
"The Great Fox Daddy" 丨 The evaluation criteria of good people and bad people are only right for things and wrong people

author:Hi for a long time
"The Great Fox Daddy" 丨 The evaluation criteria of good people and bad people are only right for things and wrong people

The Great Fox Daddy is a fairy tale book.

1. Under a large tree in a valley, there lives father fox, mother fox, and four little foxes.

The family lived happily ever after.

Every night, Papa Fox would ask Mother Fox, "Honey, what do you want to eat today?" ”

After the fox mother told him what he wanted to eat, the fox father would take advantage of the night and quietly sneak into the valley to pick up the goods.

The place where Papa Fox picked up the goods was three farms in the valley--- chicken farms, duck and goose farms, and turkey farms.

All three farms are well run, but the owners are a bunch of despicable and dirty guys.


Let's listen to the songs the children made up for the three of them.

[Bean, Bunce, Boggis, one thin, one short, one fat.]

The three villains are really bad, although the appearance is different, none of them are not greedy for money. 】

You see, this is not a very good evaluation.

Today, the clever fox daddy got it again, and he successfully brought back a few fat chickens from the chicken farm.

This can make the three field owners angry.

They took shotguns and came together to discuss how to catch this bad guy.

Finally, the tall, skinny turkey farmer Bean came up with an idea:

"Tomorrow night we'll all hide outside the hole where the fox lives, and wait until it comes out, and then..."

"Bang! Bang Bang Bang! ”

They almost succeeded!

After the smoke from the three barrels of the gun slowly dissipated in the night sky, a bloodstained and broken patch appeared on the ground... Fox tail.

But the owners weren't happy.

They decided to dig the hole and find the fox!

First with a shovel.

When the sun rose the next morning, the hole in the ground was enough to put a house in.

But that's still not the end of the fox hole

So they drove the excavator again.

The three men drove the excavator in a state of insanity, with full horsepower, digging with a mechanical shovel at great speed.

I couldn't even eat lunch, and dug until six o'clock in the evening.

The hill where the fox family lived had become a big pit.

How big is it? It's as big as a crater.

This spectacle attracted people from the surrounding villages to watch in droves.

People were mocking and laughing.

This in turn made the three owners more furious, more stubborn, and more determined.

They swore that they would never give up until they caught the fox!

It was getting dark.

The three owners brought tents and food and guarded the fox's hole.

They were ready to wait until Daddy Fox was hungry and run out on his own.

In order to prevent the fox from escaping from the other side of the mountain, they also called all the people working in the breeding farm and surrounded the whole mountain with sticks, spears and various terrible weapons.

It was impossible for not only a fox, but even any other animal, to escape from this hill.

2. This game of surveillance lasted for three days and three nights.

The effect was obvious, and the foxes in the tunnel below were indeed about to slowly starve to death.

Papa Fox had been silent for a long time, his eyes closed, crouched there motionless, and didn't even hear what the other foxes were saying.

Suddenly, he moved and stood up slowly.

There was a spark of excitement in his eyes.

"I just had a little idea." Papa Fox said cautiously.

"We're going to keep digging holes, and this time, we're going to dig in a special direction."

Papa Fox kept digging with four little foxes for a long time.

Exactly how long, no one knows.

Suddenly, they dug into something hard above their heads.

"It's wood! Wooden boards! ”

Papa Fox carefully pushed up one of the pieces of the floor, and after a while, pushed up the second.

"I succeeded! I succeeded the first time! I did it! He exclaimed.

What a wonderful sight it was for four little foxes to scramble out of the tunnels!

They were in a big shed surrounded by thousands of white, brown and black chickens!

The little foxes were mad with excitement, and they began to run in all directions, chasing the stupid chickens.

Papa Fox instructed everyone to calm down, "Let's take it step by step!" ”

He picked three fat chickens and gave them to the eldest child, asked him to take them home for his mother, and told her to prepare a banquet first, and the others would arrive immediately.

Next, Papa Fox and the three remaining children began the second thing--- digging a tunnel leading to "there."

Now they are very excited and don't feel tired or hungry.

They knew that there was an extremely rich banquet waiting for them.

Suddenly, a muffled voice came from above them: "Who's there?" ”

Then a pointed, long, black, furry face was revealed.

