
XYG is all neat and tidy, only XYG flaws are listed, and the price is negotiable

I believe that everyone knows that the KPL has now entered the transfer period, many teams have begun to list players, according to statistics, 16 teams have hung out a total of 66 people, it can be said that this transfer period is still quite lively. What's more interesting is that KGL's team XYG has achieved good results in the autumn competition, so everyone is more concerned about the personnel adjustment of this team, and the official also released a Weibo statement that the XYG team players are neat and tidy, and no one is listed.

XYG is all neat and tidy, only XYG flaws are listed, and the price is negotiable

What is more interesting is that the official also said that XYG only one person will be listed, and this person is the flaw of XYG. I believe that the small partners all know that the flaw is Zhang Daxian's own name, that is to say, the flaw is Zhang Daxian, and the official also said that the price can be discussed. After seeing the news of the flaw listing, many viewers also ridiculed that the flaw was only worth a dollar, and some people said that other teams bought the flaw, and the XYG players did not dare to beat him.

XYG is all neat and tidy, only XYG flaws are listed, and the price is negotiable

It is worth mentioning that the XYG team formed by Zhang Daxian is really quite successful, after all, no one can imagine that they can enter the KGL from the national competition, and finally enter the KPL, and also achieve good results. In the autumn season, it was already the final four, and I got a place in next year's spring race, which was really quite good. Zhang Daxian said that he was very relieved to see the outstanding performance of the XYG team, which made him feel very happy.

XYG is all neat and tidy, only XYG flaws are listed, and the price is negotiable

Of course, the reason why XYG has such a high popularity is also the credit of Zhang Daxian, even when Xiudou is live- it can reach the level of tens of millions of popularity, which is enough to show that Zhang Daxian is very attentive to these players, and usually lets the players help him broadcast on his behalf and cultivate the ability of these players to broadcast live, who would not like such a boss?

XYG is all neat and tidy, only XYG flaws are listed, and the price is negotiable

Overall, XYG is really a very popular team, and Zhang Daxian has also supported this team with his own popularity, and everyone has seen the efforts of Daxian and we also expect this team to develop better in the future.

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