
Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Image source @ Visual China

Text | Wang Xinyu

01 The webmaster is dead?

Hangzhou full of juelong autumn night cool, like an intricate path in the dim yellow light, there is always a faint fog shrouded feeling, Shi Lu was led by me to a tea house on the mountain, this is a very popular tea space shaped by social media, the little sister who made tea is very gentle to show us the method of using tiger running spring water to brew west Lake Longjing, she said with a mouth to use the upper throwing method, I can't help but giggle a little, because she said wrong, but in such a beautiful hazy moonlight, I also pretended to study seriously, After all, not many people are willing to accept criticism, and I have suffered a lot of losses in this regard.

I and Shi Luyin, sighed that really long time have not seen, even if there is no cause of the epidemic, we have not seen each other for at least four years, since I retired from the circle of regional Internet in 2017, he later retired a clean after two years, in addition to because of the great disappointment in this industry, the most critical reason, we did not make money in this industry, but I and the team were pit several times, although I even defined the name of the regional Internet.

Shi Luyin is the "introduction" teacher in the circle, and I am the legendary teacher Wang, although it is a peer, but because the industry is too small, they are more familiar with each other, after the introduction of the retreat in Hangzhou base camp to do "stone ton ton" in the past called "city children", a local parent-child and child-friendly lifestyle of the public number and activity platform, he also formed a child-friendly alliance, and the women's federation and central media, children's industry, have gathered a group of people, together to do "child-friendly China practice", And I can only live in the field of self-media in a dismal way.

Regional Internet, used to be called "webmaster", a few years ago, "Entrepreneur" magazine pulled Together Dai Zhikang, Lin Yu on the 19th floor, and nomads from the Jiyang community, and took a photo, with the caption "The Webmaster is Dead".

Jiyang is actually Jiangyin, and the spiritual home of Jiangyin people is the Jiyang community.

Nomad said, "I still have that issue of the magazine, but I don't feel anything about the title, I'm the webmaster, I don't feel like I'm dead." ”

Knowing that I was going to write this long article, the nomad told me that he also wanted to write something, so under the pity of two greasy middle-aged men, he wrote a long article of "With the loneliest dream to the peers who whimpered in the night", and accompanied by the cover of "Lonely Brave" by a beautiful young lady on station B, the melody is extremely tragic, like the current mentality of the stationmasters.

People who know "personal webmasters" should be at least 30 years old, and more people have already run five or six.

At the end of the last century, the personal webmaster belongs to the earliest "Internet surfing" and can make web pages and electronic bulletin boards, chat rooms of the group of people, in many cases, Sohu's Zhang Chaoyang, Sina's Wang Zhidong, NetEase's Ding Lei, are excellent representatives of the webmaster, at that time, the jianghu rumors that Alibaba founder Ma Yun also deliberately went to interview Sohu because of admiration, it can be imagined that the personal webmaster of that year was more persistent in his dreams than the young people who are quite Internet celebrities today.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

There was no nomad on the picture, because he went out to smoke at that time

Nomad said that too many of his highlights came from the station master's circle, and when he sat in a row with Ma Huateng, he was able to sleep late, and when Ma Yun spoke, he hid outside and smoked.

He still remembers the scene when he first accepted the award.

"My voice was a little shaky, and I said that just now a lot of my peers outside were going to exchange business cards, and I didn't even have business cards — in fact, I didn't even have a company. The person who gave me the award for the group photo was not recognized at the time, and now I recognize it, it is Zhang Fan of Sequoia Capital. ”

By the way, there was another guest on the day, and one of his words made the nomadic impression deep, he said that he spoke in front of so many webmasters, and he even felt shy. This person is called Li Xiang, who was the founder of Bubble Net at the time, and later became a car home, and now he is selling cars.

Many of the old people of the station manager are no longer "station managers" later, they have a higher pursuit, and they also forget each other. Cai Wensheng did the meitu, Yao Jinbo did 58, Du Jun went to the fire | coin...

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

On December 10, 2021, Dai Zhikang gave a speech at the Partner Cloud Conference

In 2001, Discuz! was founded, becoming the main program for webmasters to build a website, founder Dai Zhikang became the idol of countless webmasters, and later was acquired by Tencent, and gave up a huge return to run away, and once again appeared at the partner cloud conference on December 10, 2021, this time he once again did what he was good at: 0 code partner cloud, and the cooperation with enterprise WeChat to open up the pain points of the enterprise cloud system.

There is almost no sign of the stationmaster in the jianghu, are the stationmasters dead?

02 The webmaster will die, but sink the market to stand

War war ah, with the most humble dreams

To the whimpering and roaring of the night

Who says that standing in the light is a hero

——Tang Tian "The Lone Brave"

Many years ago, everyone said that the webmaster was dead, but in 2022, maybe the webmasters are really facing a crisis, in the past, it was the outside world that shouted wolf, and this time it was reflection from within.

From the perspective of the webmaster industry, occupying the composition of the smallest particle size of the sinking market, the Internet market of regional attributes was originally occupied by the webmaster, they have the local first-hand source of people's livelihood, and also have a very grounded business opportunity to deal with local businesses, from a certain level, it will not easily die, but depending on the operational ability of the corresponding webmaster, there are also guards who are starved to death.

