
After suffering from high blood pressure, insist on doing these 5 things well, or can stabilize the blood pressure value and prevent the spike

When it comes to the disease of high blood pressure, I believe that everyone is not unfamiliar, because this is the most common chronic disease in life, and the incidence is high.

According to relevant statistics, one in every three adults is a hypertension patient, and although the treatment of hypertension is not difficult, if it is not taken seriously, it may even cause a variety of complications, such as myocardial infarction and stroke, over time.

It is precisely in this way that people who hope that people with high blood pressure will adhere to the following 5 things, so that their blood pressure can be stabilized within a reasonable range.

After suffering from high blood pressure, insist on doing these 5 things well, or can stabilize the blood pressure value and prevent the spike

1. Take measures to keep warm

After entering the autumn and winter, the temperature drops sharply, and if there is no focus on keeping warm, cold air will directly irritate the skin and blood vessels, which will lead to a sharp rise in blood pressure.

Especially the nerve endings of the elderly, the stimulation of temperature is not very sensitive, and when you feel cold, there are often problems, so I hope that everyone will pay more attention to temperature changes and add clothes in a timely manner.

After suffering from high blood pressure, insist on doing these 5 things well, or can stabilize the blood pressure value and prevent the spike

2. Reasonable diet

When suffering from high blood pressure, diet is also a very important aspect, first of all, we must uphold the principle of low salt and low fat, especially avoid the intake of pickled foods, otherwise the sodium element in it will increase the pressure on the blood vessels.

Secondly, try to replace animal oil with edible oil, so as to avoid cholesterol accumulation in the blood vessels, thereby reducing the probability of arteriosclerosis.

In addition, we should also eat more fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions, etc., especially onions, which contain a substance called prostaglandin a, which can dilate blood vessels, so that blood circulation is smoother and blood pressure will drop.

After suffering from high blood pressure, insist on doing these 5 things well, or can stabilize the blood pressure value and prevent the spike

3. Stay away from tobacco and alcohol

Smoking and drinking is also the culprit that causes blood pressure to rise, especially with age, the function of the organ is already degraded, if there is also the weight of smoking and drinking, it will mainly cause a variety of health problems, including increased blood pressure.

Because cigarettes contain more nicotine, this substance will not only increase the risk of lung disease, but also easily promote the sympathetic and central nervous system overexcited, and stimulate the renal adenine to release a large number of catecholamines, causing arterial contraction problems, resulting in increased blood pressure.

In addition, the calories of alcohol are relatively high, if you drink it regularly, it is easy to cause the problem of obesity, and it will also damage the inner wall of blood vessels, increase the risk of hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

After suffering from high blood pressure, insist on doing these 5 things well, or can stabilize the blood pressure value and prevent the spike

4. Pay attention to taking medication

As a common chronic disease, the most effective way to control blood pressure is to take antihypertensive drugs, and the antihypertensive drugs on the market have a variety of choices in the process of not blind, you must follow the doctor's advice according to the physical situation, choose drugs with small side effects and tolerance.

In addition, during the process of taking drugs, it is also necessary to avoid changing the dose of drugs without authorization, otherwise blood pressure is too high or too low will also cause cerebrovascular accidents.

After suffering from high blood pressure, insist on doing these 5 things well, or can stabilize the blood pressure value and prevent the spike

5, maintain a good attitude

After suffering from diseases, the mood is always susceptible to the influence of the disease, and if there is irritability and anxiety for a long time, it will stimulate the body to secrete a large amount of angiotensin, which in turn will promote an increase in blood pressure.

Therefore, everyone should adjust their mentality and face it positively and optimistically, which is more conducive to improving the condition.

After suffering from high blood pressure, insist on doing these 5 things well, or can stabilize the blood pressure value and prevent the spike

All in all, from a medical point of view, hypertension is indeed not a very serious disease, but if it is not taken seriously, it will even induce serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications over time.

Therefore, after suffering from hypertensive diseases, everyone needs to insist on doing the above five things well, so as to stabilize the blood pressure value.

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