
Double technical fouls! Wei Shao's mood was out of control when he ate Gordon alone, and the two confronted each other and a verbal altercation broke out

On January 16, Beijing time, the NBA regular season Lakers played against the Nuggets. In the third quarter of the game, Westbrook and Gordon quarreled, and the two confronted each other, sword-rattling, and both ate technical fouls.

Double technical fouls! Wei Shao's mood was out of control when he ate Gordon alone, and the two confronted each other and a verbal altercation broke out
Double technical fouls! Wei Shao's mood was out of control when he ate Gordon alone, and the two confronted each other and a verbal altercation broke out
Double technical fouls! Wei Shao's mood was out of control when he ate Gordon alone, and the two confronted each other and a verbal altercation broke out

Facing the Nuggets, Wei Shao continued his blacksmithing performance. It is worth mentioning that he was once again ridiculed by his opponent. Remember, in the last showdown with the Kings, Westbrook played 37 minutes, shooting 2 of 14, and the King's home big screen picture called him the most ruthless player, ridiculing him that he felt cold.

This game, the Nuggets home DJ played again, "Cold, cold baby." "This is obviously a continuation of the ridicule of Wei Shao, and throughout the first quarter, Wei Shao only had 1 of 5 shots. Lakers reporter Dan Woike lamented that the taunt was still happening.

Double technical fouls! Wei Shao's mood was out of control when he ate Gordon alone, and the two confronted each other and a verbal altercation broke out

In the first half, Westbrook was 4-of-10 and had 10 points and three assists. With 6 minutes and 12 seconds left in the third quarter, after Wei Shao broke through, he was closely defended by Gordon, could not find a shot opportunity, could not stand up to the opponent, and then fell to the ground. Gordon stared at him, and this glare made Wei Shao anxious.

Double technical fouls! Wei Shao's mood was out of control when he ate Gordon alone, and the two confronted each other and a verbal altercation broke out

Wei Shao got up to talk to Gordon, the two broke out into a quarrel, jordan jr. rushed over to persuade the fight, pulled the two apart, and then the referee also intervened. The mood of the two gradually calmed down, and the referee looked back at the video and blew a technical foul on both sides.

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