The sinking market usually refers to the market other than the first- and second-tier cities, including nearly 300 prefecture-level cities, 2,000 county towns, 40,000 townships and 660,000 villages; nearly 70% of China's population lives in the sinking market, a total of about 1 billion, which generates a total of 15 trillion yuan in social retail sales: this is the data of China's third- to fifth-tier cities and rural areas in 2020, which is calculated according to the global economic database and the city classification data of China's first financial economy. This huge retail market is lowly digitized but growing fast.

The protagonists of the sinking market in the past may be the webmasters.

Lingyan Technology is a special for regional Internet companies to do APP open source system, more than a thousand webmasters on the market are using their products, CEO Ma Yong told me that now he has "given up" some webmasters, some webmasters even use Huabei, credit cards to buy products and services, encounter this situation, he directly let sales dissuade, because this part of the webmaster does not even have the opportunity to live, leaving some money to improve life is important.

In the past two years, with the rise of the mobile Internet and the penetration of the Internet into the sinking market, webmasters have been greatly affected. Many webmasters have tried to fight with local giants, but it is not easy.

Zhushan County in Shiyan, Hubei Province, the main urban area population of about 100,000, here is rich in turquoise, many people rely on turquoise to make a fortune, but here is still a relatively closed small county, but also once a state-level poverty county, Xiao Zhou is the founder of the local Zhushan network. He believes that it is now necessary to do the industry vertically, and it is becoming more and more difficult for webmasters to rely on content in the past.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market takeaway used to be a takeaway team

For the penetration of giants, he once spent a huge amount of money, spent 600,000 yuan, to create his own takeaway project "Zhushan takeaway", the same model as the Us group,, he once thought that based on the influence of Zhushan network in the local area, should be very confident to compete with other brands, after all, in the sinking market, these brands are also agents, not regular army.

But the opposite happened, first of all, the expansion of the team, from more than a dozen people directly expanded to more than 40 people, and the local takeaway businesses achieved a maximum of more than 300. The bloat of personnel is the hard wound of the takeaway model, which means heavy capital investment, in addition to manpower, Xiao Zhou has also fallen into a "subsidy war" with the platform, the competition between the new and the platform, the small and medium-sized businesses and users are not loyal, which is a very test of the strength of the reserve funds, he tried to drag the opponent to death, but unfortunately, after all, he quit the takeaway industry and lost hundreds of thousands.

In the past, usually Internet companies would define the sinking market as a long-tail market, using business model innovation to expand the scale, as a supplement to the first- and second-tier markets but not mainstream, but in the changes based on business, especially in the retail industry, the way the sinking market is playing is changing.

The penetration of Internet giants into the sinking market usually has significant infrastructure attributes, along the expansion of capillaries, changing the original business ecology.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Suzhou Hema X Club lined up to try the food

On December 26, 2021, Hema X member Suzhou store soft opened, the staff distributed flowers to attract users to join the membership, the most eye-catching is the trial team of various foods, Dandong's red strawberries, Rushan oysters, braised pork... As long as you want, maybe it's not difficult to eat by tasting.

Even during the epidemic period, hema in many cities still maintained an affordable supply in the sealing and control, which was welcomed by the majority of people whose lives were affected, which is undoubtedly the embodiment of a strong supply chain capability.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Flowers from Hema X Club

Taking the most inconspicuous flowers as an example, Hema even has a special team stationed in Yunnan, responsible for base sourcing, standard formulation, quality control, and at the same time builds a cold chain logistics network from the place of origin to the whole country. With a complete supply chain, it has realized the direct harvesting and straight hair of flowers from Yunnan to the whole country every day. The advantage of direct harvesting is the low cost, taking hydrangeas as an example, hema has made the price about 10 yuan, which is almost one-third of the industry price.

The penetration of giants is far finer than we think of the granularity, Yunnan Province Zhaotong Qiaojia County is rich in small bowls of brown sugar, in addition to the impressive cliffs, usually we say that e-commerce to "open the last kilometer", for Jingdong brother Liu Pinglai before 2018, he needs to take a zipline delivery, until 2018 Jinsha River Bridge opened to traffic.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Jingdong brother once sling work scene

The period of dry and hot climate formed by the strong temperature difference in the high hanging river valley, blowing his hair wildly and making it difficult to breathe, has finally passed.

The convenience of logistics depends on the construction of infrastructure, such as the Jinsha River Bridge, and the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has created history, which is a manifestation of national strength. In 2015, it took 11 days for to send a refrigerator into Tibet. In 2020, in many places in Tibet, e-commerce can already achieve "same-day delivery".

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Giant logistics sinking Tibet can also "same-day delivery."

In December 2020, the Tibet Autonomous Region Public Logistics Warehousing and Distribution Center was established, which also became the first large-scale intelligent logistics warehouse in the local area, 100 sets of "wolf" logistics robots shuttled through the warehouse, and their daily maintainers were several young guys, of which the post-90s Duoji Wangxiu graduated from Shanghai Donghua University majoring in software engineering, and after 00, Yi Xijie grew up with his grandfather and uncle to graze nagqu guys, after graduating from The Tibet Vocational and Technical College, joined the robot engineers of Jingdong Logistics.

