
MVP list updated! Morant was selected for the first time, Durant continued to fall, and the alphabet brother stabilized again

The latest news, the NBA officially updated the MVP ranking top ten list. Grizzlies rising star Morant was selected for the first time, while Durant and Curry's ranking continued to decline, from the ranking trend, Alphabet Brother has been at the top of the list for two consecutive terms, in this regard, fans said that his third MVP of his career has been stable. In the latest edition of the list, the stars ranked sixth to tenth are Curry, Morant, Paul, Ms and Gobert. At the beginning of the season, Curry was at the top of the table for several consecutive periods, but as the season progressed he fell from second to third and now to sixth. The Warriors' record is not bad, but Curry's recent performances have not been good, but the overall strength of the team is too strong. Morant's selection was entirely expected by fans, and the Grizzlies have won 11 consecutive games, becoming one of the best teams in the league, and have also beaten the Warriors, Lakers and Nets. It is worth mentioning that in the All-Star vote, he also became second only to Curry's Western Conference backcourt player, with a total of nearly 2 million votes.

MVP list updated! Morant was selected for the first time, Durant continued to fall, and the alphabet brother stabilized again
MVP list updated! Morant was selected for the first time, Durant continued to fall, and the alphabet brother stabilized again

The Lakers' record is not good, but James's performance is remarkable, he has tried his best, the Lakers want to return to the top three in the West, can only wait for the return of the thick eyebrow brother, his situation and Curry is just the opposite. Gobert is too important for the Jazz, he missed 5 games, the Jazz only achieved a record of 1 win and 4 losses, his ranking has also dropped to 10th, happily, he is about to make a comeback, with his stable performance, there is still room for the ranking to rise. It is worth mentioning that Paul's lift is very small, and he has been floating between sixth and eighth places for a long time this season, which is also easy to understand, he is not a scoring maniac, but he can string the team's offense together well. The fifth-to-first stars are DeRozan, Embiid, Durant, Jokic and Alphabet Brother.

MVP list updated! Morant was selected for the first time, Durant continued to fall, and the alphabet brother stabilized again
MVP list updated! Morant was selected for the first time, Durant continued to fall, and the alphabet brother stabilized again

DeRo is in favor of not only a good record for the biggest winner of the season, but also a testament to his ability to lead the team, and judging by the All-Star vote, he ranked first among The East's backcourt players for two consecutive terms, which is enough to prove his ability. Embiid is also good, single-handedly carrying the 76ers forward, and he is also the top three stars in the All-Star vote. Durant also fell to third place, and recently the Nets are a bit crotch-pulling, and what is more sugary is that his public image is not good, and just today he was fined $15,000 by the league for inappropriate language use in the interview. Jokic is second, and more importantly he was the MVP of last season, and on the other hand he was the league's most versatile interior player. Alphabet Brother is no doubt in the first place, on the one hand, his performance is really outstanding; on the other hand, as an international player and two-time MVP winner, he has a strong group of supporters behind him, of course, this is also what Durant and Curry do not have. If nothing unexpected, Alphabet Brother is not far from the third MVP.

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