
Bolt PK Lewis Who is greater? The former has countless gold medals, and the latter is also a legend

Since Bolt retired in 2017, Gatlin has set new personal records, Kipcho has also won the gold medal in the Tokyo Olympic Marathon, and Su Bingtian has also set a yellow record of 9.83 seconds, but has Bolt's era really passed? I don't think so, Bolt's world record hasn't been broken, he's still the pinnacle of the world sprint. Recently, Bolt also personally responded: I am greater than Lewis.

Bolt PK Lewis Who is greater? The former has countless gold medals, and the latter is also a legend

Jamaican sprinter Bolt, a world track and field superstar, has set world records since becoming a professional athlete in 2004, while successfully defending the 100 meters and 200 meters world records in 2012, being the first athlete to defend his title, equaling the record held by Lewis and Johnson at the 2013 World Championships in Moscow. He won eight Olympic gold medals, eleven World Championships and three world records. It has to be admitted that Bolt is one of the world's greatest track and field athletes, even surpassing Lewis. But who is greater than the two? Let's talk about the next few aspects (number of medals in the competition + world records + personal criteria)

Bolt PK Lewis Who is greater? The former has countless gold medals, and the latter is also a legend

First of all, the most reflective of the value of athletes is undoubtedly the individual project, team project, more test team cooperation ability, so we avoid the team event, Bolt won six gold medals in the Olympic individual event, 7 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze in the World Championships and Lewis won 7 gold and 1 silver in the Olympic Games, 5 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze in the World Championships, the number of medals was generally flat, but the Influence and Gold content of the Olympic Games were slightly greater than the World Championships, and Lewis was slightly better in the number of medals.

Bolt PK Lewis Who is greater? The former has countless gold medals, and the latter is also a legend

Second, Bolt broke the world record three times, breaking the men's 100m world record at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The following year, in 2009, he broke the world record again at the World Championships in Berlin, running into 9.6 seconds, reaching a staggering 9.58 seconds, while refreshing the world record in the men's 200 meters to 19.19 seconds. Lewis, on the other hand, broke the world record twice and tied once, slightly behind Bolt in this regard

Bolt PK Lewis Who is greater? The former has countless gold medals, and the latter is also a legend

Third, in terms of personal code of conduct, Bolt's racing career has been innocent and has never been stained, while Lewis, in 2003, a report exposed that the U.S. Olympic Committee shielded his own athletes from taking banned drugs, and Lewis tested positive three times during the Seoul Olympic Trials, but was allowed to participate in the "net". In this respect, Bolt is far superior to Lewis, after all, the most important thing in the competition is the personal conduct.

Bolt PK Lewis Who is greater? The former has countless gold medals, and the latter is also a legend

In summary, Bolt is slightly better than Lewis in the history of sports, and Bolt himself said in an interview that he believes he is a greater track and field athlete than Lewis. Bolt as a legend in the history of world sprinting, I think the world's greatest track and field athlete, he deserves it.

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