To seize the sinking market, the giants do not relax at all, even if Suning is in a crisis of operation, in the county and town market, Suning Tesco sinks in the form of direct stores + retail cloud franchise stores + community shopping. In 2021, 2,085 new franchise stores were opened in the first three quarters. During the National Day period, the completion rate of Suning Tesco delivery and delivery reached 98.7%, and the completion rate and delivery time of 24-hour fast delivery broke a new high. At the same time, the home appliance cleaning business increased by 56% month-on-month.

The giants reconstructed the "people, goods, and fields" elements of traditional commerce in the lower city market.

In the past, business participants in the sinking market, including webmasters, usually believed that the sinking market was a society of acquaintances, and the business system based on the relationship between acquaintances was usually different from the business rules of first- and second-tier cities. Internet companies make money for the long-tail effect by using flat products, and now the giants are directly cutting into the operation.

Judging from the penetration of giants, through the expansion of infrastructure, products accelerate the digitization process of the industry, and the commercial impact on the sinking market is usually industrial attributes, and the consumption upgrade of supply-side reform is also brought about.

For the wild hopes of the sinking market, many webmasters can only hope that the giants are neglected and the tentacles are not touched, but once they face the giants face-to-face, it is like Don Quixote facing the windmills, vulnerable or surviving.

03 The dark war and persistence of the sinking market

All brave

A wound on your forehead

Your difference is the mistake you make

None have to be hidden

In 2021, the most headache for the regional Internet is the disappearance of traffic, in the PC Internet era, the "sinking market" outside the five rings has not yet been defined, but through the people's livelihood information and social products, the content platform based on the sinking market has been established or even monopolized by the webmaster of the regional Internet. At least until 2013, the content and localization commercialization of the sinking market has been completed, and many have even become the traffic masters of major network alliances.

Since the birth of the mobile Internet, the model based on the sinking market has undergone drastic changes, although many regional Internet companies in the sinking city have carried out smooth APP construction, and have also accumulated their own traffic pools through new media such as public accounts, and even through the self-traffic model, through public domain traffic and private domain traffic, through event marketing, fission to achieve the purpose of increasing users and traffic.

But the loss of real discourse power comes from the advent of the short video era, on May 30, 2019, at the "2019 New Media City Empowerment and Integration Summit" held in Zhenjiang, the author delivered a speech on regional Internet social networking, products and business opportunities as a guest, but the basic logic still cannot escape the discussion of its own industry and professionalism.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Nanjing Headline co-founder Mai Zi at the 2019 event site

At that time, Mai Zi, co-founder of Nanjing Toutiao, put forward his own different opinions at the scene, he believed that the traffic construction of the regional Internet should abandon the existing business-focused model, he said that the traffic pool operation of urban self-media has undergone tremendous changes in 2019, that is, the rise of short video platforms. Therefore, as one of the largest local self-media public accounts in Nanjing, Nanjing Toutiao began to lay out in depth from WeChat and Weibo, and transformed into MCN institutions, including Douyin accounts such as Monkey Brother Said Car, which began to operate.

At that time, my thinking about Wheat's speech was radical, after all, pan-media and MCN's gameplay was not suitable for webmasters at least in 2019, and at the time, such an approach would distract webmasters from a pool of traffic that was not rich. Now the MCN institution of nanjing headline system has hatched dozens of nationally renowned douyin head accounts, including Nanjing toutiao, Nanjing cuisine, eight commandments, monkey brother car, small fish begonia, Alan is very gentle, etc., which have completed a gorgeous turnaround and no longer need to be deeply involved in the competition of the sinking market.

The webmasters of the regional Internet, the most talked about in the past two years is the transformation of short videos, but there are very few who can really transform successfully like Nanjing Headlines. Whether it is vibrato, kuaishou or B station, etc., are separated from the original language system and architecture of the graphic self-media era, although the vertical screen structure of the mobile phone reduces the threshold of the Internet, but really want to produce excellent works, there is also a threshold and luck.

The most embarrassing thing is that most of the current webmasters can make more than 100,000 fans, which is the source of the crisis.

The first direct impact on the regional Internet is the store, in the past era of graphic self-media, the store is usually "monopolized" by the webmasters of the regional Internet, and can be combined with its own local e-commerce products for sales commissions. Now including Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu, etc., all have their own commission system.

The threshold for exploring the store is very low, but it is indeed very chaotic, and many people complain that the current shop is the same, from posing, composition, filters, copywriting, experience feelings, etc., are extremely similar. The shop itself is very local life attributes, as long as they want, anyone can pick up the mobile phone and stabilizer to shoot the content of the shop.

For first- and second-tier cities, there are usually professional bloggers from MCN institutions and independently operated content creators. As long as you are willing, find similar accounts in other cities, and integrate the "creation" of copywriting according to the relevant explosive content, that is, wash the manuscript, so in a variety of similar store exploration videos, we always have a feeling of acquaintance, easy to aesthetic fatigue.

Independent webmasters, in the face of local shoppers, sometimes very helpless, if the city is larger, there are more talents, the income of the corresponding industry in the past will inevitably be compressed, after all, the market is so big.

