
Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

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Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Commonly used feed for pigs

The commonly used feeds of pigs are energy feed, protein feed, mineral feed and feed additives.

1. Energy feed

Energy feed refers to feed with a crude fiber content of less than 18% and a crude protein content of less than 20%, and its nutritional characteristics are: it is rich in easy-to-digest starch, which is the main source of energy required by pigs. However, the content of protein, minerals and vitamins in this type of feed is low, mainly including cereal seeds and their processing by-products, starchy tubers and tubers. Cereal seeds actually refer to the mature seeds of grass plants, including corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice, millet, etc., this type of feed is characterized by rich nitrogen-free extracts, accounting for 70% to 80% of dry matter, of which mainly starch, accounting for 80% to 90%, its digestibility is very high, digestion energy is mostly more than 13 megajoules / kg. The disadvantage is that the protein content is low, 8.5% to 12%, the use of this type of feed alone can not meet the needs of pigs for protein, lysine, methionine content is also low, calcium deficiency, phosphorus deficiency, calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is not suitable, lack of vitamin A (in addition to yellow corn) and vitamin D.

(1) Corn

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Corn is the most commonly used energy feed in pig production, with good palatability and digestibility, in all energy feeds, corn digestion energy content is the highest, crude fiber content is low, only about 2%, and contains nitrogen-free extract of about 70%, mainly starch, its digestibility can reach about 90%. The fat content of corn is 3.5% to 4.5%, which is 1 times that of wheat or barley. The content of corn linoleic acid can reach 2%, which is the highest content of all cereal feeds. However, the protein content of corn is low, about 8.6%, which is less than the content of wheat and barley cereals, but it is close to the content of sorghum, brown rice, crushed rice and so on. Corn has poor amino acid composition and insufficient lysine, methionine and tryptophan. Therefore, when feeding pigs with corn, it must be combined with animal and plant protein feeds such as soybean cake (meal) and silkworm pupa to supplement the lack of protein and amino acids in order to obtain a good feeding effect. Due to the insufficient content of tryptophan in corn, in order to make good use of tryptophan, the amount of niacin or niacinamide should be increased in the additive premix, the riboflavin and pantothenic acid content of corn are less, and niacin is also in a bound state, which needs to be solved when preparing feed.

(2) Sorghum

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

The metabolic energy level of sorghum seeds varies from variety to variety, and the metabolic energy level of seeds with fewer shells is not much lower than that of corn, which is a good energy feed. The sorghum produced in northeast China is of good quality. However, the hybrid sorghum promoted in North China for more than 20 years, the flour yield is not high, contains too much tannin, the palatability is poor, the animals fed alone refuse to eat, can only be used in limited quantities in the feed grain, generally not more than 20% of the feed grain. The amino acid composition is characterized by the same characteristics as corn, and it also lacks lysine, methionine, tryptophan and threonine. Varieties containing more tannins have a significantly lower protein digestibility.

(3) Barley

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

There are two kinds of barley seeds, the shelled one is called "grass barley", and the shellless one is called "naked barley". Shelled family, commonly known as barley, its metabolic energy level is low, about 11.51 MJ / kg. good palatability, containing about 5% crude fiber, can promote the peristalsis of the animal intestine, so that the digestive function is normal, is a more favorite feed of pigs. Barley has a higher protein content of about 11%, and the content of lysine, tryptophan and isoleucine is higher than that of cornseed, but it is still insufficient in terms of animal needs. The crude fat content is about 2%, and more than half of the fatty acids are linoleic acid. Barley is not suitable for piglets, but if it is bare barley, it can replace some corn feeding piglets after dehulling, tableting and steam treatment. Feeding fattening pigs with barley, the daily weight gain is comparable to that of corn, but the feed conversion rate is not as good as corn, and it is advisable to do not exceed 25% of pig feed. Due to the low fat content and high protein content of barley, it is an ideal feed for the late stage of fattening, and pork with white fat, high hardness, thin dorsal fat and lean meat can be obtained. China's famous "Jinhua ham" production area, historically used barley as one of the essential concentrates for raising pigs.

