
Tomorrow most of the province will have snow and cooling weather

author:Nine Weather Passes


Tomorrow most of the province will have snow and cooling weather




There will be snow tomorrow

The next three days

Cold air is still active in our province

Many places in the province

The dry pattern will still be maintained

There is light snow in some areas

Tomorrow most of the province will have snow and cooling weather

From the morning of the 15th to the morning of the 16th, there was a snowfall weather process in our province. Snowfall is mainly concentrated in the day to night on the 15th, of which Jilin, Baishan, Yanbian West, Changbai Mountain Reserve has small to medium snow, the amount of snowfall is 1 to 3 mm, individual places can reach more than 4 mm, the depth of new snow is generally 1 to 3 cm; other areas have light snow or sporadic snow, snowfall is 0.1 to 1 mm, the new snow is less than 1 cm, then the road surface may be more slippery, everyone should pay attention to traffic safety.

Tomorrow most of the province will have snow and cooling weather

At the same time as the snow falls, the temperature in our province drops from west to east, and the cumulative cooling range is generally 4 ~ 8 °C.

The minimum temperature in the morning of the 16-18 days is generally -19 ~ -24 °C, and some parts of the eastern mountain area can reach -25 ~ -29 °C.

Forecast for the next three days

From mid-afternoon to night today, the province is cloudy and sometimes sunny.

Tomorrow during the day, the province will be cloudy, and there will be light snow in Changchun, Jilin, Tonghua, Baishan, western Yanbian and Changbaishan reserves.

Tomorrow night to the day after tomorrow, the province will be cloudy, and there will be light snow in Jilin, Tonghua, Baishan, Yanbian and Changbai mountain reserves.

From the night of the 16th to the day of the 17th, the province was cloudy and sometimes sunny.

In the next 24 hours, the minimum temperature in the Baishan area will be about -23 degrees, and most other areas will be -19 to -14 degrees;

The maximum temperature in the western region is about -9 degrees, and in most other areas it is -5 to -1 degrees.

The minimum temperature in Changchun City in the next 24 hours: -14 degrees, the maximum temperature: -5 degrees.

It is expected that from this afternoon to tomorrow, there will be 3 to 4 southerly winds in the midwest to turn northwest winds, and other areas have about 3 westerly winds.

Tomorrow most of the province will have snow and cooling weather

Forecast for the next seven days

Tomorrow most of the province will have snow and cooling weather

Xiao Ji tips

First, snow cooling will lead to road icing and slippery roads, especially the amount of snow in the east is slightly larger, it is necessary to strengthen traffic safety management, timely clear road snow, and prevent traffic accidents.

Second, all localities should strengthen the management of agricultural production in facilities, promptly adopt cold and thermal insulation measures for sheds, and prevent frost damage to crops in sheds.

Third, the recent fluctuations in temperature fluctuations have been large, and all localities need to scientifically adjust heating intensity according to weather changes.

Fourth, the urban and rural masses should pay attention to doing a good job in preventing colds and warmth, and preventing the occurrence of colds, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Source of information | Jilin Meteorological Observatory

Jilin Meteorological Service Center

Editor, Preliminary Reviewer: Jia Xuemei

Review: Rao Yi

Final Judge: Zhang Xintong

Produced by Jilin Meteorological Service Center

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