The world of webmasters is based on local life service providers, but local life is a position that cannot be lost, including giants, including regional Internet webmasters, and the war outside the fifth ring road is also full of smoke, and local life is one of the few markets with low penetration rate and fast realization. According to iResearch, the size of China's local life service market will be 19.5 trillion yuan in 2020, and this figure will grow to 35.3 trillion yuan by 2025.

The core reason is that the transfer of traffic, in front of the platform that craves traffic, the type of traffic is not important, the scale is the key. Therefore, compared with the content production and traffic acquisition of the sinking market, the webmasters have no advantage.

There is also a very important factor, that is, the existing content world has undergone earth-shaking changes, because the mobile phone lowered the threshold of internet access, in fact, the content on the Internet in the past two years is not friendly to graphic creators, many commentators use "feeding pig" content to mock the existing Chinese Internet world.

Indeed, with the past PC Internet era, each BBS has its own content ecology, for the systematic structure of the content preservation, easy to search have a good significance, the key is that everyone still has the ability to read long content.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Screenshots of zhihu ads

A few days ago, I saw Zhihu speculating on the writing monetization class, although it was the era of self-media, I was still shocked. In the past in the discussion of the problem of Chinese Internet business monetization, at least after 2000, the three major portals rely on IDC value-added services, that is, SMS customization to survive the difficulties, put to 20 years later, with routine content writing to write content for the platform, the practice of knowing makes me stunned, the era of UGC is really over, it is difficult to imagine, relying on training courses and then producing content, can it still be what everyone likes in the past?

This is the prisoner's dilemma of the current Chinese Internet, if all young people want to make quick money, through the Internet celebrity or routine writing to monetize, no doubt for the university education system is a ruthless mockery: the pursuit of depth and professional content, especially graphic authors are marginalized, algorithms are a fundamental problem, can not because of the huge data traffic of some groups, let the pathological content run rampant.

The current problem of webmasters is the same, the content structure has changed, and the content of the current mobile Internet is explosive, the uneven content is everyone's doubt, and the short video software is jealous and vigilant for all operators in seizing the user's mind and time. Many people complain that not only shops, all kinds of low-quality content is also filled with all kinds of social short video platforms, which are difficult to imagine in the past, but in fact, objectively exist, you can't deny that although the platform has repeatedly claimed strict control, all kinds of soft pornography and false propaganda are still the main source of traffic, and even a means of profit.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Consumers with live streams on a certain shake need to polish their eyes

For example, a live broadcast claims to earn millions of dollars a day "Dragon Boss" in the official live broadcast base of Douyin Water Shell, "put welfare", the cost of 30,000 Burmese Paka "Imperial Green" bracelet, the jewelry suppliers of major anchors, BIC delivery and other very inflammatory words, Brother Long not only posted a sports car, but also posted a video with the star Wu Qihua playing mahjong, the Olympic champion live video and other ways to deepen the endorsement, selling "1080" a "Imperial Green" bracelet, as we all know, "Imperial Green" usually refers to the top jadeite, The real imperial green level of the Myanmar jade bracelet is worth tens of millions, and the product description sold by this merchant is "chalcedony" but in the live broadcast process is not to explain to consumers, do not clarify the essence of the product, in the face of the user's normal body temperature are suppressed by each other for "peers", "small black powder" fork in the topic, play the Myanmar jadeite edge ball, similar to the jade bracelet, Taobao's price is only about 100 yuan, but rely on incitement, show off the rich words, a night related goods sold hundreds, in fact, this account only 3000 fans, Hanging window is another self-employed license business, but the sales of more than 10,000, bad reviews are also a lot, once the complaint is received, the platform even if it does the suspension treatment, still can not hurt the large number, familiar with the operation of the rules loopholes, as the official live broadcast base of vibrato, the emergence of such businesses, the platform should strengthen the review.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

E-commerce advertising consumers on a certain shake need to polish their eyes

Coincidentally, can you believe that 99 yuan can buy 6 large barrels of Xinjiang camel milk? On the Douyin platform, similar low-priced products are very common in the food category, "315 Beijing News Special Release" live broadcast event, food research and development engineers interpreted the professional food testing report, pointed out that some problems camel milk "can not detect camel DNA", media exposure continues, such low-cost products can ensure quality? Others include 21,000 kilograms of old Ban Zhang tea, 41,000 kilograms of Icelandic ancient tree tea, maybe 99 yuan can buy a bunch of food on Douyin, these foods beyond common sense, do you dare to buy? The relevant personnel of the Douyin platform, fakes are inevitable, but when reviewing advertisements, can you respect common sense? Especially this type of food, it is related to the health of the whole people.

Information islands, created now a huge amount of traffic, like Tang monk meat, everyone wants to grab a bite, the root of these chaos is the platform itself and the merchants' desire for traffic, according to the rumors of the jianghu Douyin current e-commerce data, has surpassed Jingdong and Pinduoduo, the current sword refers to Ali, especially clothing has made the Tao system very uncomfortable.

