
Family letter power

author:Beiqing Net

In the past, the carriage and horse were very slow, and the family letter was the sustenance of thoughts. "The autumn wind is seen in Luoyang City, and the pre-writer is full of meaning. Fear hurriedly said no end, pedestrians before the opening and opening. "Thin paper, can not tell the nostalgia in the heart of the wanderer." The flames lasted for three months, and the family letter arrived at ten thousand gold. "A family letter is even more precious in times of war." The river is three thousand miles, and the family letter is fifteen lines. There is no other word, only to return home early. "The voice of the hope of returning in the family letter haunts the ears and always knocks on the heart of the wanderer... Today, when communication is relatively convenient, there are not as many people who write "family letters" as before. So, are family letters outdated?

The family letter is the emotional bond of the family, an important carrier of tutoring, and a mirror of the family style, containing valuable spiritual wealth. The family letters of many revolutionary martyrs are sincere and touching, vividly showing the fearless revolutionary spirit and the feelings of home and country of the Communists, so that people can constantly draw spiritual strength from them. "Never say goodbye, hope sister to try to move forward." Brother thank you for your love! Hope to take care! The rest of the words are endless! This family letter of only twenty words was written by Peng Pan, a proletarian revolutionary of the older generation and the forerunner of the Chinese peasant revolutionary movement, to his wife Xu Bing. On August 24, 1929, Peng Pan was arrested for betrayal by traitors. In prison, he knew that the enemy would poison his hands, so he left two letters of final writing: one was a final report to the Party Central Committee, encouraging comrades to continue to firmly believe in the cause of communism; the other was left to his wife. In the letter, he encouraged his wife Xu Bing to inherit his last wish and make unremitting efforts for the party's cause. Before his execution, Peng Pan gave his clothes to his comrades-in-arms, gave a final speech to the victims, and sang the "Internationale" and rushed to the execution site, at the age of 33. Encouraged by Peng Pan's family letter, Xu Bing refused the good intentions of organizing him to go to Moscow for further study, and put two young children in the homes of his comrades-in-arms and went to Dananshan alone to carry out revolutionary work. Later, she was arrested by the reactionaries, tortured in prison, and sacrificed her life at the age of 26 to complete her husband's unfinished business.

To some extent, the family letter is a way of telling the story of the times, and many simple words record the touching traces and give birth to the power of inspiring people. At the beginning of 2020, the new crown pneumonia epidemic spread, and many medical workers fought in anti-epidemic positions and became the "most beautiful retrogrades" in people's eyes. Writer Zhang Ding selected more than 50 correspondences between medical staff and their families to write a book called "Letter to the Retrograde Family" with the words "For you to go out" and "Waiting for your return". In the family letter, these most beautiful retrogrades and their families exchanged thoughts and concerns, comforted and encouraged each other, and the front and rear were in the same boat, and they composed a magnificent poem.

Not long ago, I sorted out my things and pulled out a lot of family books. In this letter, there are setbacks after I joined the army, my family wrote letters to encourage me and help me regain my confidence; when I was preparing for military school, my confidence was insufficient, and my fiancée (now my wife) encouraged me in the letter to help me realize my dreams smoothly... The encouragement and encouragement of my relatives is the driving force for me to move forward in the barracks, and it is also the magic weapon to overcome difficulties and overcome setbacks on the road of life.

With the passage of time, the "family letter" has not lagged behind this era, but exists around us in a deeper and more powerful way. It contains a light that warms the heart. That kind of moving emotion and spiritual inspiration beyond any language, that kind of beautiful emotions, noble qualities, noble pursuits accumulated with life, that kind of words condensed from heart and love, will never become obsolete.

A thin family letter, written down is the heart, the inheritance is the family style, carrying not only a strong family affection, but also an inexhaustible force to inspire the struggle. (■Chen Guangsheng)

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily

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