(4) Wheat

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Wheat is a staple food of our people and is rarely used as feed, but in some areas, the price of wheat is lower than that of corn, and wheat is also used as feed. The energy feed in the northern European countries is mainly wheat, of which wheat is used in large quantities. The crude fiber content of wheat in China is comparable to that of corn, and the crude fat content is lower than that of corn, but the protein content is higher than that of corn, which is about 14%, which is the higher protein content in cereals. Wheat also has a higher energy value of 14.36 MJ/kg, second only to maize. However, the content of essential amino acids is low, especially lysine. Wheat, like corn, has less calcium and more phosphorus, and phosphorus is mainly phosphorus phytate (about 1.8%), and the content of trace elements iron, copper, manganese and zinc is less. Wheat contains more B and vitamin E, while vitamins A, D and C are less. Pigs are better than corn, whole grain and crushed as well, but not well ground. When feeding fattening pigs in the same amount of corn substitution, the utilization rate of the feed may be reduced because the energy value is lower than that of corn, but some protein feed can be saved, and the quality of the slaughter can be improved to prevent the thickening of the dorsal fat.

(5) Wheat bran

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Wheat bran is composed of wheat peel, seed coat, paste layer and unblished endosperm powder grains. Because it has a certain energy value, there are more crude proteins, and the price is relatively cheap, so it is widely used in feed. Wheat bran contains high B vitamins, the biggest disadvantage is that phosphorus is more calcium, the ratio is extremely unbalanced (1:8), and the crude fiber content is more. Due to the fluffy texture, good palatability, and mild diarrhea, it is a good feed for late pregnancy and nursing sows, and the effect of feeding fat pigs is slightly worse, but it can produce white stearabin, and the amount of feeding to young pigs cannot be too much, so as not to have indigestion. Wheat bran absorbs water strongly, and a large amount of dry feeding is easy to cause constipation. Pay attention to ventilation and drying when storing, otherwise it is easy to mold and rot.

(6) Secondary powder

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Secondary flour is a by-product obtained when wheat processes concentrate flour. When used as feed, the crude protein and crude fiber content is generally slightly lower than that of wheat bran, while the nitrogen-free extract is higher, so the energy value is higher, which is a better energy feed. It should be noted that due to the fine particle size and poor dispersal, it is easy to cause agglomeration when making compound feed. In the diet of piglets and faster-growing fattened pigs, the proportion is not more than 15% and 25% respectively.

(7) Rice bran

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Rice bran is a mixture of seed coat, paste layer and embryo separated when brown rice is processed into white rice. The more refined the processing of white rice, the more endosperm-containing substances, and the higher the energy value of rice bran. Compared with rice and corn, the content of crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber and crude ash in dry matter is high. Fresh rice bran is good in palatability, due to more oil, less calcium and more magnesium, the dosage should be appropriate, generally controlled at 25% to 30% of the diet, too much will cause diarrhea, used for fattening pigs in the later stage will lead to soft butcher meat fat. At the same time, rice bran is not easy to store, and it will deteriorate after a long time, in addition, phosphorus is more calcium and less calcium, and the proportion is improper.

(8) Bran cake

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Bran cake is a rice bran oil product, because the protein content does not meet the standard, does not belong to the oil cake category, so it is called defatted rice bran, its properties due to the reduction of oil and energy decrease, other and rice bran the same. Feeding piglets with defatted rice bran is palatable and does not cause diarrhea, which is more resistant to storage than rice bran.

2. Protein feed

Protein feed refers to beans, cake meal and animal feeds with a crude fiber content of less than 18% and a crude protein content of more than 20% in dry matter. Protein feed can be divided into animal protein feed and plant protein feed.