In the sinking market, webmasters are very uncomfortable, but enjoy the benefits of short video social platforms, there are many businesses, as long as they will do content or live broadcasting, even if there are only about 10 people in the live broadcast room, it is not difficult to achieve millions of turnover a year, which is an increment for traditional businesses, which is the universal benefit of platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou to merchants.

From the perspective of the pyramid structure, in addition to the head KOLs that really make money, ordinary merchants located in the granularity of the sinking market have also enjoyed some dividends, and everyone can see their familiar hometown food, catering stores, and local life-related stores marketing on major platforms, which breaks the threshold of being shackled by e-commerce platforms in the past, so traffic growth has strengthened the platform.

CNNIC's "48th Statistical Report on the Development of China's Internet Network" shows that the number of short video users has exceeded 880 million, the scale of online live broadcast users has reached 638 million, and nearly 54% of netizens will watch short videos every day. From the perspective of users and duration, Douyin and Kuaishou have occupied an absolute advantage in the field of medium and short video content, and it is difficult to have a third short video application in the pan-entertainment field to compete with Jitter in the short term.

From the core difference of the product, the traffic distribution mechanism of Kuaishou and Douyin is different, Douyin is relatively centralized, emphasizing content, there is traffic with good content, which is friendlier and easier to increase fans for high-quality content producers. The logic of Kuaishou is decentralized, the operation intervention is small, giving social relations higher weight, the fans themselves see the probability of new works of the talents is greater, the traffic distribution is relatively fair, and it is easy to establish social connections between fans and talents.

In the field of local life, Douyin's current action is that there are two options under "same city" :preferential group buying" and "hot list". The main focus is on catering, leisure and entertainment, beauty, cultural tourism. In fact, the content of the original pure grass is online on the purchase path, and a closed loop of online and offline transactions is built.

In the field of e-commerce, the focus of vibrato next year should be the vibrato box, and the direction of play is clothing and tide play. The benchmarking platform is the "planting grass" e-commerce platform of Xiaohongshu and Dewu, rather than the rumored benchmarking Taobao and Jingdong. Douyin box positioning is "information e-commerce", in the future you want to buy any product, no longer look at the traditional graphic introduction, but directly watch the video, satisfied with the direct purchase.

Kuaishou's action is to announce the strategic cooperation with Meituan, meituan will launch the Meituan Mini Program on the Kuaishou open platform, providing Meituan merchants with complete service capabilities such as packages, vouchers, reservations and other commodity displays, online transactions and after-sales service, and Kuaishou users will be able to directly access through the Meituan Mini Program. This year, Kuaishou explored the "STEPS methodology" for brand merchants, that is, brand self-broadcasting, public domain traffic operation, talent distribution, private domain operation and channel special supply, which run through the brand cold start, store climbing, private domain precipitation and brand influence construction, and run through the whole life cycle of brand operation.

Kuaishou emphasizes the core value of the relationship between talents and fans, which lies in generating stable traffic and conversion. Kuaishou's 2021 Q3 financial report shows that 70% of Kuaishou's GMV comes from private domains, 62% of its content reach comes from private domains, 70% of its interactions come from private domains, and high-frequency interaction activates a unique trust conversion method, and in September 2021, The repeated purchase rate of Kuaishou e-commerce is 70%+.

Judging from the practical experience of the sinking market, many webmasters have undergone transformation, but not many have really succeeded in transformation.

Lao Kong is the manager of Weihui 365 station in Weihui County, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, last summer, they suffered from floods, Lao Kong took his father home early to avoid the flood, even so, he resolutely closed the original PC station. Now the main income relies on the Douyin Tandian and The WeChat public account.

He said that the epidemic and flooding have hit a big blow to a small place like Weihui, and the biggest feeling is that many new stores have been opened, which means that the past stores may have suffered a round of reshuffle. This also brought business to his shop, and at present, his public account still publishes people's livelihood information and food, real estate information and other content, and the income is relatively stable.

Many webmasters want to drain from the social short video platform, can do not succeed much, Shaoxing E network under the Shaoxing meat sister, on the vibrato is the local "red bride" celebrity, he through the humorous Shaoxing dialect, telling the emotional fun of men and women, through this way to absorb powder, in fact, the local male and female blind date demand is a lot, through this way to divert to the blind date channel, through the package service charges, a year's income is also considerable.

The method adopted by Gu Zhonghua, the founder of Yancheng Hemingting, is cooperation, his method is more like a local MCN agency, he cooperates with other institutions, adopts the way of partners, authorizes the use of Hemingting's local brand, and incubates many local short video accounts, which is more efficient.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Erzhu Island advocates Wenguo

More station managers choose to bid farewell to local stations and make another way to make a living, Zhang Wenguo of Taizhou Network, transformed himself into a desert island called "Er Garlic Island", self-appointed "Er Garlic Island Owner" shoots videos every day, occasionally opens live broadcasts, and promotes his career: raising fragrant pigs, feeding chickens, the wind and waves on the island are turbulent, the conditions are difficult, fortunately, chickens and pork have been listed one after another in a few years ago.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Mosquito Zhang answers questions about buying a house online almost every day

