
Read "The Shawshank Redemption" in 17 minutes: The most powerful weapon of man is the courage to break through the cage

author:5 minutes to read

The birds trapped in the iron cage all long for the freedom outside, and the depression in the iron cage makes the birds full of curiosity about the outside world, and the nature of the birds makes them unable to accept the bondage.

Of course, over time, the birds' minds will change,

Some birds seem to be accustomed to the world in the iron cage, so they begin to be afraid of the outside world, afraid that they will not fly high, afraid of being hunted, and although the iron cage restricts it, it also achieves it.

Some birds, on the other hand, have long been accustomed to freedom, and the world in the iron cage makes them feel desperate, so they are eager to rush out of the iron cage, they look forward to the outside world, fantasizing about one day in the future, flying freely in the sky.

Hello everyone, today brings you "The Shawshank Redemption"

Read "The Shawshank Redemption" in 17 minutes: The most powerful weapon of man is the courage to break through the cage

"I" had just turned twenty and came to Shawshank Prison, where "I" was one of the few people who would happily admit his guilt.

"I" remember me saying that every prisoner in prison claimed to be innocent, that they had only encountered a hard-hearted judge, a false accusation by the police, or that their luck was too bad.

To tell the truth, most of these prisoners are not good people, and in "I"'s opinion, these people, whether for themselves or others, are not good, and their greatest misfortune is probably to be born into this world.

"I" was named Red and had committed murder.

Before entering Shawshank Prison, "I" insured my wife, who was three years older than me, with a huge amount of life insurance, and then used her hands and feet on the brakes of the Chevrolet sedan that her father gave us.

Everything went according to my plan, and unexpectedly, she stopped halfway and carried the neighbor's wife and her young son, who went into town together, but the car failed on the brakes in the middle of the road and crashed into a statue.

"I" didn't expect to be arrested, but "I" did miscalculate.

You ask "me", have I reformed? I can't answer because I don't understand what it means to reform.

At that time, "I" was born poor, but young and handsome, by chance, I met a rich woman, and soon after, "I" married a rich woman.

But before getting married, her father suddenly obstructed, demanding that "I" must go to work in his glasses company after marriage, and climb up "by my own strength".

I agreed, only to find out later that her father's real intention was to spy on "me," and in this way, my resentment toward him grew deeper and deeper, and eventually caused such consequences.

I don't know if I've reformed, but if I had been given another chance, I wouldn't have done it again.

However, what "I" really want to say is not my story, but The story of Andy Duffney, but before I can talk about Andy's story, "I" need to say something about my role in prison.

There is no death penalty in Maine, but the judge felt that "my" men had three murders, which were extremely heinous, so they finally sentenced me to three life sentences.

As a result, I would not have had the opportunity to parole for a long time. On days like these, "I" made myself the only person in Shawshank Prison.

"I" guess that every state prison and federal prison in the United States has a character like me, no matter what, can help you get, in addition to tobacco and alcohol, I can get a thousand other things to kill time in prison people.

Of course, I also have things that I don't touch, one is guns, one is drugs, because I don't want to help anyone kill myself or anyone else.

After all, I've killed enough in my heart, and for the rest of my life, I don't want to do anything to kill people.

Read "The Shawshank Redemption" in 17 minutes: The most powerful weapon of man is the courage to break through the cage

Andy came to Shawshank Prison in 1948, when Andy was thirty years old, a five-short figure, white and pure, with brown hair, small but dexterous hands, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and his nails were always neatly cut.

He looked like a man in a suit and tie to work.

Sure enough, before he went to jail, Andy was the vice president of the trust department of a large bank in Portland, and at his age, he sat in such a position, which was a bright future.

"I" have said that almost all prisoners in prison will claim to be innocent, but I think there are no more than ten of them who are truly innocent, and Andy is one of them.

Andy was imprisoned for murdering his wife Linda and Linda's lover.

It was a sensational case, three protagonists, one was a beautiful woman with a wide range of friends, one was a local athlete, and the defendant was a famous young entrepreneur.

Coupled with the newspaper's portrayal of the scandal, the inspection authorities believe that the case is almost overwhelmingly evidenced, so no matter what the young entrepreneur says, the end result is that he committed the crime.

This case, in itself, is an excellent court show.

The night Linda and her lover were killed, Andy and Linda met, and he drank, but he didn't do anything stupid.

The prosecutor asked him to describe what really happened that night, and Andy avoided answering, but he actually had some thoughts in his mind.

"I" and Andy spent seven years working together, from nodding to being fairly close friends, so, one evening in 1955, "I" got Andy's idea out.

Looking back on that night again, Andy felt that he was really unlucky.