(1) Soybean cake (meal)

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

A by-product of soybeans as raw materials. The process is soybean crushing, heating at 70 ~ 75 ° C for 20 to 30 seconds, pressing into thin slices with a drum, and then extracting oil with an organic solvent (generally n-hexane) in the extractor, until the fat content of soybean flakes is 1%, entering the desolvented oven at 110 ° C to dry, and finally cooling and crushing by the drum dryer to obtain soybean cake (meal).

Usually, the by-products after extraction or pre-pressing and then soaking the extracted oil are called soybean meal; the by-products after the oil extraction method or the ramming method are called soybean cakes. Because it is difficult to unify the temperature, pressure, moisture and action time of raw materials and processing, the quality of cake (meal) also varies widely. If the temperature is high and the time is too long, lysine will react with carbohydrates in Maillard, and the protein will degenerate, causing the nutritional value of the protein to decrease. Conversely, if the heating is insufficient, it is difficult to eliminate the antitrypsin activity in soybeans, which also affects the protein utilization efficiency of soybean cake (meal).

Soybean cake (meal) is a good plant-based protein feed raw material, in the United States and other developed countries, it is used as the most important source of feed protein. The general soybean cake (meal) crude protein content in 40% to 45%, the proportion of amino acids is the best in the commonly used cake meal raw materials, lysine up to 2.5% ~ 2.8%, and the ratio of lysine to arginine is good, about 1:1.3. Other content such as histidine, threonine, phenylalanine, valine and other content are also above the nutritional needs of livestock and poultry, so soybean cake (meal) has been widely used as a protein feed that balances the amino acid requirements of the feed for many years, but it should be noted that the methionine content in the soybean cake (meal) is low. In order to improve the oil yield in the modern oil pressing process, the soybean skin is often separated before the soybean is pressed, so that the soybean meal produced is peeled soybean meal. Since soybean skin accounts for about 4% of soybeans, peeled soybean meal has increased in protein and amino acid content compared with ordinary soybean meal.

(2) Full-fat soybeans

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Whole soybeans contain about 35% crude protein, 17% to 20% crude fat, and the effective energy value is also high, which is a high-quality protein feed. According to the principle of international feed classification, soybeans are protein supplements, and the analysis of amino acid composition and digestibility is also of the highest quality. Lysine content in the beans in the first place, about 70% higher than the broad beans, pea content is lower than the soybean calcium content, the total phosphorus content of about 1/3 is phosphorus phytate, so in the feeding should also consider the phosphorus supplement and calcium, phosphorus balance problems. However, there are several anti-nutritional factors in raw soybeans, the main of which is trypsin inhibitory factors, which are destroyed when heated. There are several processing methods for whole soybeans, and extrusion and roasting are the two most commonly used methods. Extrusion method: the soybean is pre-moistened, and then under high pressure and steam forced the soybean through the mold, the soybean into the extruder less than 30 seconds after the temperature of about 150 ° C is pressed out of the extruder; roasting is to make the soybean through a small chamber heated with a flame. In this process, the soybeans enter the roasting machine and pass for 2 to 5 minutes at a temperature of 110 to 125 ° C, thereby destroying the anti-nutritional factors.

(3) Rapeseed cake (meal)

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

A by-product of oil extraction using rapeseed as raw material. The by-product after pressing the oil by pressing or soil method is called rapeseed cake, and the by-product after extraction or pre-pressing and then soaking the extracted oil is called rapeseed meal. The oil yield of rapeseed is limited by varieties and processing technology, the general oil yield is 30% to 35%, and the average cake yield is about 68%. Rapeseed cake (meal) contains a high amount of crude protein.

