
How high is Puyi's education level? The real level of household registration in junior high schools is beyond the reach of some experts


"Short Song Line": "What is the life like a song for wine?" For example, the morning dew, going to the day is more bitter. "The impermanence of life is often something we can't predict and control, and we can only choose to adapt and try to make him better." The same is true of this concept rising to the level of history, some of the general trend of historical development is powerless for us, and only by facing it positively and taking seriously in the future life is the only magic weapon to make everything all good.

He, when he was a three-year-old child, ascended to the throne that countless people dreamed of, and the image of Jiangshan in his mind had no specific concept, just a very abstract existence. When he grew up, he thought he could advocate reform and promote a constitutional monarchy, but he was unexpectedly expelled from his home by the warlords. He thought he was the master of the Great Qing Dynasty, but in the end he became a puppet of the Japanese. He was the last emperor of China, Puyi, and his life was full of legends, although he experienced from the emperor of the Nine-Five-Year Emperor to the ordinary people, but it still receives widespread attention.

How high is Puyi's education level? The real level of household registration in junior high schools is beyond the reach of some experts

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In 1959, the pardoned Puyi returned to Beijing from Fushun. In the face of the new China at that time, Puyi had mixed feelings in his heart. At that time, citizens of New China all needed to apply for a hukou, and Puyi was no exception. From the household registration point of view, Puyi's education level shows only junior high school, which is very surprising. As the leader of a country, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, born in the imperial family, how high is Puyi's education level? It is well known that the rulers of successive dynasties of feudal dynasties regarded the training of successors as an important task, and thus established different royal education systems. After the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, in order to train its own descendants to become qualified successors, the imperial family specially set up a study.

How high is Puyi's education level? The real level of household registration in junior high schools is beyond the reach of some experts

▲Recent photo of Oxford University

The princes of the Qing Dynasty, Yu Wen, studied Manchu, Mongolian, Chinese and other languages, as well as Confucian classics; Yu Wu, they also carried forward the traditional spirit of the Manchu Qing Dynasty - learning to ride and shoot. According to historical records, Puyi once had eight teachers in Manchu, Chinese and English, and these teachers were also elites in various fields. Zhu Yifan, Chen Baochen, Liang Dingfen, Xu Shichang, etc. are Puyi's Chinese teachers, and Puyi's English teacher is a high-achieving student who graduated from Oxford University, who is responsible for teaching Puyi English and Western history, as well as mathematics and geography. Among them, among the many teachers, it is his knowledge enlightenment that has played a great role in puyi, enabling puyi to accept Western ideas and lifestyles faster. Obviously, the teachers who taught Puyi at that time were the best teachers, so the students taught by such teachers were certainly not ordinary people.

How high is Puyi's education level? The real level of household registration in junior high schools is beyond the reach of some experts

▲Puyi's household registration stills


Puyi grew up in the Forbidden City, where his family preserved a variety of cultural relics, where he also received ambassadors from all over the world. Although Puyi was expelled from the palace after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, he lived in the Forbidden City from below, and he was once the king of a country, he must have seen the world, and his vision was definitely higher than that of ordinary people. As we all know, in today's society, the diploma is the most direct and basic important criterion for measuring a person, and it is also the most basic requirement for us to find a job. No matter how knowledgeable you are, how many books you have read, if there is no official diploma issued by the state, everyone cannot directly know at a glance which level of your knowledge level is, so it is difficult for us to accurately judge puyi's cultural level.

How high is Puyi's education level? The real level of household registration in junior high schools is beyond the reach of some experts

▲Old photos of the Forbidden City at the end of the Qing Dynasty

The division of academic qualifications in our country is based on the current educational system in our country. In old China, most of the citizens were illiterate, and those who could read and write were basically the children of the nobility, and Puyi was after all an educated emperor, and the level of knowledge would naturally be much higher than that of ordinary citizens. Since there is no diploma, the most intuitive evidence to prove Puyi's cultural level, through the study of historical materials, we can speculate that Puyi's education level is not only junior high school level. First of all, Puyi has a high level of appreciation, he has seen countless rare treasures through daily contact, relying on experience for identification, nine times out of ten are accurate. However, Puyi's professional connoisseurship knowledge is limited to the cultural relics of the Palace Museum, if it is not the Forbidden City, then Puyi's appreciation will decline.

How high is Puyi's education level? The real level of household registration in junior high schools is beyond the reach of some experts

▲Puyi stills

In addition, Puyi also wrote his own biography "The First Half of My Life". This book, which he reflects on himself, from Puyi's youth to his return to Beijing in his later years, is described in great detail and has been revised many times over and over again. If you are only a person with a low level of education, you can't write such a book. Although after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Puyi was no longer the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, but just an ordinary Chinese citizen, But Puyi's writing skills were also beyond the reach of many college students. Finally, Puyi's English level is very impressive, since childhood under the guidance of the high-quality students of Oxford University, Puyi's English level at that time, has far exceeded the English level of many college students, listening, speaking, reading and writing he is proficient.

How high is Puyi's education level? The real level of household registration in junior high schools is beyond the reach of some experts

▲ Puyi working in the botanical garden old photo

Although this does not seem strange now, according to the data, the literacy rate in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty was less than 10%, which also shows that Puyi was indeed a cultured person. After Puyi abdicated, he continued to enjoy the privileges of the imperial family, which also represented the face of the Imperial Family of the Qing Dynasty, and an emperor could never be ignorant. Then, how could Puyi, who was enjoying the country's top educational resources at that time, show that there was only one first Chinese on the household registration? In fact, from the previous details, we know that Puyi's true academic qualifications are judged according to the current standards, which is enough to make some experts ashamed of themselves and beyond their reach.


It is just that the Qing Dynasty under Puyi's rule is in danger, the survival of the Qing court is in jeopardy, and even if Puyi is the king of a country, he is also a small person who cannot control his fate in the face of the rolling forward torrent of history, and is destined to become a victim of the tide of history. The so-called initial Chinese is only filled in by Puyi after becoming a civilian, in order to fulfill the obligations of a citizen.


"The First Half of My Life", "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Volume 25, Motoki 25"

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