It seemed to him that after he left Linda's house, there must have been a stranger who happened to pass by, either a robber or a neurotic, and walked in and killed them, and he became a sinner and was imprisoned in Shawshank.

It may be as simple as that, but he will spend the rest of his life in the airtight prison of Shawshank.

Five years after Andy came to Shawshank, he applied for parole, but he was unsuccessful, even though he was a model prisoner.

In fact, when a person is branded with murder, if you want to leave Shawshank, you have to wait, and this wait may have to wait until death.

Because the seven members of the parole hearing are not easy to bribe, nor are they good at coaxing them with sweet words, at the hearing, money cannot make the ghost grind.

Read "The Shawshank Redemption" in 17 minutes: The most powerful weapon of man is the courage to break through the cage

Andy first came into contact with "me" in the summer of 1948, he came to ask me to buy something, Andy did not like greetings, straight to the point, he wanted to trouble "I" to help him get a hammer to knock stones.

"I" accepted it, and the next morning "I" gave him the hammer, and for nineteen years "I" never saw the hammer again, and by the time I saw it, it was worn out and unusable.

The following Sunday, Andy walked up to me again on the sports field, his appearance was a little miserable, his lower lips were swollen like sausages, and his eyes were swollen and he couldn't open them.

Don't think about it, he should have clashed with the "sisters" again, but he never mentioned it, and when he found me, he just said a word of thanks and left.

For the next six months, "I" didn't see him much, and I heard that he was alone in the confinement room.

"I" know that this matter is still related to those "sisters.". "Sister" in Shawshenkry is the name homosexual.

Most people are no stranger to sodomy in prison, but there are different forms of homosexuality in prison, some because they can't stand a sexless life, so they make friends with men, and some of them have a male sexual orientation before coming to prison.

These people are often long-term offenders of the most heinous crimes, and their prey is some young, thin and inexperienced prisoners.

So, in the case of andy, a seemingly weak-looking prisoner, it was easy for them to be dragged into the narrow passage behind the shower and washing machine and commit a violation.

If "I" were telling a fairy tale, I would tell you that Andy resisted until they gave up. But you know, prison is not a fairytale world.

Andy did resist them, but only for the first time, his strength could not withstand a group of people. The first time, they didn't succeed, and the second time, they blocked Andy in the narrow passage behind the laundry room.

Andy first picked up a bowl of catalyst and threatened them, but when he stepped back, he accidentally fell, and as a result, they rushed up and "rounded" Andy.

After going through this incident alone, Andy came to a conclusion: there were only two ways to deal with this group of sisters, either to fight and then lose, or to admit it from the beginning.

So, Andy decided to fight with them.

When the sisters followed Andy a week later, Andy fought back, breaking a man's nose, but it didn't take long before the three men joined forces to subdue him.

They rounded up Andy again and asked Himdy to swallow something disgusting. Andy's attitude was still very tough, and he said fiercely: "If you put anything in my mouth, you will lose that thing." ”

Those people thought he was crazy, but because of Andy's words, they didn't dare to put anything in Andy's mouth, and no one dared to do it again.

Read "The Shawshank Redemption" in 17 minutes: The most powerful weapon of man is the courage to break through the cage

One morning in the fall of 1948, Andy found "me" again on the sports field and asked me if I could get a dozen polished stone cloths for him.

Five months later, Andy asked me if I could get Rita Hayworth for him, and when he asked me, "I" suddenly wanted to laugh, and he always acted very calm.

But that night, he was a little restless, even a little embarrassed, and his face was even red like a child who wanted to steal his brother's ID card to see Xiang Yanxiu.

Only later did "I" understand the true usefulness of the poster.

Since Andy and the sisters resisted, they all seemed to be quieter, but there were still a few sisters who came to harass Andy.

Andy knows that once he is soft, there will never be a peaceful day, so Andy still chooses to fight hard, and as a result, his face often appears to hang up.

In late 1949, he also went to the infirmary for a broken cheek bone. Because he always fought back, he was often held in solitary confinement. However, Andy is not afraid of loneliness.

Andy got rid of those "sisters" completely in 1950.

Because at that time, Andy used his financial expertise to help the guard Harley, legally exempting a large amount of inheritance tax. And took this as an opportunity to go to work in the library.

Andy's presence seemed to become important, and he was transferred out of the laundry room and into a more advanced place.

But if you look at it from another angle, you will find that Andy's job has never changed, except that Andy used to wash dirty sheets, and now washes black money. And this is done for more than ten years.

For people in prison, time is slow, sometimes you may think that time has long stopped turning, but in fact, time is disappearing bit by bit,

One day in 1958, "I" looked in the mirror in my cell and saw a middle-aged man in his forties looking at me in the mirror, and the teenager who came in in 1938 had long since disappeared with time.

"I" suddenly became a little frightened, after all, no one wants to grow old in prison.

