
Kailash is just a mountain, and pilgrims worship it, what is the point?

author:Heroic Song

Kailash is the second highest and main peak of the Gandhis Mountains in Tibet, with an altitude of 6656 meters, in the many mountains of western China and even the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, there is nothing special, the altitude is less than 7 kilometers, the mountain is nothing special, there is no diversity of animals and plants at the foot of the mountain, there is no vertical forest cover at the altitude, except for the Mapan Yongcuo Lake at the foot of the mountain, there are bare stones everywhere, almost no grass. It can be said that Kailash Peak is not proud of its appearance, and there is almost nothing unusual about it. Among the many snow-capped mountains in Tibet, Kailash is also an ordinary snow-capped mountain.

Kailash is just a mountain, and pilgrims worship it, what is the point?

The world's first sacred mountain - Kailash

However, it is the most famous sacred mountain in China and even in the world, and there is no one. Kailash is a sacred mountain commonly recognized by Hinduism, Tibetan Bon, Tibetan Buddhism, and ancient Jainism, and there are many legends about it, and the more they spread, the more magical they become. Hindus believe that Kailash is the center of the world, and shiva, the most powerful of Hinduism, lives here. Every year, there are countless devotees who come here on pilgrimage, so many that even ordinary people come here to turn the mountain. The so-called mountain turning is to walk around Kailash, and the believers prostrate themselves to measure the circumference of Kailash. There are so many legends about Kailash that various sects can speak for three days and three nights, invisibly putting a more mysterious veil on Kailash. The point is that many of the people who flock to the crowd are Indians, Nepalese and Bhutanese, and their pious mentality is really difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Kailash is just a mountain, and pilgrims worship it, what is the point?

I really don't understand the mentality of the Tibetans who prostrate their heads

Kailash is actually just a mountain, and the so-called gods do not exist in the materialist worldview, but only in the hearts of the believers. After the movie "Kailash" was broadcast a few years ago, the influence of this mountain became even greater, and people who did not know about this mountain also thought of ways to come to Kailash to turn the mountain. Whether Kailash is the center of the world and the center of the universe does not dare to judge, but the four rivers that originate from it are really thunderous. These four rivers are the Shiquan River, the Maquan River, the Xiangquan River and the Peacock River. They are all named after animals. They are the source of the Ganges, the Indus, and the Brahmaputra, which, after thousands of turns, eventually merge into the Indian Ocean.

Kailash is just a mountain, and pilgrims worship it, what is the point?

Looking at them, I really can't figure it out

What is the significance of turning mountains? Can sins be washed away? I don't know, maybe it's just a spiritual sustenance. A mountain is a mountain, it cannot speak or move, it is man who has clothed it with the cloak of religion and made it a sacred mountain that everyone admires. Countless Tibetans have bowed their heads to Kailash and revered the sacred mountain with a pious attitude, always firmly believing that without flesh and blood, there would be no pilgrimage. Without going through all the hardships and not being sincere, they even spent a lifetime treating pilgrimages. Especially in the Year of the Horse, there are even more people who come to pilgrimage and turn the mountain, they all have different lives, but they all have a common purpose, repeating a common action: kneeling, standing up, kneeling again, standing up again, repeating the cycle, tireless. As for whether the pilgrimage has any effect, no one knows, perhaps it is just a spiritual comfort.

Kailash is just a mountain, and pilgrims worship it, what is the point?

Braving the wind and snow to prostrate and wait for the long head

What is even more amazing is that they all think that Kailash is the center of the world, even the center of the universe, and that Kailash has a gate to hell and heaven underground, and even Hitler has sent people to Kailash twice to find a cave called Shambhala, which leads to the axis of the earth, and if the axis of the earth is rotated in the opposite direction, it can reverse time and space, turn back time, let the Nazis return to 1939 before the war, and then Hitler will start again and start another war in order to turn defeat into victory. Himmler also suggested to Hitler that 10,000 airborne troops be airdropped into Tibet, China, and an invincible legion, known as the "Army of the Immortal", was formed in order to overturn the situation.

Kailash is just a mountain, and pilgrims worship it, what is the point?


Think it is ridiculous, the war maniac Hitler also feudal superstition? Engage in this set? He didn't believe in the machine guns, cannons, tanks, planes in his hands? The end result, of course, was that nothing was found, and that Shambala was a dream of whether the Nazis should fail or fail, and whether Hitler should commit suicide or commit suicide.

Kailash is just a mountain, and pilgrims worship it, what is the point?

Route map to the mountain

In fact, mountains are mountains, nothing else. Kailash may have an unusual story, but it was added by people, and the purpose was nothing more than to find a spiritual sustenance. As for the so-called "Che Mo" (wild man), no one has ever witnessed it. What is the number of kilometers from Kailash to the South Pole, 6666 kilometers to Stonehenge, how many kilometers to the Pyramids of Mexico, and how many kilometers to the Pyramids of Egypt, are actually a coincidence. If kneeling can change fate, pilgrimage can be promoted to fame, and turning mountains can be fierce and auspicious, will all kinds of misfortunes in life still happen? As for the Russian scientist who said that Kailash is a pyramid, built by the advanced civilization of mankind in ancient times, it is even more nonsense and ridiculous. It is also said that Kailash's time passes 14 times faster than in other places, and that in Kailash, hair and nails grow rapidly, which is a personal imagination and lacks scientific basis.

Kailash is just a mountain, and pilgrims worship it, what is the point?

Kailash Peak

As for the saying that Kailash is miraculous and has a mysterious power, no one has been able to reach the top so far, and this statement is actually even more untenable. You know, in the mountaineering world, peaks below 7,000 meters are not considered! To put it bluntly, professional mountaineers are disdainful of climbing mountains like Kailash, only 6656 meters above sea level, with this time, money and energy, it is better to climb those peaks with an altitude of more than 7 kilometers, which is more meaningful and valuable. That is to say, it is not how difficult Kailash is to climb, it is the mountaineering community that does not climb it. On the other hand, professional mountaineers and mountaineering teams who want to climb Kailash must be hand-to-hand, and there is not much technical difficulty. Think about it, how difficult is Kailash still difficult for ChogolLi Peak? And the Gongga Mountains? And Nanga Bawa Peak?

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