
Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

Today's society, for women, is really a earth-shaking change. In the previous society, women only had to be their own housewives.

However, today's women are not only independent and autonomous, but also have to take care of their families, and their lives are very hard. Therefore, there are many women who are not willing to be bound by marriage, after all, a person is unrestrained.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

Now the technology is more developed, and you can still get pregnant and have children without getting married. The female CEO I'm talking about today is a living example.

This matter has aroused the attention and discussion of many netizens, and even been questioned. She was denounced as selfish, but there were still some people who were touched by her maternal love.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

Ye Haiyang was born in a poor and destitute family, and his life was very poor. Such a family cannot bring her any shortcuts, so if she wants to live a good life, she must be self-reliant.

In such an environment, Ye Haiyang was reborn in adversity, not afraid of suffering or tiredness, thus making a person who is bold in the art.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

In 2010, Ye Haiyang was engaged in the skincare industry, which allowed her to see a first-line business opportunity. Without strong strength, she can only rely on her own down-to-earth to start from the bottom.

Step by step to make the cause bigger and stronger, it is always a kung fu that pays off. With her years of hard work, as well as unique thinking and courage, she finally sat in the position of CEO.

She pioneered the beauty brand that was unanimously recognized by consumers, making her a lot of money. In the end, it is not easy to get a net worth of tens of millions, from a self-made person to such brilliant achievements now.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

The success of his career made Ye Haiyang suddenly feel that his feelings were empty. Seeing that the friends around her were all married and had children, she felt empty and lonely.

A thought came to her, she needed a home, a baby of her own, but she didn't want to get married. After all, people's lives are very long, and it is not easy to find someone to spend their lives with.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

After much deliberation, she decided to rely on technology to become a mother, so she decided to artificially conceive. She told her family and friends about the idea, but was rejected.

Because unmarried children will be pointed out by the surroundings, and the lack of fatherly companionship is not fair to children.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

What's more, working with children is very hard. The bitter persuasion was unsuccessful, but she still insisted on her own opinion, and she was convinced that she could give her child complete love.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

Ye Haiyang had heard that the best sperm in the United States was the best and decided to go to the United States. Since she is buying sperm, she has to buy the best quality.

In a sperm bank in the United States, Ye Haiyang spent a lot of money to buy 3 tubes of sperm, all of which are elites with high appearance and high IQ.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

After careful selection, watching the embryo implant into her womb, she clearly felt an inexplicable touch.

After spending about 500,000 yuan, after ten months of pregnancy, she finally gave birth to a cute daughter of mixed race.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

Women who have had children know that the process of conceiving life is really hard. Every time she had a pregnancy test, Ye Haiyang could see that other pregnant women were accompanied by their husbands, and she was suspicious of her decision.

Once depressed, until the moment he saw the girl being born, Ye Haiyang was ecstatic, and all the efforts were worth it. In order to give her daughter better care, Ye Haiyang transformed from a workaholic into a housewife.

Focus on the family, take care of everything about your daughter wholeheartedly, and strive to be the best. From breastfeeding to feeding, to accompanying and educating, Ye Haiyang is trying his best to play the dual role of father and mother.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

When the daughter began to explore how she came to be, Ye Haiyang also compiled a beautiful fairy tale. Told her daughter that she came out of a watermelon and bought a particularly large watermelon.

He dug it up and asked his daughter to stand in and take a photo as a souvenir.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

Now Ye Haiyang's daughter is 5 years old, lively and cute, and often sees the happiness of the two of them overflowing with words. Ye Haiyang did his best to let his daughter live in a loving environment, and also wrote 8 family letters filled with strong maternal love.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

In each family letter, we can see that it is full of love and beautiful expectations for our daughter. Her living conditions are really enviable now, but many netizens criticize her for being immoral.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

Because china itself is a traditional country, it has been subjected to traditional concepts since childhood, and some people have scolded her as "admiring the foreign country". However, there are still some people who support Ye Haiyang, who agree that she shows a new way of life for contemporary women.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

Such a way of life is desired by people because they do not have to be bound by tedious marriages.

After all, there are more and more widowed marriages in today's society, and it is better to live alone than to be tortured by marriage.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?


Although the female CEO's approach is controversial, everyone has their own way of living.

Especially now, many examples of widowed parenting are sounding alarm bells for us.

Female CEOs spend a lot of money to buy sperm and conceive, give birth to mixed-race daughters and become unmarried mothers, what is life like now?

It's not just families of men and women who can raise good children.

As long as the child can grow up in a healthy and loving environment, even if it is a single mother, it can still give the child complete love.

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