Rapeseed cake contains 35% to 36% crude protein, rapeseed meal contains 37% to 39%.Some rapeseed cake (meal) contains more than 18% crude fiber content in the dry matter, according to the principle of international feed classification, it should be roughage, which is a low-energy protein feed. Rapeseed cake (meal) contains a high level of lysine, about 1 times more than the amount required by pigs, and essential amino acids such as sulfur amino acids, tryptophan, and threonine can basically meet the nutritional needs of pigs. Rapeseed meal is rich in iron, zinc and selenium, but it lacks copper, and more than 60% of its total phosphorus content is phosphorus phytate, which is not conducive to the absorption and utilization of minerals and trace elements.

Rapeseed cake (meal) contains some toxic substances, mainly including 4 degradation products of glucosinolates, glucosamine, tannins, phytic acid and so on. Among them, the degradation product of glucosinolates, oxazolidinhione (OZT), has an antithyroid effect, also known as thyroidin, which makes thyroxine secretion disordered and pigs grow slowly. Its detoxification methods include alkali treatment, water immersion, fermentation, thermal spraying, etc., but the fundamental approach still needs to start from the popularization of non-toxic or low-drug species.

Canada and other countries have cultivated a variety of new varieties of "double low rapeseed", namely low glucoside and low canola varieties. The crude protein and various amino acid contents in the "double low" rapeseed cake (meal) are slightly higher than the content in ordinary rapeseed cake (meal), which is a good quality protein feed resource. It can be used to 18% in the diet of pigs, which can almost replace about 80% of soybean cake.

(4) Cottonseed cake (meal)

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Cottonseed is used as raw material for dehulling, fleeceing or partially dehulling, and then taking the oil as a by-product. Under China's current processing conditions, every 100kg of cottonseed can produce about 50kg of cottonseed cake (meal). The protein content of cottonseed cake (meal) varies greatly depending on the oil pressing process, ranging from 22% to 44%, and the metabolic energy level is 6.28 to 10 MJ/kg.

The amino acid composition is characterized by rich methionine and cystine, which is about 1 times higher than the content in rapeseed cake (meal), similar to soybean cake (meal), but the lysine content is low, only half of the soybean cake (meal). Cottonseed cake (meal) is rich in phosphorus, iron and zinc, but the content of phosphorus phytate is also higher, which affects the absorption and utilization of other elements. Cottonseed cake (meal) contains a variety of anti-nutrient substances, the most important of which is free gossypol (a toxin present in the cottonseed pigment gland). Pigs have poor tolerance to free gossypol, and cottonseed cake (meal) is generally not used in suckling pig and piglet feed. In addition, since gossypol is a contraceptive for humans, breeding pigs avoid using it. Good quality cottonseed cake (meal) replaces part of the soybean cake (meal) in the pig diet, but the dosage should not exceed 10%, while paying attention to the balance of amino acids.

(5) Peanut cake (meal)

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

It is a by-product of dehulled peanut kernels as raw materials after oil extraction. Generally, the by-products after soil ramming and mechanical pressing to extract oil are called peanut cakes, and the by-products after pre-pressing, organic solvent extraction or direct organic solvent immersion to extract oil are called peanut meal.

Peanut kernel oil yield is 35% (27% to 43%), cake yield is 65% (64% to 70%). The crude protein content in peanut kernel cake and peanut kernel meal is about 45% and 48%, respectively, which is 3 to 5 percentage points higher than the content in soybean cake (meal). However, from the content and composition ratio of amino acids, it is not as good as soybean cake, such as low lysine content, only half of soybean cake (meal), and other essential amino acids are lower than soybean cake (meal) except arginine.

The crude fiber content of the peanut cake without shell is generally 4% to 6%, and many peanut raw materials are more or less shelled, and the shell contains nearly 60% of the crude fiber, so the general peanut cake (meal) crude fiber is higher than 6%, which depends on the quality of the peanut kernels used for oil pressing. Peanut cakes pressed by machine or soil method generally contain 4% to 6% crude fat, and some even as high as 11% to 12%. Peanut cakes (meals) with high fat content are easy to acid and deteriorate, which is not conducive to preservation.

