
Am I an actor whose audience can't name me?

author:Entertaining books

#李立群辟谣沈腾给自己补片酬 #

Am I an actor whose audience can't name me?

When he was young, Li Liqun did not want to do acting the last thing

It was a very familiar yesterday. Taiwanese actor Li Liqun did not expect that a night in Beijing would let him relive the years of running the dock many years ago.

When Li Liqun says "yesterday," he means the three years from the age of twenty-nine to the age of thirty-two. At that time, every night, he held a dress, wore a trench coat, sat on his brother's motorcycle, and shuttled through Taipei's large and small nightclubs. At most, seven runs a day.

At that time, he had just won the "Golden Bell Award" for Best Actor, which is the professional praise that many TV actors dream of.

Am I an actor whose audience can't name me?

"Actors who are a little well-known are not willing to put down their bodies to go to the catwalk, but I think that is a skill, you have to practice." People who watch my show either bring their girlfriends to fall in love or bring their partners to talk about business. It is very challenging for you to let people put down their knives and forks, not to talk about love, not to talk about business, and to laugh after watching your show. ”

Years later, recalling these old memories, Li Liqun was calm and relaxed. But in that year, it took him many years to convince himself to get back on the stage.

Li Liqun was born in 1952 in a military family. His father graduated from the twelfth term of the Whampoa Military Academy and spent his life in the military. After coming to Taiwan, his father shook his head and sighed more about the three-year civil war, hoping that his son would no longer join the army and pursue a decent and well-paid profession. Li Liqun spent three years to be admitted to the five-year maritime commercial college. It was the golden age of seafarers, when the monthly salary of civil servants on the island was only NT$1,200, but seafarers could earn 20,000 yuan a month.

The first connection with the performance was in the second year of haizhuan, when the youth theater troupe had just been established and recruited to the outside world. "Those teachers were really a temporary choice, several of them were from the Chongqing Art College during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the teachers who taught us stage art are still the number one stage designers in Taiwan today." It is hard to believe that an off-campus student theater troupe has such a luxurious faculty lineup that is the envy of professional drama schools. Li Liqun would not have thought that a blind hit and a mistake in his student days would help him regain his vitality in the narrow road of fate many years later.

Am I an actor whose audience can't name me?

After completing his military service, Li Liqun bid farewell to his career as a seaman. "Seafarers live too unhealthily, seeing their families once a year and floating at sea for years. When I was young, it was romantic to work for a year or two, and I couldn't stand it for a lifetime. ”

Since then, he has tried many jobs: used car shop clerk, cake shop delivery man, carpet company clerk, blind massage parlor driver, car painter... Just like the drifting youth of Taipei youth under the lens of Yang Dechang or Cai Mingliang, in those one or two years, the electric bicycle dragged Li Liqun in his early twenties and shuttled through the streets of Taipei day by day.

His last career before entering show business was a long-term job at a mountain farm on the outskirts of Taipei, growing apples, building houses, and feeding pigs, which he worked for a whole year.

"My father used to criticize me for 'doing one line of grievances and one line of complaints'. I ended up in the TV series as Instant Noodles

The first time Li Liqun walked into a TELEVISION production company, he met Lu Guanghao, a director and voice actor who became popular with a good voice. "He was making a show, and when he saw me, he asked, can you go?" I said no. He said, can't you go now? I said I could not go. He immediately turned his head and said to the producer, quick, add some drama to him, and warm up first. ”

The day after the meeting, Li Liqun appeared in front of the camera, and the next week, the new script arrived, and Li Liqun played the male number one. This play is the "Love Today" that made him known for the first time by many TV viewers.

Why can a fledgling guy be so clearly figured out by a professional production agency what he can do and what to do. Actually, the last thing I want to do is acting, but I only do this. A lot of TV agencies went around looking for a group of people from our youth theater troupe, and then I went down the mountain. ”

There are no weak soldiers under the strong generals, and because the youth theater troupe is trained by a group of famous teachers, many of their works have been taken by professional theater groups to observe, and those young faces on the stage have long made some television production agencies aspire to success. Interestingly, among the student actors of that year, only Li Liqun later made a living from acting.

The TV series is instant noodles

Why is a fledgling guy able to be accepted so quickly by a professional production organization? How did he get to shoot a sixty-episode TV series only once? Li Liqun is most grateful to the youth troupe of that year.