Mosquito Zhang is the head of the real estate department of Jintan Shanshui Network in the past, after working for many years, decided to do something himself, out of his familiarity with local real estate developers and urban construction, he broadcast live every night to introduce and solve real estate consulting problems to local users, but whether he can make money is still a question mark.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Shaxian bald brother Dayu is very popular on Douyin

In Shaxian County, the bald brother Dayu is known to everyone, no one knows, there is no doubt that he is the "net red" of Shaxian County, before he cooperated with friends to do local websites. Short video era is coming, due to special hairstyles, often with different beautiful women to shoot plots, or touching, or funny, or thought-provoking, etc., intangible cultural heritage, rural life, food, love, family affection, etc. are his short video plot, harvested a high local popularity, but it is really not easy to monetize, because the local customer's ability to pay has a ceiling, his dream is to help Shaxian snacks through the Internet to let more people know.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Han Wenbin was interviewed by Hunan Satellite TV

The real sweet in the field of short video and live streaming with goods is Han Wenbin, who created the "Xiangju Excellent Products" live broadcast room, not only invited well-known anchors including Wei Ya, Lin Yilun, Ji Jie, etc. to assist in bringing goods, but also from tea planting, production and sales to online tourism, e-commerce fully rolled out, opened up the Xiangxi region agricultural products uplink through live streaming with goods of the rural revitalization road, only more than ten minutes, Zhangjiajie berry tea sales of more than 4 million.

He told me that in addition to the local public account and local services, in recent years he has really entered the field of live e-commerce, he feels that various platforms are changing, especially in terms of traffic, he believes that live broadcasting needs to be done early, know how to integrate resources, and cooperate with government policies to do a good job.

Zhangjiajie citrus fruit farmers are slow to sell, he contacted the media and platforms, organized e-commerce platforms and live broadcasts with goods, has sold nearly 10 million catties, solved the problem of regional agricultural product sales industry chain. As the earliest person in China to start live tourism broadcasting, Zhangjiajie is also the first, including Fliggy, Douyin, Ctrip and other platforms have come to exchange.

He said that in the past, the head of the major platforms for the traffic monopoly, for small and medium-sized business traffic has been insufficient, in 2021, the policies of each platform "mainly support with good products, can maintain live broadcast popularity, good service business support."

The author believes that the normal business environment does not require the head anchor, and the traffic data of the business should not be in the hands of a small number of people or capital platforms. Reasonable traffic distribution mechanism and elites in line with the scope of business capabilities need reasonable profits to invest in innovation and industrial upgrading, and the industrial and commercial environment will be better, so the platform's traffic support policy is obviously helpful to promote economic vitality.

In fact, for the sinking market, the mode of short video or live broadcast with goods first breaks the spatial and physical distance, reduces marketing costs, and returns to face-to-face communication. The geographical attributes of traditional businesses have been broken, especially for retail, where the radius of sales is no longer limited by localization and it is easier to build trust.

The confusion and dilemma encountered by the sinking market is because of the progress of the times, the era of self-media needs to meet the sense of participation of grass-roots individuals, each individual has the opportunity to be shaped into media by Douyin and Kuaishou, and the traffic distribution has shifted. In addition, the fundamental factor is the inevitable process in the evolution of content production and informatization, which either goes with the trend or may be eliminated.

04 Dare to ask where the road is?

Love you comes from the wilderness

A lifetime does not borrow anyone's light

You will make your city-state

Above the ruins

Instead of lamenting that the market outside the fifth ring road you can't understand, it is better to say that although the tentacles of the mainstream Internet have been very long, in the face of sinking local life, it can be said that it is pervasive, but it cannot meet the actual needs.

Zhang Feng's New York intelligence station public number and APP has been operating in the United States for more than five years, where there are Chinese, there is a Chinese-style Internet life, after arriving in New York, about finding a job, renting a house, asking for help, making friends, hitchhiking, food, housing, eating, drinking and having fun, for the Chinese, it is undoubtedly more grounded and accurate.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

New York intelligence station staff promoted on the streets of the United States during the outbreak

These two years for Zhang Feng, especially difficult, or because of the impact of the epidemic, the worst of the epidemic, we helped each other, he sent me masks from the United States, and then I gave him mask resources to send to the United States, in the United States he used masks as a public welfare to people in need of help in the community, as well as the police, because they could protect the safety of the Chinese, he was very uneasy at the time, and everyone hoarded materials madly.

In order to promote the APP this year, he prepared 50,000 shopping bags, and by advocating that everyone use multiple usable degradable shopping bags, he ordered materials three months in advance, and due to the impact of the epidemic, he only got them after New Year's Day. He hopes that the epidemic will pass soon, and everything is for a better life.

Once in order to do better, many city webmasters began to do local e-commerce, at the beginning, through the explosive special prices, coupled with local logistics and other features, it did attract a lot of guests, and coupled with the marketing linkage with cooperative merchants, it is also considered to have walked out of their own characteristic road, but in 2021, many webmasters found that local e-commerce has become a sieve and cannot be sold. Some station managers concluded, first of all, there is no energy, the input-output ratio is not high, there is no profit in the selection of products, pick three or four, one comes and goes will be wasted.

