
Cloud Groan Series Stealing Hearts

author:Culture of good karma

"The ancient and pure wind has not returned for a long time, and the end of the gushing disaster has turned sad.

Su Si was colored away from the silkworm mouth, and the bright moon was covered with dust out of the mussel fetus.

Disease-free empty flower Ning Feng eyes, there is a suspicious bow shadow self-sinking cup.

Whoever dies steals his heart to hoe the clouds and plant plums together. ”

Cloud Groan Series Stealing Hearts

Heaven and earth, the thief of all things; all things, the thief of man; man, the thief of all things.

In his early years, he was in Beijing. Because of the situation, the foolishness is very heavy, and the morality is becoming more and more desolate. One night, several people sat around and talked about it. Shi Yue: "The foundation is not solid, and the ground is shaking." "When you return home, you write a book on the wall to warn yourself. is for the record.

What is stealing hearts? Stealing the heart generally refers to the heart of a person who steals. Zen Buddhism points to the mind of external separation, the mind of seeking, or the mind of luck.

The Yin Rune Sutra says, "Heaven and earth, the thief of all things; all things, the thief of man; man, the thief of all things." Three thieves are appropriate, and three are safe. "The thief, the thief of the world." In the world, some people steal money, some people steal pleasure, some people steal life, some people steal peace, some people steal love, and some people steal hearts.

Whoever steals money will profit, and then he will have it exhausted;

He who steals pleasure will be pleased, and then he will be troubled;

He who steals the living lives, and then there will be condescension;

The thief is happy, and then there will be laziness;

The thief begins with chaos, and then there will be abandonment;

Those who steal their hearts are entangled, and then they will have evil thoughts.

All of this is the beginning of the curse. Gentlemen do not do.

Among all the thieves, only the "stealing heart" of man is innate, and it is difficult for the world to break it.

For those who "steal their hearts", Confucius once severely reprimanded in the "Analects of Yang Goods", saying that a person who does not cultivate morality within himself, has no way out of the world, and is a bully who deceives others, or abuses others, or deceives himself, and his behavior is undoubtedly such as digging holes in the wall and climbing the wall. "Zi Yue: The color is fierce and inward, for example, the villains, and the thieves who wear the stalks are also with!"

Some people look honest on the surface, and they look simple and sincere, but in fact, they are deceitful, or hypocritical in their words, and the townspeople think that they are prudent and generous, happy to be clever and fake, and they are said to be virtuous, and those who are just and upright are misunderstood. Confucius denounced him as a thief of virtue. This is all a thief who "steals the heart", this thief, the small is chaotic, the right and wrong of the people, this is a small thief; the big is a disaster to the country and the nation, this is a national thief. Therefore, the master severely reprimanded and warned him, saying: "Son: the hometown wish, the thief of virtue also!" ”

Mencius called "stealing the heart" "the heart of the piercing".

Mr. Nanshi Huaijin summed up in "Mencius and dedication" and "I said that I sang the same contract", Nanshi said: "The so-called 'piercing' is to describe digging holes and drilling holes, and 'piercing the heart' is also the heart of stealing. The same is true of the psychology of some people who learn the Tao and cultivate their minds, because they have a little curiosity in their hearts and want to get magical powers. If you reflect on yourself, the reasons for these thoughts, there are many strange tricks. ...... Therefore, the aspect of conscience that can maintain innate spirituality is expanded into 'the heart without piercing', and the heart of stealing is extinguished, 'and righteousness is invincible', and the morality and outward behavior of the natural heart are in line with the great righteousness. ”

"Wearing the heart of the purse is the psychology of stealing, that is, stealing the heart."

"Ordinary cultivators have a fluke mentality, so the Zen ancestor scolds people: 'If you want to realize the Tao, first get rid of stealing the heart.'" What is stealing hearts? It is stealing, dishonesty, not following the rules, and playing with cleverness. ”

Cloud Groan Series Stealing Hearts

Whoever dies steals his heart to hoe the clouds and plant plums together.

The Ten Virtuous Karma Sutras say that the human body should stay away from killing, stealing, and fornicating, that is, not killing, not stealing, and not committing adultery in one's family. Not stealing is to put an end to all acts of taking advantage of others or other sentient beings, and the Disciple Rules say that "if you use characters, you must ask clearly, and if you don't ask, you are stealing." If this theft is not done, but there is still the idea of greed in your heart. This is the intention of stealing.

The Lengyan Sutra, vol. 6 Yun: "If you cultivate samadhi, you will come out of the dust, and if you steal the heart, the dust will not come out; no matter how wise you are, if you continue to steal before you meditate, you will fall into the evil path." ......”

For this passage, Nanshi made a detailed explanation in the "Lengyan Dayi Present Interpretation" under the title of "Basic Precepts for Learning Buddhism and Practicing Buddhism".

The Present Interpretation says: (The Buddha said) "All sentient beings of the great path of the world, destroy the thieves and stealing minds in their hearts." It is possible to get rid of life and death, to practice the right samadhi, originally requiring to transcend the troubles of dust and labor, if you do not get rid of the secret mind, you will not be able to get rid of the tiredness of dust and labor at all. Even if you have a lot of worldly knowledge, or get a little meditation realm, if you keep stealing your heart, you will definitely fall into the evil path and be in the company of the elves and demons. They also have many believers, and they all claim to have achieved the supreme path.

After my death, in the period of the end of the Fa, there were many demons and evil people who flourished in the world, with treacherous intentions and calling themselves good knowledge. They all proclaimed that they had attained the supreme path, deceived the ignorant and ignorant, and intimidated them into losing their true self-nature. Wherever they pass, they run out of money.

I teach monks to beg for food and prolong their lives anytime and anywhere. It is for them to give up their greedy hearts and succeed in the path of supreme enlightenment. Moreover, the monks do not cook their own cooked food. 'To the remnants, to the three realms.' It means that in this life it is necessary to attain the Tao, to make this one-time coming and going in the human world, and never to return.

Some people with thieves' hearts have borrowed my clothes and sold them as barnyards, creating all kinds of sin karma of their own. Although the mouth is talking about the Dharma, it is not a true monasticism. Even if one has received all the precepts, it is the path of Hinayana alone. The result is that many sentient beings suspect and misunderstand, which is really an infinite sin.

If, after I have attained enlightenment, some monks decide to devote themselves to the cultivation of samadhi. To be able to forget one's body for the Dharma before the Buddha statue. I said that this man, the debt of the beginningless, was repaid in that instant. It is certain that it will be possible to 'dwell on the world forever and never get rid of all leaks'.

You will teach the world in the future that to practice Samadhi, you must cut off the mind of stealing, and this is the third decisive purification that all Buddhism has established in the past. If you keep getting rid of stealing your mind and practicing meditation, it's like water leaking and it will never be filled.

If you are a monk, you have no selfish savings for your basic food and clothing. If there is any surplus from begging, it is also to be given to other sentient beings. If someone comes to beat me and scold me for no reason, I must also treat me with courtesy, and I must be able to give up my body and mind, so that this body and flesh and bones can also be shared with all sentient beings. We should never take the Buddha's unrighteous theory as our ultimate opinion, so as to delay our initial learning. To be able to do such a person, I think he has attained true samadhi. What I say is the true Buddha's saying. It's not like that, it's the devil's statement. (Wentu/Culture of Good Karma)

Cloud Groan Series Stealing Hearts

The foundation is not solid, and the ground is shaking.

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