At the age of twenty-four, he participated in the drama "A Mouth of The Box", which tells the story of the eldest and the third brother and the difficult brother who are dismissed by the boss and find a way out together. Li Liqun played the male number one boss, he still remembers it to this day, when a piece of paper lines, acting instructor Wang Qilin grinded with him for a whole month, although the last on the stage is only a few minutes.

"It wasn't until that time that I really knew what a thorough Stanislavsky system was. It was that performance that made me say goodbye to the old method of acting. ”

The opening of stage performances led Li Liqun to his initial conversion to the art of theater. Because of this, he was full of disgust for TV dramas for a long time.

"All the delicious food, must take a lot of thought and time, the dumplings are very laborious, rolling the skin, chopping the filling, wrapping well, cooking." Making fried sauce noodles is also cumbersome and has many ingredients. Only instant noodles, five minutes can be. Tv drama is instant noodles, and it has accomplished many things in a very short period of time. The performance needs to be simmered slowly, you put Al Pacino in Hengdian Film and TELEVISION City, let him shoot a forty-five-minute TV series a day, shoot five pages a day, within three days, he is not crazy! ”

This attitude towards TV dramas not only allowed him to take a long time to compete with his heart, but also allowed him to eventually part ways with his later partner Lai Shengchuan. The reason for convincing yourself to engage in TV dramas comes from the feeling that you have been filming for many years: "Now is to let you make instant noodles, then make good noodles." Instant noodles can also be delicious, and in those five minutes, you can add some green onions and some greens. Negating the TV series also negates their own living environment. ”

In his third year of official entry, with the TV series "Qingsu Pity Me I Pity Qing" adapted from Chaplin's film "City Lights", Li Liqun won the first award of his career and the highest award for television on the island: "Golden Bell Award" for Best Actor. Many Taipeiers find that in addition to being in front of the TV, the new Christie can always be seen in Western restaurants and nightclubs. In addition to practicing the kung fu that Li Liqun wanted, the income of NT$400,000 and 500,000 a month was also very tempting for him at that time.

In the interval between a run, Li Liqun came to the Lanling Opera Workshop, where he saw a new play "Picking Stars". This play about children with intellectual disabilities did a lot of fieldwork at the beginning of its creation, and it was collectively completed by the directors and actors involved in the play in an improvised way. The director is Lai Shengchuan, who returned from his studies in the United States, and this kind of creation is the "collective improvisation" that was later named after the "performance workshop".

"'Picking Stars' has won my heart," Li Liqun said, "and there is an important reason why I gave up the stage to enter the TV series, that is, there is no one in our stage theater industry to make me more progressive, and I can't provide them with any help." However, the appearance of Lai Shengchuan made me think that I might return to the stage again. ”

As he said, the folk theater troupe founded by Lai Shengchuan, Li Liqun and Li Guoxiu came into being in 1984. In the Ming Dynasty, there was a troupe named "Zheng Workshop", and Li Liqun named the new troupe accordingly: Performance Workshop. The workshop is to emphasize the handmade texture and creative beauty of theater art. "I am the boss and actor, and Lai Shengchuan is the boss and artistic director." Li Liqun said.

Leave the performance workshop

When Li Liqun carefully prepared for his return to the theater, Lai Shengchuan, who was full of ambition, was also brewing a more intense release. At that time, what deeply stung the returnee doctor of drama was the rapid decline of traditional arts on the island.

"Crosstalk died too suddenly. When I studied abroad in 1978, crosstalk was still very common. When I came back in 1983, many record store owners didn't know what crosstalk was. It seems that a living and important performing artist never existed, which is too surreal. After seven months of desk creation, Lai Shengchuan took out the sacrifice article dedicated to traditional cross-talk, "That Night, We Say Cross-Talk".

Am I an actor whose audience can't name me?

On the stage, Wang Dibao, played by Li Liqun, and Shun Tianxiao, played by Feng Yigang, interjected between teasing, and never ushered in the appearance of the "cross-talk master", but the Taiwan Theater ushered in a new era. Scalpers, who had not been out for many years, began to pour up the tickets for the performance, and the tickets for one hundred and fifty yuan were speculated by them to more than two thousand, and even the tickets for the "Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall" were sold out within two hours. The first battle was successful, and the performance workshop became famous.

When he was a student, Li Liqun encountered a dispute between his own troupe and another folk music troupe for the venue. When he told Lai Shengchuan about this past, the other party had a thought: such a dislocation may have sown the seeds of drama. The group of young people who returned to the theater to open up their careers, in the cultural environment of the early 1980s, the biggest feeling was that life was full of too much helplessness, but they could not start again. In addition to the sadness of the home country, these deep sighs were finally transformed into the second work of the performance workshop, "Crush on Peach Blossom Garden". Lao Tao, played by Li Liqun, is still one of the most classic roles in his stage career to this day.