In the same year, Shawshank's warden, Dunahy, was reported to have made black money, and the next warden, Sturma, immediately took his place, while the black money continued to run.

In 1959, Stema also left, when many reporters came in to investigate Shawshenkri's dark scenes, but before they could swing their bats, Stema had already escaped.

Read "The Shawshank Redemption" in 17 minutes: The most powerful weapon of man is the courage to break through the cage

Andy was not implicated in the Stema Incident, and in early 1959, a new warden arrived, named Sam Norton. After he made Andy an ordinary prisoner for eight months, he let Andy do the work he had done before.

Andy once again became the warden's money laundering tool, but Andy added many new books to the library. The days seemed to be getting flat.

Within a few years, Andy met a prisoner named Tommy.

In 1962, Tommy came to Shawshank, where he considered himself a native of Massachusetts, but he was not proud of it, and during his twenty-seven years of life, as a professional thief, he spent all over The New England prisons.

Tommy later likes Andy, who is so confused that he has fallen into a place like prison, he asks Andy this question himself, and Andy naturally does not answer.

So, while Tommy was working in the laundry room, he asked the other prisoners in the prison about Andy, and after the prisoner finished speaking, Tommy was stunned, the work was not done, and finally he was locked up.

It was February 1963, Tommy was released from the confinement cell, he asked six or seven old prisoners, about Andy, "I" was also one of the people who were asked, when I asked why he cared about this, Tommy did not say anything.

One day, Tommy went to the library and said a lot to Andy, and "I" saw Andy suddenly panicking, the only time Thaty was out of control.

"I" later found out what Tommy had said and learned why Andy had lost his composure.

It turns out that Tommy's roommate, Bracci, is the murderer of Andy's wife and her lover.

The evening to today When Tommy goes to look for Andy, Andy runs to the captain of the guard and makes an appointment to see Norton, the warden, the next day.

And that night, Andy didn't close his eyes all night, he stared at the cement walls of Shawshank Prison,

Over time, he seemed to have forgotten the world outside the wall, and Tommy's words suddenly opened the cage inside him, and the name of the cage was "Hope".

However, Andy did not get his wish in the end. Norton did not let him go, because Norton's heart, afraid that After Andy really got out of prison, he would say something unfavorable to him.

Since then, Andy has been depressed for a long time, until the beginning of the professional baseball game in 1967, and Andy's heart began to feel a little excited.

Read "The Shawshank Redemption" in 17 minutes: The most powerful weapon of man is the courage to break through the cage

On the night after the baseball game, Andy took the initiative to talk to "me" for the first time, and he talked about escaping from prison, and his eyes were full of longing for the outside world, which was freedom, the sound of the waves by the beach.

At that time, "I" did not know what would happen, but like him, I looked forward to the outside world, but "I" was a little hesitant, staying in Shawshank for half a lifetime, the outside world, can "I" withstand it?

Since then, Andy has continued to do the library work as usual. Unexpectedly, on March 12, 1975, Andy escaped from Shawshank.

It turned out that from the moment Andy asked "me" for a small hoe, Andy had already thought of a plan to escape, he was digging a hole with that small hoe every day, and then using the large poster he bought to cover the hole, and the stones he chiseled out were polished into small crafts by the sandpaper he bought from "me".

And all this, "I" have no knowledge.

Andy escaped from the sewer he had dug through, perhaps knowing that the sewer pipe was a stream that led to five hundred yards from the prison.

I couldn't imagine how much Andy had endured in that pipe, and if it were me, I would have been driven mad by the claustrophobic atmosphere, but he managed to escape.

He fled to the free world outside.

"I" left prison at the age of fifty-eight, and after thirty-eight years of hearings and repeated rejections, "I" finally passed my application for parole, thinking that it should be because "I" was old and could not make any waves.

At first, "I" didn't adapt to the outside world, and I used to paint prisons as a microcosm of the outside world, but I didn't know that the outside world had changed so much.

Read "The Shawshank Redemption" in 17 minutes: The most powerful weapon of man is the courage to break through the cage

In early April 1977, I went to the small town of Bucksden for a vacation, and this place suddenly reminded me of what Andy said:

There is a large pasture to the north of the town of Buxton, and to the north of the pasture there is a stone wall, and at the bottom of the stone wall there is a stone, which is a piece of volcanic rock glass.

So, I started looking for this place.

On April 23rd, it was a pleasant afternoon, and I walked and found the meadow.

And underneath, there was a letter with my name on it, and Ity's neat handwriting, and he invited me to work with him, and he said that "hope" is a good thing and the best thing in the world.

"I" was somewhat unnaturally excited, strengthened my conviction, and in that moment embarked on an uncertain journey towards an uncertain future.

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