
Innovation leads by non-stop | Chint New Energy won two awards from OFweek

author:Chint New Energy

On October 21, OFweek 2021 (the 12th) Solar Photovoltaic Industry Conference and Annual Selection and Award Ceremony was held in Shenzhen. In this Vico Cup · In OFweek's 2021 Solar PV Industry Annual Selection, Chint New Energy won the 2021 Excellent BIPV Solution Enterprise and 2021 Ultra-Efficient Photovoltaic Module Award.

Vico Cup· OFweek 2021 solar photovoltaic industry annual selection by China's high-tech industry portal OFweek Network hosted, OFweek solar photovoltaic network hosted, hundreds of solar photovoltaic industry insiders and academic experts and senior engineers gathered together, inventory the industry innovation and development achievements, praise for the development of the solar photovoltaic industry enterprises that have made outstanding contributions, is the current solar photovoltaic industry has a professional, influential and representative industry selection activities.

2021 Superior BIPV Solutions Enterprise

Innovation leads by non-stop | Chint New Energy won two awards from OFweek

In June 2021, Chint New Energy released TELOGY TEPAKI Industrial and Commercial Building Photoelectric Roofing System, proposing a BIPV solution that condenses the wisdom of Chint. TELOGY Taiji Queyu industrial and commercial building photoelectric roofing system is a prefabricated photovoltaic green building materials product specially tailored for industrial and commercial roofs under the brand of "Taiji", and the integrated design of component pressurized steel plate realizes the perfect integration of photovoltaic power generation and industrial and commercial roof building materials, with good architectural aesthetic effects. The product inherits the efficient and reliable photovoltaic gene of Chint, and takes into account the multiple properties of building materials such as waterproofing, fire protection, wind resistance and impact resistance, and the experiment proves that it can resist typhoons above level 13, making it lighter, more beautiful and more reliable.

Innovation leads by non-stop | Chint New Energy won two awards from OFweek

TELOGY Chiyu industrial and commercial building photoelectric roofing system conforms to the trend of the times of developing green buildings, the roof absorbs sunlight, allows buildings to participate in the urban "carbon neutrality" process, and helps the green transformation of cities.

2021 Ultra Efficient Photovoltaic Module Award

Innovation leads by non-stop | Chint New Energy won two awards from OFweek

The newly upgraded ASTRO 6 mono high-efficiency high-density modules will also be released in 2021. ASTRO 6 inherits the long-lasting and efficient quality of Astronergy ASTRO series components and is divided into assolahic 6 Semi and ASTRO 6 Twins, with maximum power of 670W and 660W, respectively. The ASTRO 6 series of modules features 210 large size silicon wafers and 66-piece fits, combined with small-pitch welding techniques and a non-destructive cutting process, resulting in component efficiencies of up to 21.57%. At the same time, Chint also solves the process, reliability and packaging logistics problems brought about by large silicon wafers. ASTRO 6 is a weapon for the current affordable Internet access, and it is also the high-energy choice for large-scale ground power stations.

Innovation leads by non-stop | Chint New Energy won two awards from OFweek

Astronergy empowers the development of enterprises with scientific and technological innovation, actively explores new breakthroughs in battery technology, and the latest research and development of the N-type TOPCon battery laboratory has reached a maximum efficiency of 24.79%, ranking the first echelon in the industry.

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