The e-commerce business of the sinking market is mainly based on fresh, specialty, parent-child, vacation and other products, users have no loyalty, and it is difficult to develop the habit of buying local e-commerce products, and it is difficult for regional webmasters to form a high-quality supply chain, there have been platforms trying to open up the supply chain mall, supplying through the national webmaster resources, but for vested interests and various reasons, it has not been successful.

In addition, the sinking of the giants has also divided a large share of local e-commerce, such as Ali's Taocaicai platform, ostensibly the city community e-commerce, but in fact, Ali's new strategy for sinking the market: with the M2C model, Taote + Taocai opens the sinking market, reflecting the integration of the industrial Internet and the consumer Internet, directly connecting the agricultural product base and the industrial belt factory, serving thousands of households through millions of small shops, with the help of the MTP service provided by RT-Mart, the brand side in taocai's business flow, logistics, and gold flow operations are undertaken by RT-Mart. Compared with the local e-commerce of the traditional webmaster, there are more SKUs, which means that the choice is larger, the coverage is wider, the driving force is stronger, and the efficiency is higher, and the local e-commerce business has been robbed by the husband and wife store, and they have become Ali's customers.

The changes in the sinking market, the impact of the giants, there are also some unrealistic ideas, which is why the regional Internet services in the sinking market have been uneven.

The founder of Wuxi Network, known as The Chicken Blood Brother, can't help but scold those lazy webmasters, he believes that some self-media people are not willing to spend money, and there is no incubation mentality for the industry, many people can not be called entrepreneurs, are white prostitute mentality.

For the Internet play in the sinking market, he positioned himself as an urban integrated service provider. Their Wuxi network public number 320,000 fans, app has 300,000 installations, daily active 10,000-20,000, Wuxi County population of 400,000 permanent population, it is difficult to imagine in a national-level poverty county, the establishment of such a powerful Internet city pool, he is more representative of the ride-sharing business.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Screenshot of's ride-sharing software

His approach is to open up a special area for hitchhiking, car owners can release ride information, the amount of data is large on the top charge, the current Wuxi network is 1 1 hour 4 yuan, a whole day is 96 yuan, which distinguishes Didi and other carpooling platforms. When the user contacts the owner by phone, the legal relationship with the platform is terminated, and the subsequent issue is the legal relationship between the passenger and the passenger, which is supported by relevant precedents.

At present, 858 county-level cities across the country use his ride-sharing products, and the highest profit is more than 100,000 per month.

Some websites insist on breakthroughs in new industries, and some websites insist, not long ago, I saw Liu Ying, the founder of Guangzhou Mama Network, praising colleagues in the home furnishing department in the circle of friends. Guangma Network is based in Guangzhou, radiating the whole country, once received financing from Tencent, according to the data I know, their income should be the top of the current city website, more than 20 times more than the second place.

Many years ago, I once helped them establish a real estate industry and home industry business model operation, according to the latest understanding, to the home industry as an example, their source of income is still from home improvement companies, stores, home appliances and other industries, through advertising and activities to make a profit, Guangzhou single industry income is still seven figures or there are, this data actually hit a lot of webmasters' faces, because they often pursue new models and new products, think that some of the successful models in the past are old-fashioned, but do not know how to use professional industry operations to obtain income.

Are there any new dividends? In the past two years, the industries that the regional Internet has focused on are blind dates and recruitment, and everyone has tried to expand new traffic dividends, just like the WeChat public account many years ago, at least in the recruitment industry, these webmasters see hope.

Three years ago, in the WeChat open class, Zhang Xiaolong emphasized that when the enterprise WeChat extends to the outside of the enterprise, it can produce greater value.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Enterprise WeChat Huang Tieming gave a speech at the WeChat open class

On January 6th, this year's WeChat open class, I was on the scene, Huang Tieming of enterprise WeChat said that enterprise WeChat will launch a new version, connecting WeChat video numbers and providing WeChat customer service capabilities for all enterprises to provide online services to customers. Indeed, coupled with the social relationship between WeChat Pay and WeChat itself, the enterprise WeChat emphasizes the connection between people and services, and connects fans and customers through the enterprise WeChat, and the ecology is formed.

WeChat wants ecology, and what webmasters need is the opportunity to survive.

Taking the multi-cloud recruitment developed by Ma Yong as an example, through the play of enterprise WeChat and community, social marketing is used to increase enterprise WeChat fans, and community is established through enterprise fans, and these communities are opened to the village. Especially at the end of the year, many cities with good industrial foundations and cities with net population outflows are facing the need to recruit and find jobs.

Billion consumers, who are the lone bravers of the sinking market

Many webmasters are trying to solve the traffic pool problem through enterprise WeChat

Their approach is to attract fans through activities, similar to sending red envelopes, login information, consultative consultation, etc., after adding friends, you can automatically reply, view user behavior dynamics, you can view the user's tags and resumes, which depends on the enterprise WeChat opened a lot of API interfaces.

Judging from recent practice, many webmasters have achieved good results, and there are webmasters in Anhui who have increased more than 7,000 fans a day through red envelope interaction.