In the eyes of a considerable number of drama critics, taiwanese theaters have truly achieved "experimental and mass coexistence" and "elegant and popular appreciation", which began with "Crush on Peach Blossom Garden". In addition to Li Liqun, Jin Shijie, Liu Liangzuo, Xiao Ai, Ding Naizheng, Feng Yigang, Zhao Ziqiang, etc., almost all of Taiwan's best stage actors gathered here. Since then, the performance workshop has also become a synonym for the top brand of Taiwanese theater art with "Taiwan Strange Tan", "Must Be Hospitalized", "Red Sky" and cross-talk drama series.

In the third year of the establishment of the performance workshop, Li Guoxiu withdrew due to the failure of the operation. When Lai Shengchuan was the head of the department of the University of the Arts, he invited Li Liqun to be a professor, but he refused. "Guo Xiu is no longer here, you have to be the head of the department again, I will leave again, who will come to see the store?"

The real breakup was in 1995. Lai Shengchuan decided to take over the creation of the three-hundred-episode longevity drama "Our Family Is Human" at that time. This creative method of reading newspapers in the morning, creating immediately at noon, and going into the studio to broadcast live in the evening is indeed born out of Lai's "collective improvisation", but Li Liqun resolutely opposes it. "Lai Shengchuan thinks this is a kind of ability and glory, but I think this is a kind of destruction, which will destroy the inertia of the actor, but he just can't understand it." Li Liqun believes that good drama is grinded out. And this kind of high-intensity creation requires the actor to complete the emotional combination in a state of extreme excitement. "The actors are almost morphine," the bigger tragedy is, "when these actors come back to the stage, our plays will have more and more strong TV drama flavor." If this stage is televised, then it is no longer the stage in my heart."

Am I an actor whose audience can't name me?

Xiao Cui said things

"'Our Family Is Human' is a good one, and it's a cage of unsweeted steamed buns." Li Liqun's statement hurt Lai Shengchuan very much at that time. But to this day, he hasn't changed his mind. "Obviously it takes forty minutes to steam the steamed buns, and you use boiling water to soak them as steamed buns. I know it hurts him, but it's my gut. ”

The two had a heated debate about this. After the debate was fruitless, Li Liqun sold his shares in the performance workshop. Since then, in public, Lai Shengchuan has rarely mentioned their breakup. Running a performance workshop for eleven years, Li Liqun did not indirectly TV drama here. In the gap between drama creation, in order to help his friends, he made cameo appearances in several costume dramas by Yang Peipei, "August Laurel Flowers", "Spring to Spring and Back", and "Blue Sea Love Sky". Many young generations of mainland audiences have begun to know Li Liqun through these plays.

After leaving the performance workshop, Li Liqun came to the mainland to develop. To this day, he still believes that the mainland is the workplace, Taiwan is the hometown, and Canada is the homeland. In addition to him, his wife and three children are in Canada. He has not signed a brokerage company in his life, and he also signed a contract with a mainland company this year. He admits that the reason why there has been no way to stop this kind of artist life with his family is because of economic reasons. He once took out all his savings to invest in his friends, but because of investment mistakes, everything outside his body was turned into a cloud. Talking about these past events, he seemed to be talking about others. When it comes to acting, he is tirelessly like a trainer. During the laughter, he suddenly asked me in an authentic Beijing accent: "Am I the kind of actor whose audience is very familiar with his face but can't be named?" ”

Dialogue with Li Liqun

People Weekly: You were convinced to make TV dramas, why didn't you agree with Lai Shengchuan to let the acting workshop do TV dramas?

Li Liqun: It is okay to engage in television, so let's quiet down, spend half a year or a year, create a script of twenty or thirty episodes, and shoot it in a disciplined manner. This does not destroy the actors, does not kill, and can protect them from fighting in another battlefield. But if you don't say anything, read the newspaper in the morning to absorb the news, start writing the general structure at noon, and perform live in the evening, I don't agree.

People Weekly: You're very demanding of acting.

Li Liqun: When you look at the plays of these actors in Beijing Renyi now, the taste of television is getting stronger and stronger, because they have been cultivated in the TV environment for a long time, and the color and stage personality of those old actors who have not acted in TV dramas are completely different.