For peanut cake (meal) with less fat content, it may generally be treated with high temperature and high pressure, and amino acids may react with carbohydrates to Maillard, affecting the utilization rate of protein; compared with other cakes (meal), the calcium and phosphorus content in peanut kernel cake (meal) is low, and 40% of the total phosphorus is phosphorus phytate, which is difficult to be absorbed and utilized by single-stomach animals. The trace element content of peanut cake (meal) is generally low except for iron, and attention should be paid to supplementation. Peanut meal is very palatable to pigs, but the lysine content is low, and its feed value is lower than that of soybean meal; the amount of peanut meal for growing and fattening pigs should not be too high, otherwise it will affect the carcass quality.

(6) Fishmeal

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

High-protein feed based on one or more fish, degreased, dehydrated and crushed. According to the raw materials, it can be divided into three kinds: whole fishmeal, mixed fishmeal and miscellaneous fishmeal. The production of high-fat fishmeal is done by steaming or heating it by dry hot air to coagulate the protein and promote the separation of the fat. Fishmeal has a high protein content, a digestibility of more than 90%, and contains a balance of amino acids, rich in lysine, tryptophan, methionine and cystine. The protein content of fishmeal varies greatly depending on the quality of the raw material. Fishmeal contains 4% to 6% lysine, sulfur amino acids 2% to 3%, tryptophan 0.6% to 0.8%. Fishmeal is also a good source of minerals such as calcium, iodine, and selenium, and phosphorus is present in the form of calcium phosphate, which is highly utilized. In addition, fishmeal is high in B vitamins, especially vitamin B2 and vitamin B2.

Fishmeal is a good source of protein and essential amino acids for pigs, which can promote growth and improve feed rates, especially in suckling pigs and piglets. The amount of fishmeal used in the growth and fattening pig stage should be properly controlled, one is because of cost factors, and the other is that the amount of fishmeal in the later stage of the pig is too high, which will make the carcass soft and smelly. Fresh fishmeal has a grilled fish flavor and a slight smell of fish oil, without spoilage such as rancidity, ammonia odor and overheated burnt taste.

(7) Meat and bone meal

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Powdered feed made by high temperature sterilization and drying and crushing is made of scraps from animal slaughter, as well as residual minced meat and inner bone from meat canning factories and meat processing plants. The production method includes two kinds of grade production and dry production. The quality of meat and bone meal varies greatly depending on the quality of the raw materials used. Its protein content is higher, 20% to 50%, but crude protein mainly comes from phospholipids, inorganic nitrogen, keratin, connective tissue protein, hydrolyzed protein and muscle protein, of which phospholipids, inorganic nitrogen, keratin utilization value is very low, muscle protein utilization value is high. The composition of amino acids is not ideal, proline, glycine content is more, lysine and tryptophan are insufficient. Meat bone meal is a good source of calcium and phosphorus, vitamin B12, niacin content is high, but vitamin A, vitamin D is insufficient. It can be added in an appropriate amount in growing and fattening pigs, but should be used as little as possible in suckling pig feed.

(8) Spray dry plasma protein powder

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

The fresh blood of healthy animals is anticoagulated, plasma and blood cells are separated, and the plasma is dried by instantaneous high-temperature spray to obtain a powdery product with an inherent odor. As a new type of protein feed raw material, it is widely used in early weaning suckling pig feed. Spray dried plasma protein powder is nutritionally comprehensive, with a protein content of more than 72%, about 2% of crude fat, and less than 9% ash. It not only has an ideal amino acid composition (higher content of essential amino acids such as lysine, tryptophan and threonine), but also has a high digestion utilization rate of amino acids (in addition to methionine, the ileal end digestibility of various other amino acids is more than 80%). In addition, it is rich in immunoglobulins and also contains many bioactive substances, such as unknown growth factors, bioactive peptides, various enzymes, etc. Its digestion energy can reach 17.1 megajoules/kg, which is a high-energy substance. Spray dry plasma protein powder due to different processing processes, its quality varies greatly.

