
Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

author:Wellness movies

There are blue skies and clear waters, there are waves and beaches, and it is natural that there are blonde bikini beauties.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

Who would have thought that behind this gorgeous scenery, a two-day and two-night earth shark love-hate feud would soon be performed.

Nancy aspired to become a doctor from an early age, but watched her mother die in the hospital room. The goal she had worked for all her life, but could not save the lives of her loved ones, was enough to make her grief-stricken.

It may be to alleviate the blow of the death of the mother, or to go out to relax. Nancy dropped her studies and left home for this rarely visited beach. In Nancy's eyes, the beach and the island look like a pregnant woman, pregnant with all good things, and it is here that her mother found her pregnant.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

As a surfer, Nancy can't wait to surf the sea, and the fast and the furious will allow him to forget all his worries for a while. During the surf, I also met two humorous little brothers, and everyone competed in the sea together, two words to describe: cool!

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

Good times are always short-lived. It was getting late, and the two little brothers were ready to go home. Nancy didn't want to give up this moment of tranquility, saying that she wanted to play alone. When the little brother left, the whole beach calmed down, and Nancy just deposited for a moment and always felt as if there was something in the water. Probably because of fear he pulled his leg back. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm, this is a group of dolphins that symbolize good love. It slowly followed the dolphin and unknowingly came to a giant dead whale. A flock of seagulls hovered around the corpses, and the sea smelled strongly of blood.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

Nancy instinctively felt something was wrong, floating corpses, seagulls in the sky, and the sun about to set. The wide sea, only Nancy is alone, if there are sharks in the sea, the consequences are unimaginable. Thirty-six plans were the best strategy, and Nancy rode a wave to hurry back to the shore. Probably because he was too nervous, he didn't have a good balance and fell into the sea. With good water quality, she surfaced as fast as she could, looked around, and then swam toward the surfboard, barely reaching the board and preparing to climb up. Unfortunately, this time his hunch was right, and suddenly his thigh was violently torn by a shark and the sharp pain made him almost lose consciousness.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

The alert Nancy reacted immediately, the shore was too far away, and the nearest was the whale carcass. Enduring the sharp pain of his torn legs, he swam desperately toward the whale carcass, the shark following unhurriedly. After a day of playing, Nancy's physical strength was almost exhausted, and it took a lot of effort to climb up to the whale carcass.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

After calming down, he found that his thighs had been torn apart by the sharp teeth of the shark, but fortunately, the pair of little brothers on the shore had not left, and Nancy cried out in tears. Unfortunately, because of the distance and the roar of the car, the brothers did not notice that poor Nancy drove away. There was no time to grieve, for the shark in the water had no intention of abandoning the delicious plate of food, trying to knock over the whale carcass, leaving nancy little time to consider, she looked around and found that there was a buoy not far away, but too far away, and the safest thing was the reef in the middle. Taking advantage of the blind spot when the shark slammed into the shark, he jumped into the sea and swam forward desperately, finally climbing up the reef.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

After being safe for a while, she looked around, still empty, and the thigh wound that had been soaked repeatedly became more serious. The wound on his leg had to be treated, and he replaced the needle and thread with earrings and necklaces, first sterilized with seawater, then anesthetized himself with verbal techniques, and then plunged into it fiercely. The wound was about thirty centimeters long, cracked almost a centimeter, and the earrings and necklaces could only be fixed in two places. In order not to let the wound deteriorate from tearing again due to the activity, he took off his clothes to cover the wound and put his legs on a high place to avoid excessive bleeding. After doing all this, he lay on his stomach on the reef.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

As night fell, although she didn't have to worry about shark attacks at the moment, hunger, thirst and cold still made her suffer. The body temperature is slowly decreasing, and the whole body is a swimsuit jacket except for the bikini. She had no choice but to remove one of the sleeves, then untie the straps to let the blood flow for two minutes, and then put the sleeves on her legs. Nancy, who was a little warmer in her clothes, was so exhausted that she couldn't hold back from falling asleep.

In the early hours of the morning, the temperature difference between day and night on the sea was extremely large, and Nancy was awakened by freezing. The sea was more eerily quieter than before, and naively she thought the shark had left and decided to take the plunge and pick up a nearby surfboard back to shore. Despite her caution, the dragonfly lit up the water and pushed forward step by step. But he forgot that the wound on his leg was still bleeding, and the shark immediately swam with the smell of blood, and Nancy had no choice but to return to the reef.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

Desperate, he seemed to see a figure on the beach, and he stood up and shouted loudly, and the figure actually responded, and waved to Nancy very friendly. Sobbing with joy, Nancy motioned for the other party to go to her bag and get her mobile phone to call someone. The figure slowly walked by, and things seemed to have taken a turn for the better. But God made a joke with Nancy, and the figure did find the phone, but he didn't call, but stuffed the phone into his pocket. Not only that, but he also took the cash in his wallet, then put his bag on his back and prepared to leave.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