It's badger!

The badger told Papa Fox that the mountain was in disarray, half of the woods were gone, and the whole country was full of men with guns!

Badger said excitedly, "We can't get out!" We're all going to starve to death! ”

"Who does 'we' refer to?" Papa Fox asked.

"All of us who are digging holes are me, the mole, the rabbit, our wives and children, and even the weasel family." Badger answered.

Papa Fox and the children looked at each other and smiled.

He said to the badger, "It's all my fault, and I invited everyone to the feast." ”

"I assure you that there are many things and everyone has a share."

The fox father arranged for the badger's young son to find the other animals and tell them the good news.

Then, together with the badger, continue digging the tunnels to get there.

Soon, they arrived at their second destination--- the large warehouse of the duck and goose breeding farm.

The scene here is even more spectacular.

On the shelves that reach the ceiling, thousands of ducks and geese are piled up, the best and fattest, hairless and roasted!

And there are at least hundreds of smoked hams and bacon hanging from the beams above!

Papa Fox picked four fat ducks, three fat geese, a few smoked hams and smoked pork, and gave the rabbit family ten bunches of carrots.

He arranged for his two children to pull the food home in a cart, and then took the youngest child and the badger with him on his third plan.

As you might have guessed, they went to the turkey farm.

But this time they weren't looking for the turkey, papa fox's goal was to --- cider.

"It will make our feast a grand banquet." Papa Fox said.

The little fox, papa fox, and badger couldn't wait to pick up a jar of cider and pour it into their throats.

"It's like... It's like drinking sunshine and rainbows! The badger gasped.

After taking the cider, the three of them had only one last thing left--- go home for the feast.

It was a large dining room dug out of the ground, with a large dining table in the center, and about thirty animals sat around the table.

Everyone devoured and talked about the wine, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

Every animal is very grateful to Papa Fox for saving everyone's lives.

He was truly an amazing fox.

Outside the fox hole in the valley, the three owners of Borghese, Bean and Bunce were still silently waiting for the fox father to come out.

[As far as I know, so far, they're still waiting.] 】

3, in this story, there is such a conversation between badger and fox father.

"Brother Fox, aren't you worried about this at all?" Badger said suddenly.

"Worried?" Mr. Fox said, "Why worry? ”

"All this... These thefts. ”

Mr. Fox stopped digging and stared at the badger with both eyes, as if he were completely stupid.

He said, "My dear long-haired old antique, do you know anyone in the whole world who doesn't steal a few chickens when his child is about to starve to death?" ”

"Look, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean are out there trying to kill us."

"But we're not going to be as bad as they are. We're not trying to kill them. ”

"I really don't want that." Badger said.

"We never dreamed of that," said Mr. Fox, "and we just took some food from here and there so that we and our whole family could live." Is that right? ”

"I think we were forced to do so." Badger said.

"If they want to be so cruel, let them do whatever they want."

"We are lovers of peace for tolerance below." Mr. Fox said. 】

There is a book review about this book on Douban, titled: How are the good people and bad people in the story divided?

It also mentions this conversation between badger and papa fox.

The author believes that the fox is faced with a multiple choice problem, or resolutely does not steal, the whole family starves to death;

Or in order to save the lives of the whole family, he has a bad reputation.

On this multiple choice question, Papa Fox chose the latter.

He is responsible for his family, so Papa Fox is a "good man".

The author also gives a point:

To judge whether the characters in a story are good or bad, you can't just look at their actions, but also look at the movements behind them

Chance, in the end, is "to good" or "to evil".

Whether we judge a person as good or bad is often judged in the context of something.

Because there are facts and evidence, the conclusion is convincing.

Just like the fox father in this book, under the matter of his guarding his family, he has responsibility and responsibility, and he is indeed a good person;

But if, on the other hand, if you steal without telling him, and the whole story is also caused by him, can you still call him a "good man"?

However, since "The Great Fox Daddy" is a children's storybook, there is no need to think about the problem as complicated.

For children, it is enough to recognize the advantages of fox fathers who are strong, brave, loving their families, good at using their brains to think of ways and never giving up when encountering difficulties.

So, he was indeed a terrific fox father.

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