(9) Feather powder

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Poultry feathers are purified and disinfected, then steamed, enzymatically or hydrolyzed, crushed or puffed into powder, which can be used as animal protein supplement feed. The main component of feather protein is keratin containing disulfide bonds, heat hydrolysis can improve its utilization value, the key depends on the degree of hydrolysis, if the hydrolysis is excessive, it will destroy amino acids; insufficient hydrolysis, the disulfide bonds are not unraveled, and the protein utilization is poor. Feather powder contains 80% to 85% crude protein, contains the highest sulfur amino acids, of which the cystine content can reach 4%. In addition, the content of valine, leucine, and isoleucine is also very high. It should be used with raw materials such as blood meals lacking isoleucine.

3. Mineral feed

Mineral feed includes mineral feed that provides macronutrient elements such as calcium and phosphorus, and inorganic salts that provide trace elements such as iron, copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium.

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

(1) Macro mineral feed

(1) Table salt: in pig feed, the general salt content is more than 0.5%, and the lack of pig appetite decreases, and there is a phenomenon of heterophilia and tail biting and ear biting. Under water restriction conditions, the salt content in the feed exceeds 8% and there are symptoms of poisoning, nervousness, paralysis, etc. Inferior fishmeal is mixed with a large amount of sodium chloride, which can have the toxic side effects of excessive salt.

(2) Calcium-rich feed: The most commonly used calcium feed raw material in pig feed is stone powder, and others include eggshell powder, shell powder, bone meal, calcium bisphosphate, etc. Stone powder, also known as limestone, chalk, calcite, etc., is a natural calcium carbonate, but also contains a small amount of other mineral elements, is a natural cheap calcium feed raw materials. Feed stone powder, the calcium content is required to be no less than 33%. Shell powder is a variety of shellfish shells processed and pulverized into powdered or granular products, the main ingredient is calcium bicarbonate, calcium content of 32%, is a resource-rich calcium supplement feed. Eggshell powder is made by heating and drying eggshell and eggshell film, containing 89% to 97% calcium carbonate, of which calcium 30% to 40%, phosphorus 0.1% to 0.4%, magnesium carbonate 0.1% to 2.0%, calcium phosphate and magnesium phosphate 0.5% to 5%, organic matter 2% to 5%, is an inexpensive calcium supplement feed.

(3) Phosphorus-rich feed:

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

Including calcium phosphate, sodium phosphate, bone meal and so on. The feed raw material commonly used for phosphorus supplementation in pig feed is dibasic calcium phosphate, which is generally extracted with hydrochloric acid or degling bone blocks, and then neutralized with lime milk to form calcium bisphosphate precipitation, washed and dehydrated, defluorinated and dried. Calcium bisphosphate supplements the phosphorus and calcium elements in the feed. Phosphate rock in nature is often associated with fluorine, so the fluorine content in calcium phosphate products needs to be strictly controlled. Bone meal is another commonly used feed raw material for phosphorus and calcium. It is made by steaming or boiling animal bones under high pressure, removing organic matter and grinding them. Its main component is calcium phosphate. High-quality steamed bone meal, generally with a calcium content of 30% to 36%, instantaneous 11% to 16%.

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

(2) Trace mineral feed

(1) Copper-containing feed: The commonly used copper source is copper pentahydrate sulfate, containing 25.44% copper and 12.84% sulfur. Copper sulfate also has fungicidal and insecticidal effects. However, the copper contained in animal feces is polluting the environment, and many countries have limited the amount of copper added to the compound feed. In addition to copper sulfate, there are many copper salts that can be used to supplement copper in feed, but the biological titer is different, for pigs, copper sulfate is the best in inorganic copper sources, followed by copper carbonate and copper oxide. The biological potency of copper complexes of organic acids and amino acids is better than that of inorganic compounds of copper, but the price is more expensive.