No matter how Nancy called, he was indifferent. It is obvious that Nancy can't go back to the shore and see the money. The figure also saw the surfboard in the sea, greedy, he actually went directly to the sea and swam towards the surfboard. No matter how Nancy tried to stop it, the shadow was still haunted, and the result was that the shadow was heroically sacrificed. Witnessing all this, Nancy wept bitterly and continued to wait until dawn. In the blur, he found that the two little brothers had come to surf again yesterday, and he quickly waved them back to the shore, where there were sharks, and the other party heard clearly but responded confidently. They knew that the sea was safe and there could be no sharks. As soon as the words stopped, the two disappeared. After the waves, they reappeared, and Nancy breathed a sigh of relief, which seemed to be just a false alarm. But in the blink of an eye, one of the little brothers was swallowed by the shark, and then the little brother who was alive began to paddle desperately, only hating himself for not having more than a few hands, and the edge of the reef was within reach but still swallowed into the sea by the shark.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

Three people have been killed so far, and the hope of Nanxi being rescued is getting slimmer and dimmer. As time passes. After experiencing the cold night and the exposure of the day, his physical strength began to decline, but more importantly, the sea was about to flood the reef.

To survive, he had to be prepared to leave the reef. Normally, the buoy in front of you is actually not far away, and you can swim through it in minutes. But the shark is always hovering around and must swim faster than the shark, a distance that never seems to be crossed. On the surface of the sea floated the little brother's hat with a camera, although the camera was close at hand, but it was far away. Several attempts at precise calculations were made, and they were almost taken away by sharks, but fortunately a reef blocked the sharks, and the sharks seemed to be afraid of the fire corals under the reefs. Bored, Nancy recorded a distress signal with a video camera, as well as her last words. She had never understood why her mother couldn't fight cancer and survive. At the moment he seemed to understand that not everything would be possible as long as you worked hard enough. Pessimism began to spread, and the jellyfish that had appeared in time interrupted her thoughts. Recalling that sharks feared fire corals, this was an opportunity for him. The shark's roundabout distance was just farther away, and he no longer hesitated, taking a deep breath and diving into the bottom of the sea. She lingered among the jellyfish herd with the sharp pain of the touch, waiting for the shark to rush over.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

The shark she expected touched the jellyfish and immediately turned around and left. Nancy took out the fastest speed in her life and swam desperately towards the buoy. The shark followed close behind, slamming into the buoy. Some of the buoys were old, Nancy grabbed them and broke a large section of iron bars, almost falling into the shark's mouth. Fortunately, Nancy stabbed into the shark's body with an iron bar to escape, but the shark still refused to let her go, always hovering near the lighthouse, attacking from time to time.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

In the end, this game between Nancy and the Sharks came to an end. After gradually calming down, he saw a ship in the distance, and Nancy found the signal gun on the buoy and shot at the shadow of the ship in the distance, but unfortunately the first signal shell was damp, and did not shoot enough height and light. Although the second flare is very high and bright, some things missed are a lifetime. The shadow of the ship slowly faded away until it disappeared into the sea level. The sharks began to lash out at the buoy, and Nancy was once again in trouble. He shot the shark with a flare gun, then climbed to the top of the buoy, looked for the shark's figure, and shot another shot at the shark. The fish oil next to the whale carcass was ignited, and the shark was instantly overwhelmed by the fire, and the witty shark immediately dived into the deep sea and extinguished the fire.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

The enraged shark began to attack the buoy more violently, and Nancy fell into the sea, burrowing into the buoy's iron pillar to resist the shark's bite.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

But the shark remained indomitable, and as she was dying, Nancy suddenly noticed several erect bars at the fixed buoy on the seabed. With a plan in mind, he decided to use himself as bait, and with one last attempt, he clutched the falling chain and went deep into the seabed. The sharks would not let go of such an opportunity and rush to catch up. Near the end, Nancy drifted, and the shark that did not have time to brake plunged into the steel pile, and the huge impact accompanied by sea sand quickly submerged Nancy and the shark.

Human Shark Blood Battle, the sexiest thrilling escape movie "Shark Beach" - wonderful GIF commentary

A dying Nancy was washed to the shore, and thankfully a boy called out to her father after seeing the contents of the camera she had left behind.

In the end, Nancy used her calmness to challenge the patience of the ocean hunter and won the final victory. The will to survive that erupts when in a desperate situation, the unwilling heart is never willing when despairing, and the mental journey of self-redemption when repenting. All let us see that life is beautiful because of tempering, and the key lies in the angle and depth of people's understanding of tempering. In the face of the pain that life gives us, we must learn to bear it. When you finally let go of the past and embrace tomorrow, you will find that the whole world is helping you.

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