The industry changes in the past two years are actually not big. In Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, Xiangshan Net Old Fish invited me to tea, he believes that the essence of the challenges currently encountered by the regional Internet is its own influence construction. At present, the industry he has done better is blind date, but the real estate income of his main business in the past has not been affected much, which is based on the influence of local brands.

He believes that local stations can no longer do too much people's livelihood content, but must have a sense of service, whether it is to serve users or service government departments, the premise of finding new business points is to maintain influence. Another point is to pay attention to the changes in the new population, after all, the main population of the post-80s generation is aging, and the new group, especially the Z generation, basically does not use local regional Internet products, which is the most terrible.

An important reason why webmasters feel sad in the past two years is because of the contraction of the industry, especially the real estate industry.

Lu Yi, head of the changshu zero-distance real estate department, told me that the recent media dimension basic opening is very small, relying on new real estate into the market to invest in a wave of advertising, at the end of the year these three months are particularly obvious, mainly put headlines + video, video unit price is relatively low, the requirements are relatively high, the payment cycle is longer than before, basically give priority to paying distribution costs. The distribution system as a whole is not bad, the market is not very good, the increase in commissions and price reductions are connected, that is, there are some problems in the capital chain of developers, and there are also some problems with commissions.

For the revenue of the real estate industry in the regional Internet, the author believes that a large contraction is inevitable, first of all, based on the strategic changes of developers in third- and fourth-tier cities, as well as the downturn in the entire real estate industry, some high-turnover brand developers have encountered problems with capital chains, and the inventory problems and investment attributes in third- and fourth-tier cities are not a good thing.

Gu Zhonghua of Hemingting told me that even in the face of shells looking for a house, they have not instigated, in Yancheng, when the distribution of real estate channels is the hottest, the income of their real estate is as high as 24 million, even in the face of a strong shell to find a house, this income data is also higher than the shell to find a house in the local area, almost in the local state, but because of the overall situation of real estate, this brilliant data has passed, the current real estate income is only 4 million.

In the face of my argument about the future of the regional Internet, he told me that he never thought to pay attention to the industry, the industry is important, but more importantly his brand, because brand means traffic.

He said, "Many years ago, I had a hunch that the gameplay of only traffic and treating ourselves as media was the biggest misunderstanding, and we played our own platform. The industry can end, but the brand will not be less, always do this thing, regardless of whether there is traffic or not. ”

He does not approve of blind diversification, the survival of webmasters should consider their own current situation, and the premise of industry diversification is that they must understand the industry to do a good job. His approach is to find his own partners, through acquisitions and other means, he set up 26 subsidiaries in one go in the past two years, looking for the best industry talents in the local area.

At present, his development focuses on government, cultural tourism and intelligent engineering, and in terms of cultural tourism, including several local large-scale local attractions in Inner Mongolia and Yancheng, the global tourism and scenic spot operation services have been won by them. In the past few years, the digital platform for online properties of Linduoduo has also improved.

In 1835, Darwin traveled around the world, and he found a strange phenomenon, there is a kind of finches, obviously the same species, but on 13 small islands, the beaks of the finches are actually different. Some finches have thick and hard beaks because they have to pick up nuts on the ground. Some finches have a pointed and thin beak because they peck at insects in trees. Some finches have a beak that is not tightly aligned and slightly curved inward, because it is more convenient to eat nectar and insects.

This is the famous "Darwin finch" phenomenon, environmental changes, and the evolving finch is called "Darwin finch".

Intel founder Andy Grove once proposed the "ten times the speed of change" theory: the outside world will always change 10 times faster than we expected.

It boils down to the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, and the only constant is change itself.

The change in the sinking market is like this, whether we argue that "the webmaster is dead", and then look at the actions of the giants in the sinking market in the past two years, we find that the sinking market is becoming more and more active, in the past, the webmasters can be said to be a prince, the ground snake almost monopolized the local traffic, with the change of Internet products and the rise of self-media, the right to speak of traffic has shifted.

The layout of giant companies in sinking cities is also changing due to the situation, the disappearance of the demographic dividend and the supply-side reform of retail commerce, and the pursuit of the sinking market is also because of the pursuit of profits.

We miss the past webmaster era, Chinese the richness of the content of the Internet and the harmony of the ecology, but also regret the current information island, the sinking of the Internet giant on the impact of the local Internet, can be said to be a clear signal, the regional Internet is no longer the protagonist of local life, the past may be, but the future is not.

Through in-depth observation, we can see the changes in the sinking market area Internet, in the past the webmaster is the main participant, after the giant enters, around different product ecology, more roles and ordinary people participate in the process of traffic production and profit in the sinking market, which is not only the transfer of traffic, but the inevitable result of social development, but also the performance of network ecological diversity.

From the PC era to the mobile Internet era, from the public account APP to short videos and live streaming with goods, the future of the Internet will evolve, all kinds of products and models will emerge, so the challenge is not only the transfer of traffic, and when we look at the transfer of traffic too heavy, in fact, ignore ourselves, we are not to maintain our own traffic, but to affect and integrate into everything in local life, this is the opportunity is the real challenge.

Only losers find excuses, the future of the sinking market is being reshuffled, and you sing me out.

Finally, I hope that every participant in the sinking market is not a lone fighter, but a winner, but the reality may eventually be cruel.

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