Is 2022 a summer-free year?

However, the umbrella effect has two prerequisites, the first is that the ash aerosol enters the stratosphere or forms in the stratosphere, because the volcanic ash in the troposphere will soon settle to the ground; and the second is that the stratosphere volcanic ash aerosol should be sufficient.

These two points generally require volcanic eruptions with a volcanic eruption index (VEI) of magnitude 6 or 7 or even stronger.

The volcanic eruption index, measured primarily in terms of the volume of the ejecta, differs 10 times from each level

What effects will the Tonga volcano have

Mount Tambora reached a magnitude of 7 in 1815.

Although the eruption of the Tonga volcano is also very strong, according to the current situation, it is level 5, and the eruption power is about equivalent to a thousand atomic bombs, and as the volcano continues to erupt, it may reach the lower end of level 6.

The volcanic eruption of Tonga is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs, which will make the world cold? Is 2022 a summer-free year?

Although the ash rush has reached 19-30 kilometers and has partially poured into the stratosphere, the gas volume is not enough to cause a global climate anomaly.

However, the future situation is not easy to say, experts pointed out that the crater of the accident has awakened, the eruption period of active period can last for weeks or even years, it is not clear whether the peak of the eruption has been reached.

What impact does it have on my Congress

Tonga volcano is located in the southern hemisphere, volcanic ash affected by the stratosphere is likely to drift to australia, which has little impact on China.

The volcanic eruption of Tonga is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs, which will make the world cold? Is 2022 a summer-free year?

What about tsunamis caused by volcanic eruptions? Tsunami waves were monitored in the coastal waters of China in the early morning of the 16th, of which the largest tsunami amplitude at Shipu Station in Zhejiang Province was about 20 cm, and the tsunami amplitude at the rest of the tide stations was less than 15 cm.

In fact, our country is very safe, because our coast is buffered by a long island chain, and even the eastern side of Taiwan Province, which faces the sea, is a high mountain. In addition, the continental shelf on the east side of our country is relatively gentle, the sea is shallow, and it cannot turn over any waves.

The volcanic eruption of Tonga is comparable to 1,000 atomic bombs, which will make the world cold? Is 2022 a summer-free year?

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