
The 69-year-old Kangxi Emperor, who had always been in very good health, died suddenly?

The Kangxi Emperor was the de facto founder of the Manchu Qing Dynasty and the longest reigning emperor in China's feudal history. Curiously, he had been alive and well until he died, even going hunting in the paddock a month before his death. It can be seen that Kangxi died violently, so what caused Kangxi's violent death?

The 69-year-old Kangxi Emperor, who had always been in very good health, died suddenly?

(Kangxi Dynasty Kangxi stills)

Hunting and riding suffered from wind chills.

The Kangxi Emperor was fond of war horses, and it was not easy for him to pacify the world on war horses and reunite the broken mountains and rivers. Therefore, he has a deep affection for war horses, and in the process of this hunt, he naturally still has to choose a faster war horse. It was during this hunt that the Kangxi Emperor suffered from wind chills and had been feverish at night, and the disease never got better.

Winter October Sim Unitary... 癸酉, 上幸南苑行圍... In November, Pengzi, Shangbu Yu, also stationed in Shen Fu Chun Garden. --- Draft History of the Qing Dynasty

This means that Kangxi went hunting in Nanyuan in October, but in November, he fell ill. This period was a difficult time for Kangxi, because he knew that his limit had arrived, and he had to arrange the aftermath before he could leave.

The 69-year-old Kangxi Emperor, who had always been in very good health, died suddenly?

In fact, Kangxi had already fallen ill.

In fact, from the history of the Qing Dynasty, we can find that Kangxi in his later years has been ill, although it is not a serious disease, and it has not affected his life. But this effect was subtle, and at that time there was no comprehensive physical examination, let alone internal organ examination. It is difficult to find out the hidden dangers of some diseases by relying on the Taiyi pulse alone, so Kangxi did not pay attention to maintenance.

In the forty-seventh year of Kangxi, Kangxi had long felt that his body and mind were not strong, and he often had symptoms of dizziness, dizziness, shaking hands and swollen feet. But he thought he was still very young, only fifty-five years old, in his prime, so he didn't care about that. In fact, since this time, he has been entangled in the disease, but he has not paid attention to it.

By the time Kangxi was fifty-six years old, Kangxi was once again rubbing shoulders with the god of death, and his hand that approved the recital could no longer hold the pen, which showed how badly his illness had hit. At this time, he also had to serve the old. His grandfather Nurhaci lived to be sixty-eight years old; his grandfather Emperor Taiji lived to be fifty-two years old, and his father Shunzhi lived only twenty-four years. He is now sixty-four years old, and naturally he feels that he has reached the age of old, and he has even drawn up a successor at this moment.

The 69-year-old Kangxi Emperor, who had always been in very good health, died suddenly?

Kowloon seized the concubine, leaving Kangxi physically and mentally exhausted.

Kangxi was a very good problem solver, and he never chose to avoid problems. However, in the matter of the nine dragons, Kangxi has been choosing to escape. Because this matter concerned the life and death of so many of his sons, he had to make a good choice. The abolition of Prince Yinrong was ostensibly due to his own corruption and incompetence, but in fact it was also the consequence of The Seizure of the Wife in Kowloon. Kangxi knew that no matter who he chose to be the crown prince, he would be bowed down by other sons.

Therefore, he has not expressed his position, and even has been putting smoke bombs, so that every prince feels that he has a play, which is amazing. This requires a lot of energy to act, but it is not so easy to point out the big hand. Many times family affairs are more difficult to solve than major national affairs, and Kangxi really understands it. Until the fifty-sixth year of Kangxi, he did not make up his mind to let any prince ascend the throne, which shows how desolate his old age was.

Summary: The Kangxi Emperor was infected with wind and cold, old diseases, and upset that would lead to violent death.

In the last month of his life, the Kangxi Emperor chose to hunt on horseback, which in itself was an act of death-seeking. However, he should be more confident in his body, so he thinks that even if he is sixty-nine years old, he can still toss it. At this time, he was tossed and turned, so he got a wind chill, which directly caused him to have a high fever and died.

In fact, Kangxi had already been ill, but he was still young at the time, so he did not pay attention to these problems. There is no condition for a physical examination every year, so these problems have been accumulated in his body, which is the main reason for his violent death.

The most important thing is the heart disease, the prince has been deposed twice, the position of the successor has not been determined, and the nine sons are thinking about seizing the throne every day. This was a problem that Kangxi had never solved all his life, and this was the biggest disease in his heart, and the heart disease was more difficult to cure than any disease, because there was no medicine. Therefore, Kangxi's violent death is related to the seizure of wives by these sons.

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