
The constellation with a sense of proportion will automatically keep a distance from the opposite sex once in love, which is very reliable

The constellation with a sense of proportion will automatically keep a distance from the opposite sex once in love, which is very reliable

Whether it is in love or in the workplace, having a sense of proportion is a very plus. Especially in the relationship, being able to maintain a sense of proportion is something that makes the other half feel very secure. In life, there are many people who obviously have boyfriends and girlfriends, but they are still unclear with friends of the opposite sex, which is really disgusting.

Doing something ambiguous in the name of a friend is itself an immature and irresponsible behavior in the relationship. Therefore, those who have a sense of proportion are more precious and more worthy of cherishing. This kind of person, whether it is career or life, is a more reliable person, because they are very clear.

The constellation with a sense of proportion will automatically keep a distance from the opposite sex once in love, which is very reliable

Today we will talk about these full-proportioned constellations from the perspective of the astrological disk, and once in love, they will automatically keep a distance from the opposite sex.

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgin, Capricorn

From the perspective of the sun sign alone, the earth sign is more measured. This type of person has a strong sense of boundaries, so when they have established a relationship, they will automatically keep a distance from the opposite sex around them. Because for them, it is very necessary because they do not want to cause misunderstandings to others.

Although Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn will deal with this problem slightly differently. But I have to say that after they enter the state of love, or after they enter the state of marriage, they will be more stable. Their choice of the other half is actually relatively high, and they will not easily make it up.

The constellation with a sense of proportion will automatically keep a distance from the opposite sex once in love, which is very reliable

But once they choose each other, it means that they really want to be responsible. In terms of stability, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are indeed stronger than other zodiac signs. Especially compared to the wind sign, their stability must be higher. Such people are often more reliable emotionally.

But while such people crave stability, they are also more realistic and pragmatic. If the earth sign is more indifferent, it means that they may have lost hope in the relationship and want to break up. But in the grasp of the sense of proportion, this kind of constellation is still relatively excellent, worth believing.

The constellation with a sense of proportion will automatically keep a distance from the opposite sex once in love, which is very reliable

The golden earth is in phase

In the astrological chart, Venus represents our values in our relationships. And when a person's Venus and Saturn show positive phases, it means that the person is more focused on stability and longevity in the relationship. The feelings they would prefer to get are long-term, rather than short-lived.

Therefore, such people tend to be more cautious before entering the relationship, and the other party's requirements will be many. When I really get into a relationship, they're very reliable and have a strong sense of proportion. They automatically draw a line with friends of the opposite sex and don't make their significant other feel insecure.

The constellation with a sense of proportion will automatically keep a distance from the opposite sex once in love, which is very reliable

This trait is very valuable in feelings, and people with this kind of configuration are also very clear in feelings. This kind of behavior is not heavy on color and light on friends, and it is not ungrateful. However, many things have a priority. People who are in the right phase of jintu have a strong sense of responsibility in their feelings.

Once they choose you, it means they will be responsible for you. When there is a problem, they will also take the initiative to solve it, will not escape, and will not play missing. And they prefer stable and long-term relationships, and will not let their feelings be in crisis because they can't figure out the boundaries between friends.

The constellation with a sense of proportion will automatically keep a distance from the opposite sex once in love, which is very reliable

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