
In the Harry Potter movie, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher changes 6 people in 6 years, one is worse than the other

author:Zeller column

Friends who have seen the Harry Potter series know that the class of teachers to be changed in each series of films is the Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

In the Harry Potter movie, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher changes 6 people in 6 years, one is worse than the other

And the fate of the teachers of this class is very tragic, today for you to take stock of the 6 Defense Against the Dark Arts professors that Harry Potter has changed in his 6 years at Hogwarts.

Querinas Quirrell

In the Harry Potter movie, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher changes 6 people in 6 years, one is worse than the other

Professor of defence against the dark in the first Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

He was a Death Eater who worked for Voldemort, who lived in his body.

In harry's first Quidditch match, it was he who cast harry's spell.

He was also the one who later released the troll to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

Finally standing in front of the Mirror of Eris, he took off his turban, and Voldemort's face appeared behind his head, but when he tried to attack Harry, he was burned by Harry's body and reduced to ashes.

Gilderoy Lockhart

In the Harry Potter movie, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher changes 6 people in 6 years, one is worse than the other

Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor in the second harry potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

A best-selling author in the wizarding world, he brags in his book about his use of magic to defeat various monsters.

But the real thing is that he is timid and afraid of things, is a magic rookie, and he can only talk about kung fu and make a lot of jokes.

The teachers and classmates didn't seem to like him.

He cast a forgetting spell on Ron, but the spell rebounded and cursed him, and he was eventually admitted to the hospital.

Remus Lupin

In the Harry Potter movie, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher changes 6 people in 6 years, one is worse than the other

Defence Against the Dark Professor in the third harry potter and the prisoners of Azkaban.

He is a good friend of Harry's father and Sirius and a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

It was he who taught Harry the Guardian of the Gods the spell to deal with the Dementors, and at the Screaming Shack, he reunited with Sirius and revealed the truth about Pettigrew's leaks.

Yet in the moonlight he turned into a werewolf.

Remus resigned as a professor the next day because parents would not allow werewolves to teach their children.

Finally, in the decisive battle against Voldemort, he and his wife died together.

Crazy Eye Moody

In the Harry Potter movie, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher changes 6 people in 6 years, one is worse than the other

Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor in the fourth harry potter and the Goblet of Fire.

He was once an Auror with a moving magic eye and a quirky personality. However, after deciding to become a professor, he was really miserable, and from the beginning he was attacked by Barty Crouch Jr. and imprisoned in the dungeon.

Crouch, on the other hand, pretended to be a professor and did something bad.

Later, as a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he was killed by Voldemort while escorting Harry Potter away from home.

Dolores Umbridge

In the Harry Potter movie, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher changes 6 people in 6 years, one is worse than the other

Defence Against the Dark Professor in the fifth harry potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

She is probably the most annoying teacher for teachers and audiences.

First of all, she was a stocky old lady who liked to dress up and imitate the way girls talked.

She abused students with the Drill Heart Charm, did not allow students to use Defence Against the Dark Arts, and issued various educational orders in schools.

Her image is definitely a shadow of the author Rowling's schooling as a child.

Although she was not a Death Eater, she was written worse than a Death Eater.

In the fifth part, he was attacked by a centaur and has since suffered from centauryophobia.

Severus Snape

In the Harry Potter movie, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher changes 6 people in 6 years, one is worse than the other

Defence Against the Dark Professor in the sixth harry potter and the half-blood prince.

Prior to this, he served as a professor of Potions, and Harry's mother, Lily, grew up with a young plum.

Although Lily was married to Harry's father, Snape was always in love with Lily.

He was obsessed with the Dark Arts and became a Death Eater, but because Voldemort killed Lily, he switched sides to become a spy installed by the Order of the Phoenix at Voldemort's side.

He never cared what others thought of him but loved everyone in his own unique way.

In the Harry Potter movie, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher changes 6 people in 6 years, one is worse than the other

He was eventually bitten alive by Voldemort's snake, Nagini.

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