
Parent-child reading recommendation - "The Great Fox Daddy"

author:Small not a little bit 513

Today I recommend a book by Roald Dahl," The Great Fox Daddy

Parent-child reading recommendation - "The Great Fox Daddy"

These days, the child is more obsessed with the story book "The Great Fox Daddy", and every day he clamors for me to read it to him. It is a story about Mr. Fox who is hated and hunted down by three fierce and greedy farmers for sneaking up on them, and in a contest of power disparities, he wields a clever trick and finally uses his wisdom to defeat the three bad guys. The plot of the story is very tight, one event followed by another, so that the child listens to it with relish, is attracted by this compact storyline, and is full of curiosity about the development of the next story.

Mr. Fox is thoughtful, witty, unyielding, and kind-hearted. It always comes up with better solutions in times of crisis, and stubbornly perseveres to victory.

We are also just starting to read this book, and children interested in this story can also read it together. See how Daddy Fox is witty when he encounters things? How do you deal with difficulties? If you have a good story recommendation, you can communicate it in the comment area.

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