
Pang Qing/ Tong Jian starred in the ice drama, telling the story of the struggle of the older generation of icemen

author:Beijing News
Pang Qing/ Tong Jian starred in the ice drama, telling the story of the struggle of the older generation of icemen

Pang Qing and Tong Jian introduced the creation of "WE ARE ONE". Beijing News reporter Sun Haiguang photographed

Beijing News (chief reporter Sun Haiguang) On January 14, the main creative team of the ice drama "WE ARE ONE", starring world champions Pang Qing and Tong Jian, appeared in Beijing. From February 11th to 13th, "WE ARE ONE" will be performed at the Beijing Tianqiao Art Center.

Starring figure skating world champions Pang Qing and Tong Jian, "WE ARE ONE" is the only ice performance at the "Meet in Beijing" Olympic Cultural Festival and the 22nd "Meet in Beijing" International Arts Festival. The story tells the story of contemporary Chinese ice and snow people who, under the condition of lack of resources, abandon their families and work without fear of hardships, and use their faith and persistence in their hearts to work hard in the ice and snow industry.

Li Haonan, deputy director of the Winter Olympic Cultural Activities Department of the Cultural Activities Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, introduced that as an important cultural activity during the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the "Meet in Beijing" Olympic Cultural Festival organized a variety of cultural activities and created an atmosphere of welcoming the Winter Olympics. "The ice dance drama 'WE ARE ONE', jointly performed by Pang Qing, Tong Jian and professional skaters who love skating, describes the story of a generation of ice and snow people who contributed to the development of China's ice and snow, and carried forward the spirit of 'choosing one thing and living a lifetime' in traditional Chinese culture." Li Haonan said that sports and culture are two important components of the modern Olympic Games, complementing each other and indispensable, "WE ARE ONE" was performed during the Spring Festival and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, which not only presented a New Year blockbuster to the national audience, but also cheered for Chinese Winter Olympic athletes in another "arena".

At the scene of the event, the ice and snow special fund "Pang Qing Tong Jian Ice and Snow Dream Fund" was also established today. Tong Jian introduced that the Ice and Snow Dream Fund is a continuation of his and Pang Qing's dreams, "We have done figure skating in our lifetime, and hope to drive the development of China's ice and snow through our efforts." ”

Tong Jian said that the main direction of the Ice and Snow Dream Fund is to explore and promote the professionalization and standardized development of the ice and snow industry, and the future work will mainly focus on sports public welfare, sports reserve talent training, sports culture, sports international exchanges and sports technology.

Beijing News reporter Sun Haiguang

Edited by Wang Chunqiu Proofreader Li Lijun

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