
TES vs. UP: Knight post-match interview, overseas netizen comments

On January 15, Beijing time, the sixth day of the first week of the LPL Spring Games. In the TES vs. UP game, Knight used Silas to get his career 1500 kills. In addition, the Knight+JKL combination also achieved 100 wins in the LPL division, which is also the fourth anniversary of the debut of JKL players.

Although TES lost a point in the match against UP, it finally refused to let one chase two and successfully won the game.

TES vs. UP: Knight post-match interview, overseas netizen comments

After the game, Knight was interviewed by LPL English Stream:

Interview: First of all, congratulations to Knight for winning the game, but also unlocking 1500 kills, and the combination with Ashui has won 100 games. So I want to ask how Knight feels?

Knight: The impression may be that I have been playing in the LPL for so many years, playing for a long time, and I have been a teammate with Ah Shui for a long time.

Interview: You designed a good wave of first-class group invasions in the first game, and we kk also managed to get a blood, so I would like to ask how the first-level group design was carried out in the team at that time?

Knight: There were two influences that could be displaced over the wall, Silas and Lowe. We thought they might be there, so we tried it.

TES vs. UP: Knight post-match interview, overseas netizen comments

Interview: In the second inning, your Victor chose sprint + flash, so I want to ask why I chose it that way?

Knight: I thought that if Victor played the plane without sprinting, it would be difficult to play better than the plane, so I tried it and gave up the line.

Interview: I would like to ask Knight's opinion on the TP change, as a single player, does he like such a change?

Knight: The impact of TP changes may be reduced like going up and down the road, and the line period may increase. I think this change is quite appropriate, and it feels ok.

TES vs. UP: Knight post-match interview, overseas netizen comments

Overseas netizen comments:

-You think Xiaopeng Blind Monk R Flash kicked two people? Actually, there are three, and Tian

- Oh my God, I haven't seen such trash talk in a long time

- Chinese players' garbage words and memes are god level

- I feel sorry for Tian, but he is too unstable now... Xiaopeng had a great pace early in the game, so hopefully they can keep him on the pitch

- Many people who understand know that Xiaopeng deserves a good team. Every time I see The Team of Xiaopeng and Haro, it's sad because they're in 1v9 in a lot of games, which a lot of wilders can't do. But it's terrible for Tian, who did well for most of last year's regular season and hopefully he has more chances.

TES vs. UP: Knight post-match interview, overseas netizen comments

- I still don't understand why Tian didn't choose to take a break after exposing all his problems...

- Because Knight and he are good friends and want to play together. By the way, that's the only reason Tian can get a starter on any team.

-Huh? Is the LPL also a fraternal alliance? Knight and Tian, and Doinb and Lvmao, who else?

-Zoom and Token are similar

TES vs. UP: Knight post-match interview, overseas netizen comments

- Xiaopeng blind monk is too top, it seems that Tian is going to be a substitute for a while. Even if they lost the second set, he did well.

-JKL did what JKL should do to make this game even more exciting!

-Watching the JKL and Theshy races these days reminds me of how crazy the previous champion IG was,

- Shiauc in the second inning was brilliant, with Elk scoring five kills. But every time shiauc came along, I was nervous to the point of having a heart attack

-AD gap, field gap, team gap, see the state of JKL in the first game to know the end. Xiaopeng is doing well and TES should be in the top three.

- Xiaopeng's blind monk looks like the blind monk before Tian, hoping that TES will keep him on the field

TES vs. UP: Knight post-match interview, overseas netizen comments

The combination of JKL + Zhuo is slightly below average, but with Xiaopeng in place, they should be 100% in the top three

TES vs. UP: Knight post-match interview, overseas netizen comments

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