(2) Zinc-containing feed: the commonly used zinc source is zinc sulfate monohydrate, containing 36.4% zinc.Other zinc sources include: zinc oxide, containing 80.34% zinc; Zinc carbonate, containing 52.1% zinc; Zinc chloride, containing 48% zinc; Zinc acetate, containing 29.8% zinc; Zinc lactate contains 22% zinc. The bioavailability of zinc sulfates, carbonates, chlorides and oxides on animals is relatively similar.

(3) Iron-containing feed: the commonly used additive to supplement iron is ferrous sulfate, containing 32.9% of iron. The aqueous solution of ferrous sulfate is oxidized in the air, and the oxidation will accelerate when the temperature rises, showing a yellow-brown color, and then the bioavailability will decrease. Others used in feed include: ferrous fumarate, containing 32.9% iron; Ferrous lactate, containing 39% iron; Ferric oxide, iron content 72.36% and so on.

(4) Manganese-containing feed: Manganese sulfate monohydrate is a commonly used additive to supplement manganese in feed, with a molecular weight of 169.02 and a manganese content of 32.5%. Other commonly used manganese salts include: manganese carbonate, containing 47.79%; Manganese chloride, containing 27.8% manganese; Manganese oxide, containing 77.4% manganese; Manganese acetate, containing 22.4% manganese; Manganese gluconate, containing 12.3% of manganese. In these manganese sources, divalent manganese is easily absorbed by animals, and the effect is good, and the effect of high-valent manganese is poor.

(5) Iodine-containing feed: potassium iodide is a commonly used additive to supplement iodine, containing 76.4% of iodide.Other iodides include: calcium iodate monohydrate, containing 62.22%; Potassium iodate contains 59.3% iodine.In addition, there are sodium iodide, copper iodide, calcium periolate and so on.

4. Feed additives

Pig feed additives are to meet the nutritional needs of pigs, adding some amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antibiotics, insect repellents, antioxidants and so on to the compound feed. These supplementary ingredients are contained in the feed, but the content is insufficient; some are not available in the feed at all, by adding a small amount or trace amount of additives, so that it is combined with the important nutritional balance of the feed, and improve the nutritional composition of the compound feed. Their role is to improve the full price of diets, improve nutrient concentration and feed utilization, promote livestock and poultry growth, prevent diseases, and reduce nutrient losses in feed storage. Pig feed additives are divided into nutritional additives and non-nutritional additives. The former includes amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, etc.; the latter includes antibiotics, insect repellents, antioxidants and Chinese herbal health care growth-promoting feed additives.

Introduction to the common feed of pigs (professional articles recommended collection)

(1) Amino acid additives

It mainly includes methionine, lysine, tryptophan and threonine. They are the constituents of the body and the substances necessary for the metabolism of life.

(2) Vitamin additives

Commonly used vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B12, choline chloride, vitamin C, etc., and now generally use multivitamin additives.

(3) Trace element additives

There are many types of trace elements, commonly used as additives are iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, selenium and so on.

(4) Growth promotion additives

Including antibiotics, enzyme preparations, deworming drugs, Chinese herbal medicines, etc.

(5) Feed storage additives

Including antioxidants, mildew inhibitors and other additives. Commonly used antioxidants are pentazisters, ascorbic acid and so on.

(6) Appetite enhancers

It is to improve the quality of the feed and the amount of pig food added in the feed, mainly including flavoring agents (one is a natural flavoring agent, such as onion oil, garlic oil, orange peel oil, etc.; the other is a synthetic flavoring agent) and flavoring agents (also known as flavoring agents), including umami agents, sweeteners, sour agents, spicy agents, etc.

(7) Prebiotics

At present, the main beneficial microorganisms used are lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, yeast, bacillus, lactic acidococcus and so on. Its role is mainly to participate in the balance of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of animals, produce beneficial physiological effects on the host microecological balance), maintain the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract, achieve health care and promote the purpose of production.

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