I have been in the stage drama for so many years, and then I came to the mainland to act in TV dramas, and you will still think, how can Li Liqun act in such a bad drama. Those young children did not have the same skill as me, which was tantamount to letting our actors fight naked in the face of the sophisticated equipment of the enemy's aircraft cannons.

People Weekly: Is Lai Shengchuan's decision motivated by the need for business expansion?

Li Liqun: If our actors had concentrated on acting on stage plays, the box office would have been enough to feed them, and when they reached the time when they had deep skills, they would not be able to ruin much. I used to hope that the stage troupe in Taipei could support many professional stage actors, but if this road does not work, there will be no proud group of actors in this city.

Today you go to London, and they casually show you the first-line, second-line, and third-line Shakespeare troupes, and you will be satisfied. But can we bring out today the same level of Beijing's human art as it was twenty years ago, even if it is a regiment? Everyone is busy acting in TV series and movies, and stage training will definitely be abandoned.

People Weekly: After Lai Shengchuan's series of improvisations, did he have personal bloat in creation?

Li Liqun: We can't talk about inflation. Lai Shengchuan is a humble person, just too confident. He has never been in a TV series, and he doesn't know how lethal the TV series is. He later engaged in it, claiming to be successful, but the more successful it was, the greater the destructive power would be. Children who have just graduated from college for four or five years have become cannon fodder when they are pushed into the war.

Stage drama is still the cradle of drama today, and this art has to face itself alone for a long time. If you have to make a big meal with instant noodles, you are miserable. "Our Family Is Human" is no matter how good it is, it is a cage of unsweeted steamed buns.

People Weekly: Are you still in contact with Lai Shengchuan?

Li Liqun: Rarely, his daughter did not notify me of her marriage, and I don't know many things about him. I think that misunderstanding is also a very subjective misunderstanding, it is not important, is to feel sorry, why are we both so communicative, in the end we can not work together?

We will never blush, because we cannot forget the feelings of those eleven years of suffering. At that time, that kind of creative loneliness, we supported each other. But such a good friend, just can't be together, what can you let me say?

People Weekly: Which of the characters you create that you remember the most?

Li Liqun: There is no role, and the most memorable thing is time. I miss the eleven years of the performance workshop very much, because I got married and had children, won the "Golden Bell Award", and continued to create good plays in the performance workshop. Every day's life is to go home after rehearsing the play, and then go home after acting, all the socializing is given to Lai Shengchuan, that time is happy; there is also time in the youth theater troupe, there is no pressure at that time, I want friends to get dressed and go to them to play; in the three years of the Western restaurant show, I and Yang Dechang and Hou Xiaoxian in the countryside home archery time, drinking small wine, talking about creation, talking about women, nothing else.

People Weekly: What about the mainland in the past fifteen years?

Li Liqun: I cherish the fifteen years of life in the mainland, but I don't miss it. These fifteen years are unforgettable memories, the waste of my family life, and my suffering. Even being reunited with my family afterwards will not make up for it, but it is something I have to accept, and all these years, I am especially lonely inside.

People Weekly: This kind of life, you can stop at any time and go to the family reunion.

Li Liqun: My expenses are very large. I have invested for ten years, and if I do not collapse, my grandfather is now happy at home. The wife said that there was not enough food to save, said how much money the children still had to live, how much money our loans were not paid, how much of our insurance premiums were paid, and we were counting all day long. Taiwan's television dramas are now shrinking badly, and television stations use the least amount of money to buy plays from other countries, desperate to reduce costs. I need to make money, and the mainland film remuneration is much higher than ours, so now this kind of life, I can't stop.

Am I an actor whose audience can't name me?
Am I an actor whose audience can't name me?


People Weekly: But now mainland TV dramas are also a bad market with serious bubbles, and young people are not as hard as you did in your time.

Li Liqun: The TV series itself is a kind of drama that allows the audience to watch idle, it is like tap water, forced into every family. As a market, commodity awareness is slowly being built. Young handsome men and women can rely on the innate art given by their parents to fool around for a few years, may be mixed well, and when they start to go downhill, they find that they have to work hard, use some work, and the talented people come up again, and the talented people disappear. We don't say no, because we ourselves are still facing the confusion of acting all the time, so we can't think that young people are right or wrong, that is just a phenomenon.

The only thing I could do was to play every scene, and no matter how tired I was, I would do my best with the physical strength of the time. I still want to think of a way, there is little fuel left, I fly low, I act slowly, with low energy, I can also act well.

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