
Xu Jiayin's final "chips" have been put on the table, and Evergrande can turn the tables in one fell swoop!

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Today to talk to you about: Xu Jiayin's final "chips" have been put on the table, can Evergrande turn over in this move!

Xu Jiayin's final "chips" have been put on the table, and Evergrande can turn the tables in one fell swoop!

In recent days, Evergrande's ups and downs, it can be said that the people of the country follow the heart, good or bad mixed news continues to emerge, with a hand of "baojiao" agreement, plus the entire December handover of more than 39,000 sets, to save a certain degree of public trust, but then by the illegal construction of Haihua Island, prompting Evergrande's reputation to once again cast a shadow!

In the case of the continuous cooling of the domestic property market, Evergrande wants to counterattack through real estate, basically impossible, fortunately, Evergrande began to layout the transformation a long time ago, as early as last year, Xu Jiayin formulated the corresponding transformation goals, which mentioned that the sales of real estate, from the original 700 billion to 200 billion, in the next ten years, will focus on the new energy vehicle market.

Xu Jiayin's final "chips" have been put on the table, and Evergrande can turn the tables in one fell swoop!

Potential of the new energy vehicle market

Evergrande does not have scientific and technological attributes, similar to cloud services, AI artificial can only wait for the future industry, Evergrande in the short term is certainly no way to layout, and the only feasible solution is to lay out new energy vehicles, although Evergrande does not have the relevant experience and technology, but in the short term technology can rely on the introduction, in the form of an "assembly plant" to participate in the market layout, after having independent technology, in the gradual replacement of the introduced technology.

Although the overall sales of new energy vehicles are not high, but the market value is unusually high, take Tesla, Musk with its market value, directly jumped to the world's highest market value of the car company, a number of fuel car companies behind, but also became the world's richest, and many domestic new energy car companies, also do not have high sales, but the market value is unusually high.

Xu Jiayin's final "chips" have been put on the table, and Evergrande can turn the tables in one fell swoop!

It can be seen that new energy vehicles are the world's optimistic sunrise industry, is the real estate industry is going downhill can not be matched, the car belongs to consumables, and the house belongs to the assets, the profit difference is naturally very large, and the cash cycle of real estate is too long, and is not conducive to the development of the enterprise itself, and the automotive industry can pay money with one hand and deliver the goods, which can give the enterprise more room for development.

For Evergrande at this stage, the most important point is that new energy vehicles can be laid out in overseas markets, this market is still relatively blank, the development cycle of new energy technology is only more than ten years, to know that the entire development cycle of fuel vehicles has gone through a hundred years, so the prospects of the entire industry are still very broad, which is the only opportunity that Evergrande can grasp.

Xu Jiayin's final "chips" have been put on the table, and Evergrande can turn the tables in one fell swoop!

As early as 2017, Xu Jiayin began to invest in the new energy vehicle market, it is reported that before and after invested more than 50 billion yuan, the acquisition of a large number of matching auto parts manufacturers, but also developed some of their own technology, so Evergrande in this field is not without any advantages, as long as it can be deeply cultivated in the field of new energy vehicles, Evergrande turnaround is still expected.

The final "chips" have emerged

Just on January 12th, Evergrande came with long-lost good news, its first new energy vehicle Hengchi 5 has officially rolled off the production line, exactly 12 days earlier than the original time, which is a timely rain for the current Evergrande, which has also become Evergrande's final "chip", whether it can be overturned in this move.

Xu Jiayin's final "chips" have been put on the table, and Evergrande can turn the tables in one fell swoop!

The off-line of a car means that it has undergone layers of testing, and has reached the level of commercialization in terms of warranty, and soon Hengchi 5 will enter the mass production stage, and it is expected that it will officially start selling after three months, and the final sales of this car will become the hope of Evergrande whether it has any hope of turning over.

If this car can achieve good sales, then Evergrande Automobile will definitely attract the attention of capital, once a company regains the value of investment, then some of the previous operating problems will also be infinitely reduced, capitalists will take the initiative to contribute the resources and funds that they should have, if they can really reach this step, it means that Evergrande will successfully survive this crisis.

Xu Jiayin's final "chips" have been put on the table, and Evergrande can turn the tables in one fell swoop!

Xu Jiayin's goal

For now, both the outside world and Evergrande are very optimistic about its new energy vehicle business, and the person in charge of Evergrande's new energy automobile business has confidently stated: "The goal of production and sales of one million will be achieved in 2025, and the goal of 2035 will break through to 5 million vehicles!" ”

Of course, such self-confidence must be based on capital, the current Evergrande obviously does not have such strength, the follow-up also needs to get the support of capitalists, but according to the current development posture, there are already many capitalists began to move, after all, all enterprises are participating in the layout of the new energy vehicle market, and even many Internet companies are cross-border production of new energy vehicles, capitalists naturally can not let go of such an outlet.

Xu Jiayin's final "chips" have been put on the table, and Evergrande can turn the tables in one fell swoop!

Indeed, 2 trillion yuan of debt, for any enterprise is quite a lot of pressure, but for today's Evergrande, the layout of the new energy vehicle business is successful, which means that a new revenue growth point has been found, as long as Xu Jiayin can run this business well, it is not hopeless to retreat from the whole body, what do you think about it?

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